How do we function democratically as a skills organization?

At Shindenkan WE have an open communication policy

The basis of Shindenkan is our world cultural heritage and multi-track competences.

In Shindenkan, our main motto says it all; Space for everyone, the Elite as the exerciser, according to motivation, effort and all the life cycles of life.

Shindenkan reflects modern society at all times. We keep up with the times. We are value-based and treat others with tolerance, acceptance and respect, as we would like to be treated ourselves. But it goes both ways.

The heart or the whole foundation of a competence organization like Shindenkan is; skills!

In our case, it is a 1,000-year-old Japanese world cultural heritage, which is internationally recognized at the absolute highest level of society.

This means that we also cannot put a parent or young people with no or varying skills to teach a team, as is most often the case in cross-country sports with great success and satisfaction.

In Shindenkan, we are founded and operate according to the purpose clause, statutes, guidelines, uniform rules and competency requirements according to the curriculum handbook for everyone, and from 2016 with a common standardized control function for everyone. This has been confirmed by the local and national general assemblies by the adoption of every 5-year strategic plan since 1988. At the latest in 2022 with compliance with our set of values, mutual acceptance, respect and understanding for each other's views, and our differences are used as inspiration.

Since 1967/1988, Shindenkan has been based on voluntary and unpaid association work for the benefit of the members and the local community in accordance with the association's objectives and association statutes. This despite the DGI, DIF or other advisory bodies in the last decade following the changing social norm, calling for the remuneration of association leaders and instructors, as part of the modern association work and as a visible motivational factor.

In a multi-track competence organization like Shindenkan, which has existed in Denmark since 1967, it cannot be otherwise. Especially if the set of values, level of competence and the burning desire to make a difference for others, oneself, the local and national community, must be maintained. Some must step forward and dare to act as role models on a selfless basis.

This ensures that the Shindenkan of the future is based on competence, propriety, fairness and sportsmanship for current and future generations. Historically, this has been right for us, and therefore we are approaching the 60 years of martial arts history in Denmark.

Without skills and heart, we have nothing to offer and cannot survive in the future.

Since (1967)/1988, Shindenkan has been based on voluntary and unpaid association work for the benefit of the members and the local community

It has been decided by the general assembly since (1967)/1988 that Shindenkan's current operating profit must be invested in those members who would like to progress according to the common curriculum manual, applicable to all. It is a vital Win-Win, as a competence organization cannot function without the right competences. Here, the focal point is always the right instructors, who can teach the multi-track competently according to the common curriculum manual - for all levels of competence. Here, Shindenkan is completely unique both nationally and internationally, as Shindenkan has local, national and international instructors who can teach from 10.kyu, white belt to 10.dan, grandmaster. There are not many internationally recognized martial arts organizations in the world that can do that.

1988 The epoch-making general meeting decision, but nothing truly unique comes for free.

Only the sky is the limit - fulfill our dreams and yours, in reality. The reason why Shindenkan can offer Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do in Denmark was an epoch-making general meeting decision in 1988, which was subsequently renewed every year. Bringing the unique 1,000-year-old Japanese world cultural heritage home to Denmark and the Shindenkan. The traditional alternative was an annual one-week training camp with the SST, which historically had created an unbalanced dependence on skills from Japan from 1967-1988. This could ONLY be done in one way; By skilling up and progressing through officially recognized degrees, as all other martial arts masters and grandmasters have done for the past 1,000 years. There are absolutely no shortcuts in a 1,000-year-old Japanese cultural heritage, honored and recognized with orders of knighthood and stardust, and it has been so for 1,000 years.

The big challenge was that the statistics were against us to that extent. Statistically speaking, just one in 50,000 practitioners becomes Menkyo – Master of all the Martial arts and one in 1,000,000, Menkyo Kaiden, Intiated Grandmaster of all the Martial arts. Scandinavian traditional Jantelov, inferiority, economic and financial risk balances, were discussed and weighed as a democratic scenario. The conclusion and result was that the decision was taken by the general meetings in 1988 and every year since. The third milestone, the first major, was fortunately achieved in 1996 in Japan by Honbu Dojo's chief instructor.

The investment was of course not free and there was therefore a greater financial debt financing especially in the years 1988-2017.
But the investment is the direct reason why Shindenkan in Denmark can offer multi-track competences at a very high international top level, which exceeded the period 1967-1990 already in 1990, and has only increased indefinitely since then. Not many international martial arts organizations officially recognized by the highest level of Japanese society in the world can do that, and we allow ourselves to be very proud of that.

We were established in Denmark in 1967. But in Japan we have over 1,000 years of samurai martial art history. You can become part of this story.

In Shindenkan, there is always a connection between value creation, competence and finances.

Overview of all visible single and multi-track skills, recognitions and awards in Shindenkan.

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
