By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

It was a wonderful reunion with Hanebjerg's shooting facility in Hillerød, which I met on the first Sunday under the auspices of POMW III. It was like meeting an old acquaintance, which is not so strange, because this is where my outdoor shooting took place and this is where I learned the most during the training lessons all the chief instructors have received from Kimu Sensei. It was also here that on a rainy weekend in October 2012 we completed our IPSC A license course. All in all, a happy reunion.

Now it had been a while since I had shot my pistols both my 9mm CZ and my 0.22 S&W so I was a bit anxious to see if it would go better than the last time I shot a pistol. It was just after the 2013 summer convention and I have to admit that my arms didn't feel so good that day. But that doesn't need any excuse because, no matter what, it's the attitude that matters.

In this first POMW III lesson, the focus was on a re-cap of shooting with the 9mm. During POMW II the participants had a little taste of 9mm shooting, but during POMW III they would dream about it because they didn't want to shoot with much else.

The first lesson was about getting the instructors to knock off the rust and making the participants more confident about shooting with a CZ pistol. It actually didn't even go that bad. I could tell that I had trained hard during the summer and from my shots I could see that I had corrected some of the mistakes that had been bothering me for some time. But now it seemed to lighten up and I left POMW III's first lesson with a good feeling in my stomach.

At the same time as POMW III, the Hsingi II course also began its course. And in the coming weekends there would be Hsingi II on Saturday and POMW III on Sunday. So I wonder if Monday would be with very tired arms and legs 🙂

After Saturday's Hsingi II lesson 1, it was Sunday and time for POMW III lesson 2. At 08.00 we met at the Hanbjerg shooting center to get ready so that the first shot could go off at 09.00. This was according to the environmental law and it must be observed :-)

We started in what on Hanebjerg is called "The Hole". It is an area where you can train IPSC and terrain shooting. We have set up poles with suspended IPSC discs that the participants had to hit in the Alfa zone. Three teams with 5 participants on each team. Gunpowder was probably burned off. Not like in the wild west, but like in a shooting association that really trained seriously. It is not certain that it has sounded like this in Hillerød for a very long time. But keep an eye on Hillerød, because we will be back and we are deeply serious. After 4 hours in the "hole" it was time for precision training on the large track that is 25 meters long. Again with 3 teams and again with rotation so that everyone got a shot.

In "The Hole" I thought it went really well, but when we had to shoot at scoring discs, my focus suddenly tended to want something other than me. All my shots were under the black in the target and I had followed the same procedure as in the "hole". My first thought was, of course, that it was the sights that were wrong, but I quickly got over that again, because they don't move without you doing something about it. And I hadn't done that, so it could only be my shooting technique it was crazy with.

I thought about it when I got home and when I was dry training I also had it in the back of my mind.

The third and final part of POMW III was approaching, but just before that we had the pleasure of Hsingi II part 2. Here it was in training that could be felt to such an extent in the body and which here, a week later, can still be felt in places of the body like me didn't quite expect.

Again we met early on Hanebjerg on a morning that initially offered gray weather, but as the day progressed the sun shone and for some of the participants it shone very brightly :-)

This time I had the pleasure of having to form a team with the only two "chickens" on the team:-) It was a pleasure to shoot with someone who absolutely does not have to prove anything to others but instead just do their best. And it must be said that they did.

When we finished shooting in the "hole", our disc had a hole the size of a handball right in the Alpha Zone. And of course there were also bullet holes in the C and D zone, but not at all like elsewhere and not at all scattered as has been seen previously. I also had to admit to myself that dry training was something that moved. The insecurity of shooting 9 mm disappeared very quickly and safety was on the spine.

Throughout POMW III, two of the chief instructors had been training as gunners. The purpose of this training is to be able to handle this task when SDK Skyt moves indoors at Tapeten in Ballerup. Along the way, it also became clear to me that the learning is also that if you want an event to function optimally, you need to prepare for it. And here is meant 110 % preparation.

At a shooting event, one mistake only has to happen and it can go horribly wrong. Then you might get the idea that during other events you can just prepare 80 %. No, that's not how it goes together.

During a shoot, the consequence of a mistake can be that death enters the arena. You can also use that mindset when preparing other things in life. It creates an attitude that really sets the stage for actions and an overview. This was the last POMW III part a very clear proof of. Here there was nothing to be in doubt about and even if there were measures that could create unrest in the planning, the entire event and especially the security was under control.

When I got home from Hanebjerg and before I completely collapsed, I managed to think that the POMW project has actually shown that if your setting is not in place, there is settlement at box 1. That is. you cannot hit a loading gate from 2 meters away. If the setting is not in place in other of our trainings, it can be difficult to see the consequence and therefore also difficult to see how important the setting is. It says that if there is no consequence that is clear, then people cannot change.

The participants at POMW III could see very clearly that attitude is everything in life. All the alpha males got that itch from the only two women who took part in the course. It was a pleasure to see how the setting can make a huge difference, especially after 4 hours of shooting with approx. 200 shots per hour. The arms were paralyzed, but still the female participants were able to find the right attitude and just do their best - because they can't do anything else :-)

I would like to thank all the participants for some spirited shooting and a big thank you to Kimu Sensei for being able to carry out learning on several levels at once.

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