Spring meeting 2014 – Kihon a fun foundation

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

After a very long and dark winter, the sun and spring are slowly finding their place again. The amount of daylight in the month of January has been at the lowest level in the last 45 years. February has not been much better, but now we have March and it is time again for a fantastic spring meeting in the year 2014.

There were 225 participants registered for this event and with the amount of spectators, we once again come up to between 450-500 coming through Shindenkan's spring event 2014. This is actually quite nice for a spring event. But isn't that also because the sun looked out and you could actually smell spring just around the corner? And I wonder if everyone was ready for a party?

Like everything else in Shindenkan, there is nothing that cannot be developed. The new instructor concept was therefore a development of the instructor resources that currently are active in Shindenkan. Kimu Sensei explained that the concept is about learning from the past - preparing for the future and living in the present.

In other words, this means that a dynamic organization like Shindenkan can only be dynamic if all parts of the organization are dynamic. So it was now time for instructor development during the competitions. That has actually been the case all along for the Chief Instructors, but now it was also time for the next in line to get dressed, with more than the local instructor tools. Although the new resources are experienced local instructors, it is something else when you have to teach 40-80 people who you may not know and in an inferno of noise from the various TG groups training around the hall. It may sound like a tough task and it is, too, if you don't step into character and show who you are as a director.

The concept was a success both for the instructors who got a lot of new tools and found out a lot about themselves. But to a large extent also for the participants, who had the pleasure of being taught in small groups with their own instructors.

In Shindenkan, we have quite a large proportion of teenagers, who all have different life cycles, growing pains and mood swings. Such is life as a teenager and it is something that we at Shindenkan take quite seriously and it is something that we would like to make into a positive experience. Therefore, Kimu Sensei could also present the new JokoTeens concept. Part of this concept is the training of JokoTeens during the competitions.

All JokoTeens from 12 – 14 years old had been divided into grades and TG groups. This was done to get a concrete estimate of how many JokoTeens there were in each TG group. A large part of the new JokoTeen's concept is about development at the pace that suits the individual JokoTeen. During the event, the development was to face its first test, as all the registered JokoTeens were allowed to train at a level higher than they used to. That is they moved up a team. And what a success it was.

All the JokoTeens who got the chance grabbed it and they held on to it the whole time. Focus and concentration were displayed to such an extent that one would think it was a matter of life or death. It is rarely seen that so many teenagers can work so hard and then smile all over their heads. A fantastic sight and an absolutely fantastic experience for all JokoTeens who were all subsequently ecstatic about this event. In the eyes of many, the best ever 🙂

Like all other events in Shindenkan, there is a common thread and some rather important messages to be presented. They must, of course, be connected with the teaching that is given to all the TG groups during the entire convention. Most people in Shindenkan know that Kihon is very important and it is essential for development and skill in martial arts. But when something is essential and very important, it can also very quickly become monotonous and perhaps a bit boring, when you have to train it again and again to become really skilled. So therefore the third concept was precisely to make Kihon interesting, fun – yes, even sexy, without it going beyond learning and in a way that made everyone from JokoKidz to the adults able to learn something. So there had to be thinking outside the box in the individual teams and which way of thinking it got started. Kihon was made in versions never before seen in a karate school. All in a fun and very educational way and without creating confusion, but instead greater understanding of the importance of correct Kihon. When one understands and can feel the importance of correct Kihon, one's development also begins to pick up speed. And when the development takes off, Kihon becomes a fun foundation that can be really sexy 🙂 In Shindenkan there is also a tradition of warming up and cooling down in a slightly different and fun way. This time it was Kjeld Renshi-dai's turn to display his talents for fun and games. This gave rise to various dance moves and human popcorn machines. Yes, dear reader, you must have been there, because it was a fantastic sight that has definitely been burned into the retinas of all the spectators 🙂
After the always exciting graduation session and awarding of degrees, it was time for everyone to say goodbye for this time.
But first a new Kohaku-jin – role model had to be appointed. It was Jill From Jokokan Korsør, where her local chief instructor Martin Renshi gave a small speech. In Shindenkan, we reward the adults and children who do not hold back from flaws, but take this with a bright mind, go-ahead, acceptance and a position as a role model and inspiration for others. The Labor and Employment Agency's table must be fulfilled. As always, we would like to thank everyone present for participating and for supporting Shindenkan as an organization. It is fantastic that so many people turn up every time - thank you very much for that. A big congratulations must also go out to everyone who passed their graduation and shall we prepare for a bang of a summer meeting? See you again for the 2014 summer convention.
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