Spring camp and new rallying cry

By Jokokan Honbu

“Ichi, ni, san” – “We are from Shindenkan!”. The newly composed strike song from the newly appointed "Master Motivator", Søren Renshi-dai, was heard throughout Ballerup and the surrounding area from hundreds of voices of all ages and both genders in high spirits several times during Jokokan, including Shindenkan's spring camp 2008.

The first meeting of the year was this time planned to be an immersion and better understanding of the theme and the connection between basis (foundation) and kumite (free-style combat). It was a challenge, but also a victory for most, as many dared to believe in Shindenkan's motto "You are much better than yourself and others tell you".

And if things didn't go well for a period, everyone got an encouragement through the new battle song, which was sung over and over again, to the great amusement and encouragement of both the participants on the floor and all the spectators on the benches.

With 113 set to graduate, the separate graduation session was conducted. It was kicked off with an introduction with a Tai-chi kata demonstration by the Jokokaners in attendance, who just the week before had participated in one of the organisation's inspiration course packages for everyone, Tai-chi kata.

All chief instructors and instructors also participated in this demonstration, as course packages in Shindenkan are always run in parallel and staggered, so they are run at different skill levels; Kyu (colored belts) and Dan (black belts).

It is important in Shindenkan "to meet where people are and then to create and build up - together".

The next competence package for Kyu and Dan will be Kotachi (long knife), and all participants and spectators will thus enjoy the fruits of this competence package during the summer meeting in the form of both graduation and demonstration.

Out of the 113, there were three who were up to brown belt, 3rd kyu in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do. They were set during the X-mas camp 2007. This was the start of an intense preparation process, as all brown belts must pass three stop tests;

1). Physical test, which ensures they have the discipline and physique to pass the subsequent tests. Click here to read more.

2). Syllabus test in the full syllabus from 9.kyu – 3.kyu, which ensures that they can understand the form of the syllabus – the entire standardized syllabus.

3). Graduation test course over spring camp and subsequent graduation session, a total of approx. 5 hours

All passed the physical test which was carried out in a Fitness.dk center on 23/02/2008, and also the extensive syllabus test on 07/03/2008 in Højagerhallen, Ballerup. Despite the extreme pressure, all three also passed the final test, so we can now welcome three new brown belts from respectively Jokokan Amager (Lennart), Frederiksberg (Ida) and Slagelse (Claus), who are congratulated on their new belt.

In the graduation process (click here to read more) for brown and black belts, there are two annual graduation process stages, which always begin with a setting.

During the 2008 spring camp, the following settings were made by Kimu Sensei for the 2008 summer convention; one to 6th dan, three to 4th dan, one to 2nd dan Sr. and one for 1st dan Sr, black belts, and four for 3rd kyu, brown belts. All in Yakami Shinsei-ryu karate-do.

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