Shindenkan AGMs 2013 – the highlights

On May 24, 2013, the annual general meetings of the Shindenkan association and the Honbu competence center were held. It was two exciting general meetings, as the general meetings had to decide on changes to the statutes and structure for the first time since 2000. These proposed changes to the statutes and structure had already been adopted for recommendation by the federation and Honbu dojo boards on the basis of the established inter-organizational project working group of 4. March 2013.

In the period 2000 to 2013, Shindenkan has undergone a violent and very successful growth from 45 to approx. 1,100 members in the association - and the association is still growing.

Like all highly competence-dependent organizations and sports associations in general, the workload in voluntary association work is usually based on few and often the same resources. This applies to both large and small DIF and DGI specialist associations.
A martial arts organization is highly dependent on competence, so this is particularly applicable here, as these associations have just arisen because of and around a specialist competence centre.

The same is true in Shindenkan, which has an internationally recognized competence centre, which has attracted international attention and set new innovative standards in teaching, modular education and streamlining of multi-track knowledge competences.

The rapid growth has meant that it has been necessary to focus on a more streamlined and transparent organizational structure, but still in such a way that the professional development aspect will still function in symbiosis with the association. Therefore, a transversal organizational project group was set up with democratically elected members, from both confederations and competence centres. Along the way, the project group has sought advice from DIF, DGI, KL, legal experts, specialist literature, other sports associations and other impartial advice.

The project group's main recommendations for the new organizational structure were a transparent and clearly separated structure between the federation and the competence center Honbu dojo, which should avoid personal overlap and speculation about incompetence in the decision-making and financial process. This new structure should optimally promote and support the Shindenkan strategic plan 2020.

In order to fulfill strategic plans successfully and save resources, it is important to avoid separate "cheese bells" that suboptimize and oppose each other. Therefore, the project group proposed a more optimal coordination between organization and system, which is paramount in a competence-dependent organization. Therefore, the new federal board, like the Honbu competence center's board, had to democratically elect their representatives to a new daily cross-organizational coordination committee.

It also ties in well with the fact that each individual member school of the Shindenkan association, at their respective local general meetings, has already nominated their candidates for nomination and election at the associated general meeting, which is the highest authority in the entire Shindenkan organization. These candidates are for federal board and Honbu competence center's board.

It is important to point out that Honbu competence center is a member school on an equal footing with all other member schools of the Shindenkan association, and is thus also subject to the association's statutes, rules and guidelines. However, the Honbu competence center enjoys a special internal status, as all the subject competence from the higher degrees (4th dan black belt) is located in this member school. This is the case in all professional competence associations. Due to this internal special status, the project group also had a separate recommendation for auditing this member school by the association (read later)

As all member schools were continuously briefed by the project group through status briefings, the project group's structure and statute addition/amendment proposal were adopted after answering a few in-depth questions.

The following were elected to the various Shindenkan boards;

Federal Board of Directors, 2013-2015;

Association Chairman/Treasurer; Martin Hansen, JKo / JSl
Deputy Chairman; Søren Nielsen, JAm / SDKSkyt
Board member; Søren Hansen, JFu / JBa
Board member; Oliver Baggersted, JDr
Board member; Matthis Isaksen, JFr
Board member; Michael Nørgaard, JFr
Board member; Karsten Nielsen, JSo

Honbu Competence Center board, 2013-2017;

Honbu Chairman/Treasurer; Kimu K. Bjarkmann
Deputy Chairman; Jens Iversen
Board member; Soren Nielsen
Board member; Martin Hansen
Board member; Kjeld Nyrup
Board member; Claus Hansen

At the first board meeting, both boards will constitute themselves and democratically elect members to a new 3-4 member main board (Executive Committee), so that agile responses can be made in the day-to-day affairs. The project group has recommended that the main boards should consist of; chairman, deputy chairman and committee chairmen/women.

The respective main boards will then democratically elect their two representatives to the new inter-organisational coordination committee, GF2013 adopted called "SOPORG – Shindenkan Organization & Operations".

SOPORG will then work subject to the federation's statutes, rules and guidelines, and on given task and project-defined power of attorney from primarily the federation board, but also coordinating with the Honbu competence center's board and chief instructor, which is the Shindenkan organization's primary international professional competence.

The annual accounts were both unanimously adopted. The new optimized and transparent model for organizational auditor structure recommended by the project group, with two external and two internal auditors for the Honbu Competence Center, as well as an independent finance and development committee for continuous development approvals in professional competences for the members according to Shindenkan's curriculum handbook, was adopted.

The update of Shindenkan's strategic plan 2020, as well as the continuation of the project group's recommendations and work, were also unanimously adopted.

After almost 30 years as chairman in various local Shindenkan schools, Kimu K. Bjarkmann has changed his main focus to the main role as originally intended in Jokokan/Shindenkan; International multi-track Martial Arts grandmaster at the absolute top in the world today. As planned and implemented continuously more than two years ago, Kimu K. Bjarkmann will focus on Honbu's competence centers as democratically elected chairman at Honbu GF2013. But most importantly internally for the Shindenkan organization, and with absolute main focus, on his function as chief instructor since 1992 and Project Manager developing according to the Shindenkan Curriculum Manual since 2000, to the delight of all Shindenkan members and an organization in continued strong growth..

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
