Welcome to SDK Shooting Association Winter

SDKSkyt is an independent municipally approved and democratic shooting association established in 2012.

We are a member of DGI Nordsjælland, Skydesport Denmark (Danish Shooting Union in DIF) and Shindenkan Denmark.

The shooting association was established as a result of the international and very successful POMW – Project Old Modern Warrior project (2011-2013).

The POMW project was established by Shindenkan Honbu Dojo Lejre's Competence and Development Centre.

SDKSkyt consists of SDKSkyt Summer and SDKSkyt Winter, which are located outdoors at Hanebjerg Shooting Center, Hillerød and indoors at Tapeten, Ballerup.

About the SDK Shooting Association

SDK Shooting Association

SDK Shooting Association is in everyday speech called SDKSkyt and is a shooting association where there is room for everyone who wants to train DIF/DGI shooting disciplines, regardless of age and gender. Everyone is welcome as a family, as an exerciser or as an elite athlete.

SDKSkyt currently has 61 members per 31.12.2022, and during the winter season has had a training room at Tapeten 2750, Ballerup, since 2012.

In SDKSkyt, we are an independent member of DGI Nordsjælland, Shooting Sport Denmark (Danish Shooting Union in DIF) and Shindenkan Denmark.

Read more about SDKSkyt on the separate website; www.sdkskyt.dk

SDKSkyt offers the following shooting courses in collaboration with Shindenkan Honbu Dojo
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There is so much to learn😊

About SDKSkyt

All democratically elected board members and shooting instructors are trained DGI/DIF shooting leaders. Several are also trained DSF IPSC Range Officer, A+ and B+ safety licence. SDKSkyt chief instructor is fully trained as a long- and short-range shooter in Denmark and the USA by the absolute best internationally in each of their fields of expertise. Shooting is therefore done at distances from 7m to 1,800+ m in SDKSkyt. Several instructors have trained, shot and jugded at shooting matches around the world, including Denmark, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Spain, Thailand, the Philippines and more than 10 different states in the United States.

There are no board members who store weapons and ammunition privately.

What is the POMW project - Project Old Modern Warrior?
Five Teams (2011-2023) with a total of 115 students, have completed a successful POMW process


The POMW project was a large international Shindenkan project from 2011-2014. POMW stands for Project Old Modern Warrior. The project arose from the eternal internal and external theoretical discussions about if the multi-track 1,000-year-old martial art system; Yakami Shinsei-ryu had any relevance in the modern world of firearms.

The POMW project set out to turn theory into practice and settle this once and for all, according to recognized and accepted international principles and standards.

The starting point for POMW was the theory of the old Japanese martial art grandmaster, Minouchi Sensei, that it was quite easy to answer, since it was the person behind the weapon who made the biggest and decisive difference, regardless of time period, place and weapon development. And so it has always been in history.


The POMW project was initiated with the greatest risk to the Shindenkan organization, as none of the project main forces had prior firearms or competence experience. This, in turn, also gave the project the very highest credibility.

In addition, it was crucial whether a learning and teaching concept could be developed on the basis of the POMW project conclusions, so that the results could be repeated again and again, and thus could not be attributed to "special talent".


The result was a large international project that included Europe, the USA and Asia, where the worlds absolute most reputable shooting legends for decades, military and civilian, willingly passed on their lifes shooting essence within their shooting tip competence; Revolver, Pistol, fully automatic rifles, rifle and ultra long range shooting. It thus also became the most expensive project in Shindenkan history to date, but attracted great international recognition on several levels. But it also caused great opposition from certain groups and countries.

The results are fact-based, as the competence standard is according to the international competence shooting standard, within pistol, rifle and long-range shooting.


The international static shooting competence standard has been fixed throughout the project and subsequent tests of the projects conclusions and goals.
The decisive difference has been that the dynamic learning processes and essence methodologies are completely structured according to Shindenkan Yakami Shinsei-ryu syllabus handbook and toolbox.

The POMW project was as usual based on the Shindenkan Honbu project department; Shindenkan Competence and Development Center (SCDC). It has all major international projects in Shindenkan, with SOPORG as the steering group.

SOPORG is the day-to-day national operating committee, which consists of the democratically elected Federation Chairman and Deputy Chairman, Honbu's chairman and deputy chairman, and usually one additional democratically elected top management representative from Shindenkan.

Example of "Living POMW process flow" Team 5,
learning structure from August 18 to October 6, 2019

7 weeks of training, 7 wet training sessions and POMW dry training – The 10 steps

  1. Security, Security, Security, – or DQ.
  2. POMW 1A; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; The development, history and purpose of shooting; 5½ hours.
  3. POMW 1B; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; Range shooting & Transitions shooting, Air and laser guns.
  4. POMW 1C; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; Range shooting, Transitions shooting and Practically used IPSC shooting, Air and laser guns.
  5. Home training POMW shooting technique 15 min per day from 18 August to 15 September – 28 days = 7 hours.
  6. POMW IIA; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; Range shooting 0.22 and weapon knowledge.
  7. POMW IIB; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; Range shooting 0.22 and 9 mm and knowledge of weapons.
  8. Home training POMW shooting technique 20 min per day from 15 September to 6 October – 21 days = 7 hours.
  9. POMW IIIA; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; Track shooting 0.22 and 9 mm and transition shooting 9 mm. Weapon knowledge.
  10. POMW IIIB; Basic POMW Shooting Technique – The Schooled Way; Range shooting 0.22 and 9 mm 15-40 m and transition shooting 9 mm. Practical shooting with SIRT laserguns. Weapon knowledge.
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Data and results from
POMW Hold 5 courses

Calculation of the number of good shots during the POMW Team 5 course

  • POMW I; 6,000 BIO plastic balls under POMW 1B and 9,000 under POMW IC, a total of 15,000 BIO plastic balls
  • POMW II + III; 31,568 + 12,672 + 10,708 = 54,948 0.22 and 9mm rounds
  • A total of approx. 70,000 good shots PLUS POMW shooting technique dry practice shots.

Resources, costs and investments

  • The new POMW participants have used approx. 84-85 hours over a 2 month period. This is an average of more than 1½-2 hours every day over 2 months
  • The new and old OBC participants have spent approx. 45/85 + 6 x 3-6-8 hours OBC pre-training, a total of 63 to 133 hours over a 4 month period. There are no new BIO OBCs who have opted for 100 %.; 4 has 67 %. 1 has 50 %, 2 has 16 %.
  • At 100 % fulfillment, IPSC participants have spent approx. 84-85 + 6x 6-8 hours OBC POMW training/IPSC training, PLUS administrative, a total of 180-200 hours over a 4 month period. This is an average of more than 1½-2 hours every day over 4 months.
  • The POMW team 5 course has cost more than a six-figure sum over 2+2 months. This does not include Free/Flex days for all IPSC instructors and some OBC BIO shooters, and all work voluntarily and unpaid. POMW H5 has literally put down Shindenkan from the summer meeting to the autumn holidays, and no Yakami Shinsei-ryu courses could be included in this period - resulting in further financial loss for other members competence investments. ALL mainly for the sake of the new POMW shooters, secondarily BIO OBC.
  • THAT'S WHY POMW is ONLY every four years. It is the largest resource investment in season 2019-2020 for primarily the 10 new POMW shooters, secondarily BIO POMW. It will not be entirely wrong to say that each new POMW shooter has cost Shindenkan (members) an investment of about 60 % of the total cost per. participant, paying 40 % themselves. It is the largest resource investment in season 2019-2020 for primarily the 10 new POMW shooters, secondarily BIO POMW.

In 2019, Team 5 completed and met the goals for the "Living POMW" training course from POMW I to POMW III; minimum 60 % DK 1st Division, 30 % DK 2nd Division and 10 % DK 3rd Division 2012-2013 level, in at least one or more shooting disciplines. With a total of minimum 85 hours of training effort over 7 weeks, corresponding to 1½-2 hours of daily average training.

This is not effective shooting time, but an expression of the total time with 7 POMW training lessons and own dry training. Traditional effective shooting time during POMW training lessons is approx. 1/3.


Prerequisites and definitions for POMW Team process measurements
Main purpose of the POMW course

Main purpose of POMW course after POMW Project 2011-2014.

  • Soft targets; It is the person behind the weapon who is the most important in both the short and long range, and not the weapon.
  • Hard goals; Minimum 60 % DK 1st division, 30 % DK 2nd division and 10 % DK 3rd division 2012-2013 level, in at least one or more shooting disciplines. In short; How high recognized level of shooting competence can be expected to be learned in the shortest possible time within several different shooting disciplines.
Competence level

Competence level is assessed according to whether you can do it again and again, according to your bottom level and top level. That is, are you constant

  • Competence level is assessed NOT depending on whether you have scored a good result just once – The Lucky Punch – winning the Lotto – Sun, moon and stars align, etc.
  • Analogy; If it was a matter of life or death, would you choose the one that consistently hits every time? Or the one who hit once but hasn't since? There is a big difference in competence level.
Developmental increase in competence level

Developmental increase in skill level, takes into account Where you were when you started and how well you have translated POMW Shooting Technique into action and results, and directly comparable to everyone ("Golf Handicap")

  • This means that those who have no shooting experience can be measured directly on their development in competence level, even if they start from 0.00.
  • It also means that those who have some shooting experience can be measured directly on their development in competence level, even if they start from a perhaps higher level.
  • This means that there can be a positive and there can be a negative development curve, which is an expression of - yes, one's competence development over time. But also one's attitude; In short; Are you good about yourself?
    It's a bit like golf handicaps, so everyone can "shoot at each other :->", - within competence level through their development curve - trend curve.
NULL – VOID firings

NULL – VOID shoots are counted with the lowest counting score BEFORE the NULL – VOID shoot, – to avoid cheating and speculation as the participants know that there is a fixed number of point shoots (i.e. limited number and time)

  • We learned from Team 3 that Shindenkans can figure it out. If they had shot 285 and 265, the average would be 270, - if the other scores were VOID/NULL, not counted. Therefore, there were many discs which suddenly only contained 28-29 shots.
    So of course the concept was changed, thus cheating or speculation was minimized. Therefore, the lowest counting score (the bottom level) always counts if there is a non-valid VOID/NULL shooting.
What is the task of the Chief Instructor and the Instructor team? And what isn't it?
  • The main task is to meet people where people are, and take them on a wonderful journey into themselves and with fantastically unique experiences - if they want this.
  • It is the task to challenge each individual participant as everyone has been challenged before them - according to Minouchi Sensei's thesis. But it does NOT mean that this will be well received by everyone. With some, it creates BIG resistance. But most people use it as inspiration.
  • POMW shooting is like SHIAI ShindenFight KUMITE, – it is VERY revealing. Not physically, but emotionally and psychologically. This often leaves the person with a "Naked reality". Not everyone can fully accept this real self-image. Most resist themselves! And likes to blame others for their self-perceived failure, which doesn't necessarily line up with reality, facts, or that of the coaching staff. Essence; They are afraid to take responsibility and be good to themselves. They have a deep desire to be super good and fulfill their full potential, but often end up mediocre instead! It doesn't have to be that way. But it often ends that way. Why? Are you that good about yourself? And remember – Where and what WAS the starting point?
  • Extreme point when the fatigue and pressure are great; Get offended and think it is "Military discipline" when they are asked to respect safety rules and general mutual respect when others shoot. Either after they have shot themselves and need to talk to others about their experiences VERY loudly - as they are wearing double ear protection. Or when they want to see their own target results and rush down to the targets to patch, - without all 9 mm pistols being secured. It happens ad hoc with tank cod, but typically mostly on the final POMW III day, when only 9 mm is shot, outdoors in freezing weather/rainy weather in the "Hullet" and in front of the grass at the shooting house. Where people are under pressure and "fighting with/against themselves".
  • The middle group; It is the 50-80 % group, which can be cut over one comb, but with different setting and different day shape and life cycle.
  • Extreme point groups "surrender" approx. half themselves, when they come to the realization that it is probably too stupid to "sit on the safe high horse" and not dare to allow themselves to be their best and fulfill their highest potential. That is Sunbeam Stories! However, they rarely admit it afterwards or only in one weak moment 😊
Typical examples that we have had on all teams are:
  • The extremes where we have contestants who believe they are extremely skilled and unique shooters both pre and post POMW, but do not have the facts, eyewitnesses or consistency to prove it at the Shindenkan POMW competency level which is national, continental and international.

    Of course, it depends on WHAT you are comparing to; Local village, municipality, region, country, continent, global or international.

  • Extreme point where the participants believe that POMW has been good, but they are disappointed that they have not achieved higher points.

    But when the facts, backed up by a development curve and data show that they started with not being able to hit the target from 3 meters with an Airgun. And after 2 months stands at 15 meters with a 9 mm pistol and puts 80+ % of the shots in the Alpha (Black) zone with 2 second intervals between shots, simultaneously with transition, and has almost total recoil control, like very few Danish normal shooters has, then you as a POMW instructor team do not agree with the POMW shooters self-perception.

  • Extreme point; Kimu Sensei does not hide the fact that he is "rusty" and as a result, his execution of the POMW shooting technical competence level is approx. half of the performance level under the POMW Project 2012-2014.

    But it was good enough to teach at POMW, and all the participants constantly expect a very high level of competence, as stated in the articles. It must be delivered every time. But does it also apply the other way? For others? You? Even though during this POMW course he has consistently shot quite well at international level. Eg. POMW demos; 290 to 300 points, 25 m, 30 shots in under 1 minute, which was then his bottom level with subsequent good development increase.

    The bottom level and constancy is an expression of the real shooting competence level, regardless of whether it is the local village club, region, country, continent or international, and therefore from where you judge from. But it is clear that it is easier to be the best in the local village than in the world. It is a choice to make.

  • It is not our job to change this self-perception of our own ability and POMW's contribution. We deal with facts over 2 months and approx. 85 hours of fact observation.

The SDK Shooting Association uses the experience from POMW - Project Old Modern Warrior
SDKSkyt uses the experience

All experience, learning, teaching concepts from the POMW project were collected respectively in:

  • SDKSkyt Shooting training courses.
  • SDKSkyt Shooting technical handbook.

The dynamic learning processes and essence methodologies are structured according to the same principles as Shindenkan syllabus handbook and toolbox.

Because it ensures optimal conditions for your learning through overlapping learning circles, community, patience, care and development!

There is so much to learn😊

SDKSkyt Shooting technical handbook

In SDKSkyt, we train the classic DIF/DGI shooting disciplines and we use all the good experiences and processes from the POMW project in our training and shooting courses.

Security is extremely important in SDKSkyt and all precautions are always reviewed again and again. Safety - safety and safety again.

As was concluded in the POMW project, it is the person behind the action who determines the outcome of the action. What is important is our attitude and willingness to follow the process.

And we always follow SDKSkyts Shooting technical handbook😊.

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When you have completed and passed the three competency courses; POMW I, II and III are issued to you with the POMW AKA label as a discreet certificate of competence.
You can read about the POMW project (2011-2013) at www.pomwproject.com or in an ultra-short version on this SDKSkyt website.

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After you have annually OBC maintained your POMW AKA according to minimum requirements over at least 5 years, and have completed the POMW AKA as an experienced POMW AKA role model marksman, you will be awarded the POMW GOLD mark as a discrete certificate of competence
You can read about the POMW project (2011-2013) at www.pomwproject.com or in an ultra-short version on this SDKSkyt website.

Our Instructors

When you enter our Shooting Association, you will be welcomed by very positive, well-prepared and skilled instructors who meet you with a smile, VERY high security and Mutual respect and acceptance and room for everyone - more than 12 yearsLast but not least with very high competences within DFI / DGI's shooting disciplines, where everyone will strive to be role models for SAFETY and value setsown high competence within DFI / DGI's shooting disciplines, which will strive to be role models for SAFETY and value sets.

In SDKSkyt, we want to reflect the diversity that exists in our society at all times, and this means that we always have room for EVERYONE who wants to train DFI / DGI shooting disciplines inspired by the experiences from The POMW project. So uregardless of age, gender or religion, you are welcome in SDKSkyt as long as you respect our safety rules and values.

Kimu Bjarkmann
Chief instructor
Jens Iversen
Shooting leader
Kjeld Nyrup
Shooting leader
Michael Nørgaard
Shooting leader
Pia Hornung
Shooting leader

Our Association

Our association is approved as a democratic association in Ballerup Municipality under the Public Information Act with an independent CVR number and finances, and was founded in August 2012.

The highest authority in SDKSkyt is the general meeting.

We hold a general meeting at the same time each year. Here, the board reviews the agenda of the year, including last year general meeting minutes, the chairman report, the annual accounts with documentation, budget, proposals for the coming season and the like.

All agenda items go to a vote, and are thus approved or rejected at the general meeting in accordance with the applicable statutes and guidelines.

In addition, progress on a strategic level, progress in all work areas, elections to the board and, if necessary, are reviewed.

The board of SDKSkyt, according to the rules from Ballerup municipality, consists of at least 5 members, who are elected from among the members at the annual general meeting after a democratic vote, for a 2-year period at a time.

SDKSkyt works according to a 5-year strategic plan, and the day-to-day running of the association is handled by the elected board with 6 regular board meetings per year according to a fixed agenda and with minutes from each meeting.

All work in the association is voluntary and unpaid for the benefit of the members of SDKSkyt and the local community. Over 95 % of all SDKSkyt income is invested back into the members. The remaining 5 % are used for administration and organizational development. Any annual surplus is put into a pool for unforeseen expenses and future investments.

SDKskyt shoots at the Tapeten in Ballerup

Our Board elected at the 2023 general meeting

Kimu Bjarkmann
Jens Iversen
Kjeld Nyrup
Board member
Michael Nørgaard
Board member
Pia Hornung
Board member
SDKSkyt trains here primarily in the winter

New members are welcome on the first Sunday of the month by arrangement. We aim for two annual campaign intakes where we gather new interested parties in a group, as there must be a trained SDK shooting instructor who will be responsible for safety and test shooting. Everyone is welcome - over 12 years.

We train here

Joint training 08.00 - 14.00

Membership and quota period
12 months

DKr 750

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
