After Kimu Sensei has run a pilot project, and the plan has been fine-tuned by the chief instructors, students in Shindenkan now have the opportunity to participate in POMW III under the auspices of SDKSkyt, where the shooting now takes place under the open sky, with 9mm shooting and increased knowledge of pistols.

POMW II was completed before the summer holidays with great success and fantastic results. The participants from there who have chosen to continue with POMW III had as the first part of the course trained at home with 2½ weeks of dry training according to the POMW shooting technique handbook, so that their POMW shooting technique was ready to take out into the open sky.

We met on Sunday 1 September in the afternoon in the hole at Hanebjerg Shooting Center, where in a short time preparations were made for POMW outdoor shooting - similar to terrain shooting. IPSC targets were shot, as the POMW Pistol Intermediate can, after completion, be progressed to a DSkyU DSF A license with a subsequent A+ "Shoot yourself" license. Which is the license all the Shooting Instructors have.

Since we now with the outdoor shooting do not have such a tight physical framework, as there are no shooting booths, but "just" a shooting line, and not predictable factors such as sun, wind and rain, there was naturally from the start a focus on Safety, Safety, Safety .
This meant that information about the safety zone, loading table, safety angles and weapon handling in general was repeated. Next, there was dry training on the firing line with the 9mm CZ Shadow SP01, so that everyone had the greatest possible familiarity with the pistols before we started with live ammunition.
During the dry training, and the subsequent wet training, each shooter was accompanied by a dedicated shooting instructor, again due to Safety, Safety, Safety, but also to provide the optimal learning, focusing on POMW shooting technique.

Everyone got a good familiarity with the pistols, and practiced their POMW shooting technique, through terrain shooting at 7, 10, 12, 15m and 25m distances. The shot image was analyzed after each round, so that optimization could be done all the time - usually by focusing on POMW shooting technique.
The worst fear of recoil disappeared, and everyone worked with a focus on their own shooting, and safety, regardless of whether the neighbor's hot pistol holsters hit one's shooting glasses or fell behind the collar and further down the neck 🙂

Once the familiarity and technique had been rehearsed, it was time to go a step further and work with and recoil control and reset, thereby having the opportunity to deliver accurate aimed shots faster.
By the end of the day, most had sore thumbs from incessant loading, which involves mashing 9mm ammo into the magazine – something that takes some getting used to and maybe a pinch or 2 before it runs smoothly.

The following Sunday, September 8, everyone had another week to dry train at home and work on whatever was found to be wrong last time. There should be at least 10 times as much dry training as wet training, and when wet training every shot must count. Partly because it costs money to shoot, but especially also because the setting is that all shots count as shots, because we waste neither our time nor our money.

We rehearsed the lesson from the end – that is, Instruction and Safety, Safety, Safety, and then dry training, before moving on to wet training again. Since the shooters now had 100% fresh weapon handling from last week, and the just finished dry training, the staff was reduced to "only" 1 shooting instructor per 2 shooters 🙂 Shots were fired at 7, 10, 12 and 25 meters, this time with training on reset from start of.
Then we went back on 7 m and trained transitions, from bottom to top, from side to side, and finally in a "circle". With the transitions, work was also done on splits, i.e. getting an even rhythm in the shots, which gives a much faster shot delivery than shooting in "showers".

The field shooting was extended by a small hour, as we were allowed to borrow a bit of the following shooting association's time, and in the last hour everyone was pushed to give more, in the form of faster shooting speed, but still with a focus on Safety, Safety, Safety and technology.
After the subsequent clean-up – with lots of Range Chickens 🙂 we went in for range shooting to rehearse with 100% focus on POMW Shooting Technique
It was very different to come inside after a whole morning in the fresh air, and most of them felt like having fired a few hundred 9mm rounds, with consequent fatigue, and not quite 100% concentration.
After cleaning the gun, there was shooting again with 9mm, but on precision discs, with analysis of the shot pattern and point counting. It was a rather long afternoon for most

On Sunday 22 September it was time for the last part of POMW III.
Here again there had been 2 weeks of dry training, so everyone had polished their POMW shooting technique and raised the level once more.
The whole morning was again spent in the "Hullet", with coarse pistol shooting with transitions, both up and down, from side to side, and in a "circle". The shooters showed great confidence in their weapon handling and concentration throughout the course, and were not bothered by disturbing elements.
Reset was well incorporated, and the split times had also got a good rhythm.

After the transitions were well incorporated, it was time for a joker, as Kimu Sensei had a barricade set up, which they then had to shoot around. The point here was to position yourself with the correct distance to the barricade, then unload the gun and lean out, fire the desired number of rounds, unload, then lean back in. Of course, it also had to be dry-trained before everyone was allowed to try one by one under Kimu Sensei's personal supervision.
Finally, there was shooting at steel targets at a distance of just 50m, and again many surprised themselves by actually being able to hit at this distance. "You can do much more than you and others tell you" 🙂 Yes for "There is room for everyone", but not for Jantelov

Another quick clean up, then up to the Shooting House to wash hands, have lunch, and then a presentation from Kimu Sensei with the preliminary results from the POMW project.
Then there was pistol cleaning – know your weapon, followed by range shooting with cal .22.
After a few hours with a coarse gun, it feels a bit like shooting with a pea gun, but it is important to maintain your POMW shooting technique and not jump over where the fence is lowest.
And no one did, because unlike last time, there was a high level of concentration during the whole process, maintained by a firm steering towards the target from the marksmanship instructor team.
Shots were analysed, POMW shooting technique was developed, and excellent results were delivered, which can be studied in more detail in the official POMW III article.

But it can now, again just at a higher level, be concluded with 100% certainty that the POMW shooting technique handbook, combined with the setting trained through Yakami Shinsei-ryu, gives very good results in a very short time.

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