Inspirations course Ki and meditation 1, 2013

By Helle Dresdner, Member until 2014

After participating in said course, a volunteer was requested to write about his impressions of the course. The room went completely quiet and people started looking around, some were mumbling something about having tasks at work and others looked like they were already doing the first exercise in personal meditation, “concentrate on your breathing, you is far far far away"..

So. Yes. I volunteered. And now want to immediately apologize for the delay in getting my thoughts about the course out to you all. A close and fantastic friend once said to me when I was busy juggling too many irons in the fire: “There really is time enough, if you plan it well. It is all about time management, and discipline. I know that you can do it.” I'm still trying to live up to her wise words he he.

Pia and I drove together to the course from Dragør. It was held at Tjørnelyskolen in Greve. We had been there before, for the introductory course on Tai Chi.

Martin Renshi taught. There were people from several departments registered for the course. It lasted from 08:30-12:00.

It was an educational journey through a world of foreign words and expressions. It was presented using a power-point presentation. Very clear and efficient. And exciting.

We practiced several forms of meditation. I found it became possible to find a place mentally that didn't echo with the sound of people's stomachs growling and a few snorkelling noises. And that impressed me, since I can be quite sound-sensitive. People slurping or smacking or drumming with their fingers or the like can make my skin crawl. And here I found a new way to gain power over my weakness for sounds.. A surprising gain.

We left the course happy, with open minds. It touched my adult faith. The belief in "things that cannot be explained or proven." Even a mathematical and scientific person like me, who leans on science's burden of proof, could well open his mind to other possibilities. Well done!

Criticism of the negative kind. It was too cold in the room! Much too cold. And it would be perfectly fine for the courses, to pay a little extra, for a bit of catering. Coffee, tea, coffee creamer (ok - that's just for me), juice, and maybe a small piece of bread or fruit. Make the course an hour longer, and give breaks where we can chat a bit across the departments. It brings us closer together as a group.

I would also like to suggest that you start a course with everyone having to say their name, where they come from and what they do on a daily basis. Then we already "know" each other a little, and maybe that will open up a more involved communication on the course.

I would like to recommend the course. It was worth both my time and my money. And we all need tools to learn how to keep Focus in life. Help to overcome the challenges that life surprises us with.

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