Shindenkan season 2024-2025 is well underway - and all Shindenkan's multi-track schools are open to new members.
Come and become part of our fantastic training community in Shindenkan, where together we create a future based on holistic views, values and diversity - where we help each other to fulfill our full potential.
We practice to do our best. We develop our skills together, both in the community and individually, and we do everything to meet people where they are and take them on a journey.
Every Shindenkan season is filled with good human stories about joy, togetherness and super attitude to reach the goal, will and spirit - and not least where everyone is accepted and recognized for their personal efforts regardless of age and gender.
Our goal is to help create whole and happy people and we are very proud of our training community and the martial arts skills our fantastic members have achieved while developing as people. 😊
There are always 3 free trial lessons in Shindenkan's schools – everyone is welcome from January 6, 2025.
Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, a Multi-track Martial Art
In our karate schools, we train the 1,000-year-old traditional multi-track martial art called Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do. The multi-track means that we train all the disciplines of the Japanese samurai according to holistic thinking and through our structured curriculum manual, which applies to all member schools in Shindenkan.
We therefore train both melee and ranged combat, we train with classic and modern weapons and, not least, we train personal development for all our members through value sets and empowerment with a focus on meeting our members where they are.
All we want from our members is that they have an open mind and that they want to learn Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do.
We offer training in:
Unarmed Combat
Unarmed combat means that we train you in understanding and skills in unarmed melee and ranged combat through the disciplines:
- Karate (distance combat)
- Jujutsu (Melee)
- Task Fighting
- Shakuasei, including
- Hsingi (power generation)
- Baqua (motion generation)
- Tai Chi (push hands)
Armed Combat
Armed combat means that we train you in understanding and skills in armed melee and ranged combat through the disciplines:
- Kenjutsu (sword)
- Iaijutsu (quick draw with sword)
- Kotachi (knife)
- yes (stick)
- Yari (spear)
- POMW (gun)
Personal development
Personal development means that we train you in understanding and skills in full-body training, meditation in movement, increased self-confidence and self-esteem, values and leadership through the disciplines:
- SKK and KataFIT
- Ki and Meditation
- History and Instructor training
- Tai Chi – 24 styles
- Shiatsu massage
Shindenkan – who are we?
Shindenkan is one of Scandinavia's and Denmark's oldest living and major martial arts organizations with a history in Denmark dating back to 1965/67, where more than 50,000 have trained throughout the almost 60 years that have passed.
At the same time, Shindenkan is a national and international martial arts organization with recognition both from DGI as a competence organization and the fact that we train a system that is recognized at the very highest level in Japan - decorated by the Japanese government - namely the multi-track Martial Arts System Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do .
We have a long history in Denmark and the goal for us at Shindenkan is always to be of benefit, especially to our members but also to the community around us! Because all people need that cool energy and to be taken seriously and along on a journey that will develop us together, and to be met where they are and to be taken along by us who passionately want to make a difference.
Why choose Shindenkan?
When you start Shindenkan, you enter a traditional multi-lane martial arts world, a world away from the competitive world that characterizes sports today. When you enter a Shindenkan Dojo (training hall), you will always be welcomed by well-prepared and skilled instructors, with very high competences in traditional multi-track martial arts who will use all their abilities to create a fantastic training community built around the unique martial arts system of Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do through a 100 % structured curriculum manual and always with mutual respect and acceptance.
So choose a Shindenkan school and join the most life-affirming training there is. Train with your children, your partner, your siblings or friends. Because:
We have room for everyone
- We meet you where you are
- We take you on a journey
- In development, value set and community
- All ages, boys, girls, men and women
- Katsu-Jin and Kohaku-Jin
We know the way
- Know yourself
- Respect others and their skills
- Take responsibility for yourself and others
- You are much better than yourself and others wants you to be
- We believe in you, but you also have to believe in yourself
we have the balance
- It's open for everyone
- It's never too late
- You can if you want
- Strive for perfection
- Use Yakami as a tool in your life.
Train the good values – it's common sense! And then Shindenkan can become your breather in a busy everyday life.
Our concepts have been developed and make room for everyone in our schools:
Our Family concept
Family concept - The Jokokan Karate schools run 100 % according to Shindenkan successful family concept, where children, teenagers and parents can train on the same team, which very few other sports and associations can offer!
There is room for everyone, and we are very proud of that

Our Katsu-Jin concept
Katsu-Jin - If you are over 50 and still want to train for life, you are welcome with us, because in the eyes of Shindenkan you are a role model. Life is what you make of it, and with us the glass is always half full! – Instead of half empty.
At Shindenkan, we take into account all the different phases of life, including the fact that we all grow older.

Our Kohaku-Jin concept
Katsu Kohaku-Jin - Those who carry a very special will in their heart.
If, approved by the Health Authorities, you have a documented disability of more than 8 %, but still want to train, then in the eyes of Shindenkan you are a role model.
"The life giving sword" - The way of giving.

Our Ayame concept
Shindenkan Ayame - Shindenkan is value-based, and we live by that at the Jokokan Karate Schools.
Our Ayame concept is used from the first day a new member enters the dojo (training hall). Our Ayame concept meets you where you are and takes you on a journey. We gradually build up your physical form and your well-being.

We are having a fantastic season - and everyone is welcome with us 😊
So join us on a journey where we meet you right where you are and take you on a journey into the world of traditional multi-track martial arts. If you want to join, we give you an education in traditional multi-track martial arts through holistic thinking, with a unique martial arts system in our Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, and a 100 % structured curriculum manual.
So take the first step on your new journey - Come and become part of our fantastic training community
Become part of Shindenkan's training community because we passionately want diversity in all our member schools and everyone is welcome regardless of age - and this applies to both boys and girls - women and men - parents and children.
The future is ready at Shindenkan and we are ready with skilled instructors, targeted training and our 1000 year old martial arts system, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do. But we want to do more - be more - reach out - make a difference - show who we are to everyone who wants to.
You will find our Shindenkan schools here
Contact us at either email: jokokan@jokokan.com or on mobile: 22920861 and receive 3 free trial lessons already in January.
So everyone who wants to is welcome – We are accepting new members as early as January 6, 2025.