What can you expect from the training and as a member of Shindenkan over time?

At Shindenkan WE have an open communication policy

For those of you who are new to club life and martial arts – what can you expect?
The difference in the teaching structure of the single-track and multi-track martial arts.

When you enter a Shindenkan martial arts dojo as a newly enrolled member, it is normal to have the dream and goal of the black belt, and before that; the brown belt. Anyone who wants and wants to meet the common curriculum manual applicable to everyone can and will pass the brown or black belt degree at some point. If the belt degrees mean the most to you, instead of competences and personal development through your self-esteem and self-confidence for all age groups, then Shindenkan may not be the optimal training place for you.

In Shindenkan it is normal with 7-12 years of training for the first black belt of 1st dan, and 5-9 years for the first brown belt of 3rd kyu. With our martial arts competitors, it is equivalent to 3-5 years for first black belt, and 2-3 years for first or second brown belt.

It takes longer with the belt degrees in the Shindenkan organization, simply because there is a very big difference in the competence and understanding content in the martial arts bottle you get home with you. In Shindenkan, you get a full and complete martial arts education, where most often with our martial arts competitors you get a single subject; Danish, English, History, Mathematics, Religion, etc.

In Shindenkan, you learn and train all the individual subjects as one whole - just as life is also one whole. That way, you learn new things all the time and will never get bored. We have both unarmed and armed competence classes, - with you as the ultimate competence. Because you can never be better than your best - at any time and situation. You grow step by step at your pace and life cycle.

It is not the Shindenkan organization that invented this training structure. Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do is a training system, a multi-track Japanese martial arts system that is more than 1,000 years old. Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do has therefore always been trained and taught as a multi-track whole, just like life is.

We are not naive and know very well that some mainly new martial arts systems or associations do not take the thorough training of martial arts skills very seriously and successfully fulfill a local need for a number of years. But we also know that these associations usually close after 5-10+ years, and of course there is a reason for that. Shindenkan has also involuntarily laid the foundation stone for such associations over the years, and of course we are not proud of that, but it is a fact. But there is also a reason why we are one of Denmark's oldest martial arts organizations well on our way to 60 years of history in Denmark. That is why we maintain our competence concept as a multi-track competence organisation, which takes care of a 1,000-year-old Japanese cultural heritage.

That's our way, and we think it's honest talk.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do is a training system, a multi-track Japanese martial arts system that is more than 1,000 years old.
Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do has therefore always been trained and taught as a multi-track whole, just like life is.

Our teaching structure is scalable and adapts to your progression, according to your motivation and life cycle.

Since the year 2000, the teaching structure and form has been adapted to the busy modern society, which is also reflected in Shindenkan's motto; Space for everyone, the Elite as the exerciser according to motivation, effort and all the life cycles of life. That is why there is both training and teaching locally as well as nationally. It depends on your belt level and increasing multi-track skills and understanding.

After a few years of training, as a rule of thumb there will be 80% local and 20% national training respectively. This means that as a member of Shindenkan you will always obtain the best available instructors, inspire and build friendships across the associations and always develop at your own pace and motivation.

  • You form new friendships
  • You train together with other Shindenkaners at your own level of competence
  • You are inspired and experience the carrot to the next higher level of competence
  • You will be taught precisely in your graduation curriculum for your next degree by a nationally competent highly graduated Honbu instructor
  • With continuous input from the next higher skill level Honbu instructor, including GGM Yamana-Itotani Sensei
  • It ensures optimal conditions for your learning through overlapping learning circles, community, patience, care and development!

The combination and development through the local and national teaching concept helps to ensure that up to typically 30-35 % of the members achieve 4-2.kyu, brown belt and typically up to 10-15 % achieve the black belt, 1.dan . Up to 5-10 % will achieve 1.dan Sr. and 3rd dan BKK Gensei-ryu Karate-do. That's pretty good!

The fact of nearly six decades is that anyone can become a brown or black belt in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, IF they simply train and agree to meet the common curriculum manual applicable to all. But also accept and respect that the same rules have always been and are equally applicable to everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, education, social status, democratically elected positions of trust, instructor status and instructor level. It is logical, acceptable and fair to the vast majority of people.

The interaction between local and national education builds a bridge between degrees and local schools, and provides inspiration for your belt degree and increasing multi-track competences and understanding.

Shindenkan supports the best version of you, your body, mind and spirit – Fitness subscription is usually not necessary.

A question we often get is an expectation vote up to brown or black belt, which can generally be as follows; Is it necessary to also have a Fitness subscription?

It is not necessary for 90+ % of all Shindenkan members to also have an expensive gym subscription alongside their training in Shindenkan. Strength, cardio and stretching training are an integral part of the training. KataFIT and SKK – StretchKiKata is an integral part of every training lesson locally and nationally. KataFIT and SKK are based on the 1,000-year-old health and wellness toolbox of Japan's elite samurai warriors, adapted from peacetime to modern society. Shindenkaners therefore train both cardio (fitness), functional strength and stretching training, scalable and adapted to all the members' different levels of competence, age and ambition. But there is no doubt that you train optimally, effectively, safely and safely in Shindenkan, and this can clearly be seen and felt with increased well-being on your body, psychologically and mentally.

Expectation vote of 1,000 years of heritage, multi-track skills, belts and progression - what can I expect?

The first 1-2 years (10-8.kyu) as a member of Shindenkan we experience the highest dropouts. The reason is mainly two things; That people are surprised that the multi-track martial arts system's curriculum handbook MUST be met and IS applicable to everyone. Often combined with the modern sport shopping, where interest and motivation lapse and the next sport is already booked after typically ½-1 year.

The joy and retention is fairly high in the subsequent phase from 7-5.kyu, where many find that they can do much more than they and others tell them to. The functional health-promoting elements; KataFIT and SKK can clearly be seen in their well-trained physiques, and psychological and mental balance, and well-being, - they are just really good, and most importantly; they themselves have acknowledged that!

The next phase is typically from the 4-2.kyu brown belt phase, where many physical, psychological and mental blockages and previously narrow comfort zones are blown away or significantly shifted positively. They have great fun training together with their training buddies and the gas is just given! Self-esteem and self-confidence are at their peak and the students begin to glimpse and believe in the black belt - I can do it!

Then comes the decisive critical phase from 1.kyu to 1.dan Sr, where most dreams are fulfilled and goals are achieved. The student suddenly gains significantly higher respect from lower graduates and is often seen as a role model who is listened to. For some, this can seem quite overwhelming and unfortunately develop unluckily. Therefore, it is important not to stall, and to continue the progression after typically 1-4 years, while keeping both feet firmly planted deep in the ground!

After typically 7-12 years of training, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do multitrack 1st dan, black belt and our European heritage from 1967 are realized after a graduation process; 2nd dan, BKK Gensei-ryu Karate-do – it's a day most people will never forget 🙂.

Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu and Karate-do overview of the single-track course competencies up to and including 1st dan Sr.

Overview of Shindenkan's well-established support structure – OBC, which leads through annual targeted training sessions to the annual certifications in the single-track competencies.

In Shindenkan, we celebrate diversity, togetherness, mutual respect and acceptance of each other with a good jovial tone and behavior. We also seek to promote our members' positive potential as human beings, through them getting to know themselves better when they can safely and safely try themselves out. All people make mistakes. It's important to fail and never mind afterwards. But you always have to learn from it and always do your best. It helps to promote self-esteem and self-confidence, regardless of heritage and environment. Therefore, we also work a lot with your attitude and view of yourself and others.

This is also why many families with several generations train at the same time, staggered or throughout their life at different times of their life cycle. We have whole families who are black belts, brown belts, both black and brown belts, colored belts - yes, all the colors of the rainbow. And we are really proud of that!

Since most members have primary motivation around our Japanese world cultural heritage; Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, then we try to free up as much time as possible for this to the best of our ability. We do this by optimizing and structuring processes with modern administrative and management aids. Shortly said; If we can optimize and combine things, we will!

This means that Shindenkan is reasonably streamlined and optimized in most processes and procedures. We also try to encourage and use the civilian work skills and know-how that are already in Shindenkan, so that we do not have to reinvent the wheel several times. We like the motto; Work smarter, not harder!. This does not only apply in working life, but absolutely also in associational life.

This is part of our Japanese cultural heritage, so of course we try to live up to it at all levels as role models. We think that is good management and administration. And that is why we are often perceived in association life as a role model and like to learn from us throughout the years!

We were established in Denmark in 1967. But in Japan we have over 1,000 years of samurai martial art history. You can become part of this story.

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
