Kenjutsu Pack 2 – Ei,! Oh!, OOH!

By Jokokan Honbu

Kenjutsu Package 2 is the subsequent course to Kenjutsu Package 1, which after 1½ years was again held almost concurrently with Kenjutsu Package 2. This was a practical measure, as competence courses require a lot of local training between the two competence course parts. Thus, the planning of repetition training locally was easier and more optimal to carry out, so this did not negatively influence the other members' teaching in the local Shindenkan school.

Kenjutsu package 1 was initiated on April 18 with part 1 and part 2 on May 2, 2009 with 21 participants with approx. 1½ – 5 years of training behind him, and Jens Kyoshi as course instructor with Menkyo dispensation from Kimu Sensei.

Kenjutsu Package 2 was initiated on April 25 with part 1 and part 2 on May 27, 2009 with 37 participants with approx. 4 -35 years of training behind him, and with Kimu Sensei as instructor.

Kenjutsu Package 2 is the unifying "common thread" course package "from the outside in" for all the previous courses, such as; Kenjutsu Package 1 (sword), Kotachi Package 1 (knife), instructor course 1 & 2, Task Fighting 1 & 2, Jujutsu 1, Taichi 1, Meditation & Ki 1, as well as Shiatsu education basis 1.

The upcoming Kotachi Package 2 in autumn/winter is the unifying course package "from the inside out".

Kenjutsu Package 2 (KYU) corresponds to Kendo level from 2.kyu to 1.dan, black belt, and Kenjutsu Package 2 (Dan) corresponds to Kendo level from 4.dan to 6.dan, black belt.

This level indicates that this Shindenkan competence course package places great demands on the participants, which was also evident after the first course part. When Kimu Sensei asked if everyone was comfortable with the content and requirements for the course, no one raised their hand. All, without exception, doubted that they could pass this competency course.

But it turned out that Kimu Sensei was right when he said "That this course package will show to yourself that you are MUCH better than you and others tell you to be". Because after 4 weeks of intense home and local trainings following Kimu Sensei's prepared structure and common thread, everyone answered with a big smile after part 2 that they now believed they could pass this competence course, which had challenged them and made such high demands - but you can do whatever you want!.

Kimu Sensei is also sure that the competence graduation will show on June 20, 2009, which will end 3 months of intensive immersion in Koryo Kenjutsu.

The difference between Syllabus and competence course packages

Curriculum courses are Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do's deepening toolbox, martial arts understanding and the important common thread and connection to the higher lying systems.

Competency course packages are Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do's unique Koryo Bujutsu core competencies, which have roots over 1,000 years back in time. This also means that the instructor must be at least the Densho degree Menkyo, 6th dan, to ensure competently correct teaching at Shindenkan Honbu-dojo 1 level.

Curriculum courses are most often a targeted course of 3-5 hours duration, which is maintained ad hoc in the local school. Curriculum course fee is for the core curriculum courses per February 1, 2009 generally approx. DKK 360.

Competence course packages are a targeted theme and training course usually over 2-3 months, which sets firm requirements for the Honbu dojo, the local school and the student himself, as this course ends with a competency graduation, which must be passed. If the student does not pass, the student must start over when the course package is offered again. One student has two chances to pass a competence course package.

Competence course package KYU fee is for the basic course packages up to 1st dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu karate-do per February 1, 2009 generally approx. DKK 1,000.

This fee includes a fully planned course, which consists of; Honbu dojo course part 1; 3-5 hour competency course, followed by 3-6 local chief instructor training lessons over usually 4-6 weeks. Then Honbu dojo course part 2; 3-5 hour competency course, followed by 3-4 local chief instructor training lessons over usually 3-4 weeks.

In addition, it is necessary for the student to have home training during the course. The competence course package ends with a competence graduation of 30-60 minutes duration, where the student is notified of pass/fail.

Alongside the KYU course, all chief instructors and Densho degrees go through a very demanding DAN competence course, thus the competence in the local training is developed and maintained.

The competence course package DAN ends with a competence graduation, where the student is notified of pass/fail.

Curriculum course graduation is part of the student's normal graduation process.

Competence course package graduation is part of the student's normal graduation process, but is also an independent graduation in a competency at a specified comparable level in martial arts.

Statistically, it takes between 250-550 hours for the Honbu dojo to design a curriculum course that supports the curriculum, the student's development and the "common thread".

Competence course packages take as an absolute minimum 4 times as long, and are a rather demanding preparation and completion process for Honbu's instructors above the Densho degree Menkyo.

Despite this, competence course packages are not more expensive than curriculum courses when you compare teaching time per DKK. In addition, the graduation fee is also included in the fee for the competence course package. This is a conscious choice on the part of the Honbu dojo. In Shindenkan there is "room for everyone - the elite as the exerciser", and the exerciser thus also gets access to skills that are normally reserved for the elite in martial arts.

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