Summer meeting 2018 – The girls show the way – Full version

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

The 2018 summer meeting was all about the sun and the multi-track skills. The 2017/2018 season has focused on Shindenkan's multi-track skills and on getting the level completely in place, so that the 2018/2019 season can build on and thus create room for an increase in the level to heights that are only limited by the individual practitioner.

There is no one inside and outside Shindenkan who doubts that the multi-track skills we train are unique and there is no one who doubts that Kimu Sensei is a unique grandmaster that no other organization has. It gives the members the opportunity to be taught the original and genuine Koryu Competences, which have more than 1000 years of history with them and which come directly from the sources - look, it's not something you can find either in books or on YouTube. To that extent, it was also noticeable at the 2018 summer convention - a new atmosphere had arrived that focused on the skills and not everything else. The attitude of the participants also showed that they wanted to train and they wanted to train correctly. The setting also showed that the level has risen significantly and the time flew by - but that's how it is when you focus on something that is super interesting and exciting.

It may well be that the number of participants in 2018 was not as high as previously, approx. 30% smaller, but when you peel an onion and peel off the 30%, you get to the core and what gives it the good taste. This is also the case in Shindenkan, with 30% smaller layers we have arrived at a better level and better taste 🙂 .

A summer meeting is a time for graduations and at this meeting there were 132 participants who had to graduate in various skills. The year has been an OBC year where all skills have been standardized, the level has been raised and the foundation for the future has also been laid - and a future that the members of Shindenkan can look forward to because it will be "The Samurai Way" 🙂 .

This summer convention in Shindenkan was also held "The Samurai Way" with new brown and black belt graduations which showed that even if you are an adult and have been for some time, you can fight a certain body part out of your pants. There is no doubt that life experience is not something to joke about, because it is something that makes a significant difference when you have to fight. There were graduations on all the shelves and it was fantastic to see how everyone, without exception, really went for the waffles - that is, not the ice cream waffles, it was only afterwards, when it was well deserved in any case 🙂 .

For all Brown and Black Belt graduations, there is a series of stop tests that the graduates must go through. In the previous 1.5 months, all graduates have been on fire with the KataFit test, cardio test, Ryuha test, Ryugi test, shiai and for those who were going to 1.Dan also a thesis. At the summer meeting 2018, the last three tests were to take place. The first test is the role model test, where the graduate shows that even if you are under pressure and dead tired, you are a role model. From the 2nd kyu, the role model test incl. teaching a team of participants. This test was passed with flying colors because the graduates took the task seriously and took the participants on an absolutely fantastic journey. There is no doubt that everyone who took part in the event for the first time had an experience that they will never forget.

The last stop test is the stamina test where graduates show their stamina by punching and kicking with correct technique on a cushion. This test is of the type that pulls the graduate all the way to their core where they find their stamina. It is also the test where all emotions are subsequently released when you have come out on the other side. No one knows how long to perform the test, but the fact is that out of the last three standing in the ring, two of them were women. Until the summer meeting 2018, the record was set by a woman who was in her prime 🙂 . After the summer meeting 2018, a new record has been set by the same woman who is still in her prime - it's a bit like a good bottle of red wine that also gets better and better if you take care of it 🙂 . Of course, the other graduates also gave it their all, and it must be said that there was no lack of will, either with the new ones who had to pass the test or those who had tried it for previous graduations. A huge congratulations must go to everyone who passed their graduation at the summer meeting 2018 – it was a well-deserved graduation.

But a question that arises from the summer meeting 2018 is: Why is it always the women who are the coolest – they have Ayame gold, they have the record in the stamina test and 2/3 of those who were to be graduated to the highest degrees at this event were also women – what about the men? Do they just have it all in their mouths and think that women are the weaker sex? In Shindenkan, it's the women who prove to be the coolest, because they do as they say. Some might ask if tests and requirements are the same? Yes, of course they are. It's the same test, it's the same requirement, but it's the women who are kicking as much... and the men should perhaps consider whether they shouldn't just do as the women do - namely just do as they say and refrain from all forms of excuses – it's a waste of energy 🙂 .

At the summer convention 2018, there were of course also graduations in Yakami Shinsei Ryu Karate do, and also in the competencies Kotachi 2 and Jo-Jutsu. It's always a fantastic sight to see how those on the floor really manage to bring out the best in themselves and allow themselves to be really good - that's how it should be done Shindenkaners.

All competitions are timed and organized by Kimu Sensei and from there content and plans are created with the aim of giving participants and instructors a learning that can truly take everyone on a journey all the way up to the stars. "Use all the knowledge you have and all the knowledge you get - for what is knowledge worth if it is not used" a theme which has sounded several times in the past season and which must be included in the new and very exciting future of Shindenkan. The foundation has been laid and now must be built on top on all fronts. It's about getting better and better at what we can already do and adding new learning so that an absolutely fantastic spiral of development gets started for everyone who can and wants to.

Between the lessons in the meeting's schedule, there is, as always, a break which is filled with absolutely fantastic coffee and accompanying cake. To all of you who have once again brought a creation of the other world, a huge thank you must be given for your support. And a huge thank you to the team who were once again ready for everything - you are Superwomen who make a huge difference.

At the start of the season in August 2017, the OBC course was started and has since been completed with 6 different OBC courses. Before the spring meeting, the participants in OBC 1-4 were certified and at the summer meeting 2018 it was time for certification in OBC 5 and 6. This also means that all skills have now gone through the first OBC process and have now reached the same level and standard. It is a huge success for those who participate, and they can feel the difference to that extent and they know that with the planned maintenance in the past and the coming season, their level will have unimaginable possibilities. OBC 5 and 6 are certifications in Ken-Jutsu 3, Jo-Jutsu 1, Iai-Jutsu 1, Ju-Jutsu 3 and Task Fighting 3. In other words, this means competences in the courses which bring together all other courses and which create a totality.

The entire OBC certification took place at one end of Måløv Hallen and it was a fantastic sight to watch. Many spectators moved closer to catch it all and the instructors at the opposite end of the hall had to work extra hard to get the participants down there to stay focused – everyone just wanted to see OBC 5 and 6 because it was really beautiful. The participants in the certification were also proud because they felt the feeling of how much they really could and they can rightly be proud of their OBC II, and for some OBC III mark, which they were awarded afterwards.

After the graduation and while voting was taking place, it was time for "Black Belt funny Moments" led by Elisabet Shishu who had gathered her "dream team" consisting of black belts of both sexes; Victoria, Pia and Christian. Basically, you can say that this type of feature is something that can get everyone on the floor. Even the spectators were well into a form of dance that really got the body going and not least each person's coordination skills 🙂 .

Before the participants were awarded their new belt degrees, it was first time for the new OBC certifications and not least the distribution of the coveted Ayame badges. The Ayame marks are awarded to those who have completed the two physical dynamic tests in accordance with the new requirements. Ayame Black is for those who have completed the test at least 2 times and Ayame GOLD is for the few who have completed the GOLD IRIS at least once - i.e. they have completed higher than the requirement that has been set.

Again, we just have to conclude that the women in Shindenkan are super cool. There are three students in Shindenkan who meet the requirement for Ayame GOLD and there can be no doubt that all three are women. It just confirms once again that maybe the women just listen more to what they are taught and based on this they just do as they say - how hard can it be boys 🙂 ?

The new OBC marks indicate which competencies the individual is certified in. That is. which skills you as Shindenkans can help others with in the spirit of our value set. At the summer meeting 2018, certification was given in the OBC II and OBC III brands. In other words, this means that now there are OBC certified students on all shelves and thus also help for those who are not yet certified. There is no doubt that those who are now OBC certified are looking forward to the coming season where they have to build on and where they can proudly wear the fantastically beautiful OBC I-II and III marks.

Once again, a huge congratulations to all who graduated and a big thank you to Kimu Sensei for creating the content and framework for a fantastic convention. A huge thank you must also go to all supporters and not least to the team that ensures that the practical framework works as it should. In the end, we just want to wish you a good summer and to all the women in Shindenkan there is only one thing to say: You are leading the way - respect!

Summer meeting 2018 – The girls show the way - Full version.
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