Shakua Sei 2019 – Wholeness between differences

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

Chinese martial arts are perhaps best known from Tai Chi or Hong Kong Kungfu films. China is a country that has undergone major changes over time, which has also made its way into Chinese martial arts and martial arts. In the same way that Japan's history has done to Japanese martial arts and martial arts. This has also meant that much of the original Chinese cultural heritage within martial arts and martial arts has gone in the same direction as modern Japanese martial arts, which is perhaps very natural when major changes occur in a country.

In Shindenkan, we have our roots deeply buried in the original and indigenous Chinese martial arts and martial arts through Kimu Sensei, who has received training in this from, among others. SST. SST received his training through a cultural exchange project between China and Japan, where he met the legend Shakuasei - who was what is called a national Chinese cultural treasure - in other words, a person who possesses the original and the original and which must be preserved.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Chinese Martial Arts Shakua Sei Basic Essence Training is divided into 3 parts with a step-by-step build-up and collection of everything in the last part. The essence of the 3 original martial art styles Tai Chi – Hsingi, Bagua and Qi-gong which is served on a golden platter for the participants on this course. And maybe it is in fact the essence of all Chinese Martial Arts that is being served - you never know when it is, as always, Kimu Sensei who creates the courses 🙂

SB courses take place after 2011 only every 3-5 years. This is for the sake of resources and because an SB course always lasts 3-4 months with immersion in the subject. Altogether, there is a minimum of 35 hours of concentrated training, which is spread over approx. 13-15 hours at national level (SB course) and more than 20 hours locally. The black belt team at national level gets up to 15 hours of additional teaching, so they complete the 50+ hours within the core subject. SB courses are not for everyone - it depends on skills and experience, so that the participants are not challenged beyond their ability. Therefore, everyone has a minimum of 3-4 years of experience up to 40+ years. More than 80 % of the 35 registered participants have more than 7+ years of Yakami Shinsei-ryu training experience. Briefly explained; All of the participants could normally be black belts in other single-track martial arts systems, but not in the multi-track more than 1000-year-old heritage samurai system; Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

The purpose of the course is not to learn new systems, but to understand and draw a link to Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do so that we become better at this with more tools in the toolbox. At the same time, as always, it provides knowledge of other cultures and other martial arts and martial arts systems, which will always create understanding, tolerance and integrity, which is always fantastic. There is nothing better than knowledge that can make one's skills better and sharper.

Most people know about Tai Chi from parks where people practice this at a slow pace. Some know it as health gymnastics and others as something completely different. But in reality, Tai Chi is not quite as it is known today. The energies in Chinese martial arts and martial arts are a whole which is clearly shown in Yin and Yang in the same way that Japanese martial arts have In and Yo. By totality is meant that everything alternates between soft and hard energy and when you can exercise this correctly yes, then you are really good - i.e. Menkyo Kaiden J We humans contain the same thing – namely positive energy and negative energy. It is one of our wholes and it is actually like that with everything in life.

Qi-gong is also a big part of this – you charge up and start the big energy generator – Jebe and KataFit just suddenly hang on as a whole and toolbox. But could it be thought that Qi-gong has in fact always been a part of it and has been separated as something separate in the same way as the Japanese martial arts are divided into Karate, Judo and all the other Japanese martial arts? And why should it be different in China than it has been in Japan. It will be exciting to see the next parts of the course because there will be much more coherence and essence.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu Chinese Martial Arts Shakua Sei the course is also about us as Yakami Shinsei practitioners having to draw links to what we normally train. And it didn't take long before the first conclusions emerged from the participants. You could see straight ahead that the "Ahhaa" button was switched on in many places. It just shows that everything hangs together and is the same forces and principles when you get to the core of it all. And it also shows Kimu Sensei's amazing ability to make something complicated simple and understandable.

As always, the whole course was built up step by step. With correct leg position and preparation through Tachi-ai points at the feet. Correct breathing and tension so that the energy generator was turned on and on to the first technique with a Spiral Tsuki. From there it started with the techniques in a step-by-step build-up.

Moving thin point, Taisabaki and how tipping point is performed in relation to Ken-jutsu (sword), Yari-jutsu (spear) and Ju-jutsu (close combat). All gathered in a pot that simply cooked a fantastic batch of Chinese soup that was eaten with gusto.

The atmosphere was euphoric among the participants and everyone's work was completely concentrated. The positive sentiment from the OBC and the rallies continued in another upward step. During the breaks, there was talk across the schools and everyone is finding out that in Shindenkan you are part of a community that contains good atmosphere and good camaraderie. This also helps to create a whole in Shindenkan.

The organization contains many different types of people who all have a common interest. Based on this interest, we get to know each other crosswise and in reality find that even though we are different, we all contain the same thing as a whole and thus maybe we are not so different after all - it is just our actions that makes the difference - remember that the future is created by your actions and not by what you say and think 🙂

There has now been training Yakami Shinsei-ryu Chinese Martial Arts Shakua Sei locally at least 2 times and it will be super exciting to see what comes on the program in the next part of this fantastic course which really creates unity and wholeness in both the participants, Shindenkan and Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do. There should also be no doubt that we as participants are very proud and honored to be guided directly into the essence of something that most martial arts practitioners can only dream of experiencing.

Thanks to Kimu Sensei for a fantastic exciting course and thanks to all the participants for a super positive atmosphere. Let's all stick to it and together let's create a platform for good camaraderie and super development.

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