Welcome to Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre Member of Shindenkan Denmark

Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre Main School for Europe and Denmark

Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre is in everyday speech called JHLE or Honbu Dojo (本部道場) which is the term for the main school and headquarters of a given style. Honbu means "Main Center" and Dojo means "The place of enlightenment through Do - the way".

The fact that it is the main school does not mean that it is necessarily the biggest school, but this is where the main skills and "heart" of the style are and are passed on to the entire organization.

Since Hassei Yashin Mon. Yakami no Taijutsu consists of four naturally overlapping steps, where each step consists of an integrated Yakami-Ryu style, there are necessarily also four steps of Honbu Dojo in the organization Jokokan Europe, including Scandinavia and Denmark.

In JHLE we were approved as an independent competence organization by DGI in 2009.

JHLE is a member of Shindenkan Denmark and through that of Shindenkan Scandinavia and Shindenkan Europe (Jokokan Europe), which is a member of the international non-political federations; Bujutsu Kodosoku-kai and Jokokan International, both of which have organizational headquarters in Japan.

Come with us on a journey

We meet you where you are and take you on a journey in traditional multi-track martial arts.

Honbu Dojo is also divided geographically and according to Yakami-Ryu officially recognized and graduated competencies by Shindenkan Europe, including Scandinavia and Denmark. 
This means that each country, parts of Europe and the whole of Europe can have between one and four Honbu Dojo's depending on the achieved graduated Yakami-Ryu competencies that exist and are recognized in that part of Jokokan Europe. 

In this way, we still pay tribute to the principle that there is room for everyone in Shindenkan, depending on the life cycle, needs and motivation of the members.

The Shindenkan motto "To create whole and happy people, and space for everyone - the elite as the exerciser". This is what we practice and strive to do, and practice in all our schools all the time.

It is Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre that takes care of Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do and is responsible for all the system-related activities offered in Shindenkan.

There's about 350 members in Honbu Dojo (01.02.2023).

Honbu Dojo - Role model for Shindenkan

Role model

Honbu Dojo is a role model for all member schools both in terms of system competencies, standards, maintenance, instructors and not least for Shindenkan value set. So when you enter the Honbu Dojo (training hall), you will always be welcomed by the highest competence, well-prepared and skilled Honbu instructors who will use all their abilities to be a true role model for Shindenkan value set.

Mutual respect and acceptance with Space for everyone 

highest competences in traditional multi-track martial arts.

Shindenkan value set. 

We have room for everyone - the elite as exerciser

In Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre, we always want to reflect the diversity that exists in our society, and this means that we always have room for EVERYONE who wants to train Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do. Regardless of age, gender and religion, you are welcome in Shindenkan as long as you respect others and our system, values and safety rules.

Honbu Dojo Concepts

Shindenkan is a multi-track competence organization with a 1,000-year unique cultural tradition and this sets great demands on the passing on with the most efficient, optimal and motivating structure. 

With many years of experience, Honbu Dojo concluded that mediation is done best through a symbiotic learning circle structure, which ensures space for everyone, the elite as the exerciser through all life cycles.

Learning circles which give all members, member associations and national associations the optimal democratic rights in a strong community with an optimal learning environment. Still 80/20 – 80 % local and 20 % national.

Our Concept for Learning Circles

The optimized Honbu concept is based on the Shindenkan common syllabus handbook, which applies to all members of Shindenkan.  The concept is composed so it takes into account development at all levels, development of higher skills, optimal learning circles from Honbu to local, across SB-BB-KYU syllabus events and of course with room for everyone, the elite as the exerciser and progression by effort according to your setting and life cycle – the whole life. Learning circles where the main focus is on quality, rather than quantity.
Our Family concept

Family concept - The Jokokan Karate schools run 100 % according to Shindenkan successful family concept, where children, teenagers and parents can train on the same team, which very few other sports and associations can offer!

There is room for everyone, and we are very proud of that 😊

Shindenkan recognized more than 30 years ago that there was a need for special supportive concepts for children and young people, to promote healthy self-confidence, self-esteem, mutual respect and acceptance of each other.

In collaboration with municipalities, psychologists, educators and our own extensive teaching experience, the very successful JokoKidz and JokoTeens concept was launched, developed and tested in various municipalities. The concept has been continuously updated with the latest new knowledge. The concept was expanded with Asperger and autism concepts.

Later stress concepts for everyone. We have also added a family concept developed for the modern needs of a busy and hectic everyday life. The concepts are very successful and over the years have been shared with many other sports organisations, federations and municipalities for the common joy and development of our children and young people.

We are really happy about that!

Our Katsu-Jin concept

Katsu-Jin - If you are over 50 and still want to train for life, you are welcome with us, because in the eyes of Shindenkan you are a role model. Life is what you make of it, and with us the glass is always half full! – Instead of half empty.

In Shindenkan, we take into account all the different phases of life, including the fact that we all get older. In order to contribute and support public health and quality of life, we encourage all our members to train throughout their lives.

Statistically many people over 50 say they are too old for martial arts. We say that today age is just a number, and your attitude to life is what matters.

We have therefore developed a concept that directly supports this - in all phases of life. Your age is taken into account, and you are supported in the fact that you can do much more than you and others tell you! Our Katsu-Jin concept has proven its success, and that is why we now have active, healthy and happy Yakami Shinsei-ryu practitioners in their 70s.

Those Katsu-Jin who achieve the brown or black belt are celebrated and recognized visibly, as hero or heroine during the major national joint events.

Our Kohaku-Jin concept

Katsu Kohaku-Jin - Those who carry a very special will in their heart.

If, approved by the Health Authorities, you have a documented disability of more than 8 %, but still want to train, then in the eyes of Shindenkan you are a role model.

"The life giving sword" - The way of giving.

In Shindenkan, we see opportunities more as positive challenges than as negative problems.

We recognize possibilities instead of limitations. In Shindenkan, we therefore pay tribute to our heroes and heroines who see possibilities instead of limitations, and prove it year after year.

They are role models and are recognized as such. Our members reflect the diversity of our active community.

This also means that our members can have documented physical injuries before they become members of Shindenkan.

These are usually quite common injuries after foot, knee, hip or shoulder operations, osteoarthritis in all forms or other physiological and anatomical conditions. But also stress injuries.

In Shindenkan we have developed a very successful Kohaku-Jin concept, with the help of the latest medical and psychological knowledge.

Our specialist medical team is our daily control team.

The probability of getting injured in Shindenkan is statistically on a level comparable with golf, yoga or sailing.

But if you are injured or you get an injury outside of Shindenkan, we have the rehabilitation tools to get you back on the horse efficiently and quickly.

Our Kohaku-Jin concept visibly recognizes our role models with shoulder marks that mark 3-9-15 years of training 😊

Our Ayame concept

Shindenkan Ayame - Shindenkan is value-based, and we live by that at the Jokokan Karate Schools.

Our Ayame concept is used from the first day a new member enters the dojo (training hall). Our Ayame concept meets you where you are and takes you on a journey. We gradually build up your physical form and your well-being.

It always has an increasing positive impact like rings in the water on your life with increased self-confidence, self-esteem, body and psychological awareness. For more than 90 % of our members, a fitness subscription is no longer necessary.

Shindenkan philosophy is that it is best in terms of health to be as strong and healthy as possible for as many years as possible, both physically, mentally and spiritually. But also accept that we are all getting older.

It doesn't have to be big science and extremely complicated as many commercial providers would like it to be. In Shindenkan, 35 minutes are set aside for KataFIT and SKK (StretchKiKata) in both local and national training lessons. KataFIT and SKK are holistic health training on several levels, which uses the latest research, so that the training is the most effective injury prevention/training, stress-reducing and quality-of-life-promoting, in the shortest possible time.

KataFIT and SKK form a bridge between Eastern and Western research, as the starting point is 1,000 years of accumulated knowledge and skills from Japan's elite samurai warriors.

KataFIT and SKK are trained without aids, and can therefore be performed anywhere, at any time. Only for brown and black belt graduations are KataFIT and SKK directly included in the stop test process.

The Ayame concept is recognized through visible Ayame marks on three levels from and including the 2nd kyu, brown belt graduations. Until 2022, three Gold Ayame marks have been passed, which are the highest level, and all for girls.

Kuroi – black, which is the standard, has been achieved by many girls as well as boys of all ages. All proudly wear their Ayame badge of recognition.

Click for information about the brands
Yakami Shinsei-ryu - Multitrack Martial Arts and Skills

Yakami Shinsei-ryu is a genuine multi-track martial arts system with over 1,000 years of history and 55 years of history in Denmark, and we follow Shindenkan's Curriculum Handbook, which is the common national standard we ALL must live up to in order to be graduated in Yakami Shinsei-ryu, it applies to all degrees, and so it has always been.

In Yakami Shinsei-ryu, everything is tied together in OBC learning circles, where EVERYONE who chooses and invests the effort, has access to the best instructor resources regularly with the original common thread over an entire season - a year wheel.

Competence courses

Understanding of and competencies in unarmed and armed close combat and ranged combat and understanding of and competencies in whole body training, meditation in movement, increased self-confidence and self-esteem, value set and leadership.

  • Distance combat, close combat, free combat and power generation.
  • Sword, knife, staff, spear and gun.
  • SKK & KataFIT, Ki and Meditation, History & Instructor training, Tai Chi and Shiatsu massage

Targeted Curriculum Seminars

Honbu Dojo wishes all members the best opportunities on their way to the next belt and therefore in Honbu Dojo's concepts there is maximum focus on learning circles between the groups and the connection from SB to BB, to KYU to the local school, and back to Honbu. You can switch very fluidly between the groups, again completely depending on your effort according to your attitude and life cycle - all your life.

  • 6 annual Syllabus seminars targeting the 9th – 5th Kyu's syllabus.
  • 11 annual Curriculum seminars targeting Brown belt.
  • 18 annual Curriculum seminars targeting Black Belt

OBC - Annual Competency Certification

OBC KM 1-4 has been developed and planned by Honbu Dojo's Chief Instructor so that it supports the current course structure optimally and structured instructs, helps and guides the participants towards their OBC KM.

OBC KM structure is divided into 1-4 which are targeted step by step from OBC KM1 to OBC KM4, where SKK & KataFIT 1 is an integral part of all OBC so that the Honbu Dojo's Chief Instructor can continuously instruct, help and guide the participants towards their stop test test.

Shindenkan Year Wheel

Honbu Dojo Instructors

Kimu K. Bjarkmann, Honbu Chief Instructor

Title: Yamana-Itotani Sensei

Kimu K. Snejbjerg Yamana Itotani Bjarkmann

Educations: BSc.Eng, MBA, MSc. DBA/Ph.D.

Work experience: Director positions in C20 & Fortune 1000 companies over the last 25 years, e.g. The head offices of Danish Crown, Novo Nordisk, Novozymes

Current job: International Management Consultant, Managing Partner and ongoing interim Co-CEO/COO/Director.

Trust posts; Kaicho, Project Manager SCDC. Chairman (elected); Honbu, SOPORG, JEU.

Martial art title (Shogo) and skills:

Densho degree (2005); INKA, Koryu Bujutsu & Budo, Yashin Mon.Yakami no Taijutsu

Multitrack competences (1996 degrees, Martial Arts grandmaster):

Menkyo Kaiden, 8+.dan, Koryu Taijutsu – Aikijutsu & Jujutsu (Yawara)

Menkyo Kaiden, 8+.dan, Nuki-ai – Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Kotachi/Tanto-jutsu

Menkyo Kaiden, 8+.dan, Koryu Kobudo types of weapons (Yarijutsu, Bo-Jutsu, Jo-jutsu)

Menkyo Kaiden, 8+.dan, Jikitai – Okinawa and Japanese Karate-do

Menkyo Kaiden, 8+.dan, Enshin – Chinese Kempo (eg Hsingi, Pakua, Taichi)

Menkyo Kaiden, 8+.dan, Koryu kokyu-ho (Traditional eastern naturopath, Ki & meditation)

Jens Iversen Course instructor

Title: Jens Hanshi-dai

Graduated (2023):
Menkyo Omote
6th dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu
6th degree Sr. Shindenkan Jikitai Karate-do
7th dan, BKK Gensei-Ryu sports karate-do
Shogo; Hanshi-dai

Trained since 1974
1974 – 1979 Gensei-ryu Genshikan 2nd kyu.

Trained in Shindenkan since 1989
1 training camp in Japan and 5 in Denmark with Soke Tonegawa Sensei
300+ training sessions with Yamana-Itotani Sensei (from 1989+)

Background: Born 1961, 1 adult child (HA Stud)

Occupation: Account Delivery Executive

Diploma engineer (DTU)
Zone therapist
MBA.Stud. – Master of Business Administration

Kjeld Nyrup Course instructor

Title: Kjeld Renshi

Graduated (2024): 
Joden Hiden
4th dan Sr., Yakami Shinsei-ryu
5th dan, Shindenkan Jikitai Karate-do
6th dan BKK Gensei-ryu sports karate-do
Shogo; Renshi

Trained since 1982
1982 – 1997 Gensei-ryu Genshikan 2nd Dan. Tournament experience 600+ matches, 10+ different countries, 50+ medals, 2 x WC Bronze Japan.

Trained in Shindenkan since 1996
1 training camp in Japan and 2 training camps in Denmark with Soke Tonegawa Sensei 150+ training camps with Yamana-Itotani Sensei

Background: Born 1965, 2 teenage children

Occupation: IT Auditor Rigsrevisionen

Education: B. Computer Science.

Our Association

Our association is approved as a democratic association in Lejre Municipality under the Public Information Act with an independent CVR number and finances, and was founded in August 1988.

The highest authority in Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre is the general assembly.

We hold a general meeting at the same time each year. Here, the board reviews the agenda of the year, including last year general meeting minutes, the chairman report, the annual accounts with documentation, budget, proposals for the coming season and the like.

All agenda items go to a vote, and are thus approved or rejected at the general meeting in accordance with the applicable statutes and guidelines.

In addition, progress on a strategic level, progress in all work areas, elections to the board and, if necessary, are reviewed.

The board of directors of Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre consists, according to the rules from Lejre municipality, of at least 4 members, who are elected from among the members at the annual general meeting after a democratic vote, for a 2-year period at a time.

Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre works according to a 5-year strategic plan, and the day-to-day running of the association is handled by the elected board with 6 regular board meetings per year. year according to a fixed agenda and with minutes from each meeting.

All work in the association is voluntary and unpaid for the benefit of the members of Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejre and the local community. Over 90 % of all Jokokan Honbu Dojo Lejres income is invested back into the members. The remaining 10 % are used for administration and organizational development. Any annual surplus is put into a pool for unforeseen expenses and future investments.

By the way, did you know that the association was established in Copenhagen municipality as early as 1988 and had a Dojo in the old warehouse "Gimle"? It then moved to Danmarksgade in Randers until 1996, after which it moved to Greve Strand until 2018. The association then decided that Lejre Municipality was the optimal and most central place in the middle of all Shindenkan's member schools. 

Our Board elected at the 2023 general meeting
Kimu Bjarkmann
Jens Iversen
Kjeld Nyrup
Board member
Michael Nørgaard
Board member
Steffen Rasmussen
Activities, training and membership

We offer activities here

  • Ballerup
  • Frederiksberg
  • Copenhagen
  • Lejre
  • target
  • Roskilde
  • Slagelse
  • Ørestad
  • Training and course days

  • Friday | Saturday | Sunday
  • Shorter training courses
  • Annual quota

    Paid as part of the annual federation quota

    Game Education - Countess

    Get excited - it's coming soon

    Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

    SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

    Get excited - it's coming soon

    Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
