SDK Shoot – A sponsor with more fun on the shooting range

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

In 2018 SDK's Shooting Association stood up as support for a sponsor event which was about having a fun day at the shooting range. The event was a great success and in 2019 the sponsor returned with the possibility that we at SDK's Shooting Association could support the event again. It is of course with great joy and gratitude that we as an association get this opportunity again as it shows that we have done the right thing the first time 🙂 .

When you, as SDK Skyt, enter into an event like this, it is important to remember that the customer is in the first place and it is extremely important to clarify the customer's expectations, otherwise the roles will very easily be swapped and the customer will thus not be able to fulfill their expectations . We at SDK Skyt are extremely lucky because, with Kimu Sensei at the forefront, we have a very strong focus on getting all clarifications in place. This event was in the same time period as Shindenkan's fifth execution of a POMW course and at this time the entire team around the event was extremely sharp as both the shooting and the safety were completely in place.

The event was built in the same way as POMW, but with integrated improvements from the last. That is learning step by step which is the schooled approach and the approach where the results and efficiency speak for themselves. You could also tell from the participants that they felt safe and that they took the learning seriously, even though it was a fun day at the shooting range. The results were completely black – that is, black on the target 🙂 .

The practical team had been prepared by Kimu Sensei during the days of POMW shooting and on the actual day of the event everyone knew their roles and responsibilities. The meeting time on the day is 05.45 when cleaning and set-up are in full swing - The Shooting House at Hanebjerg has never been so clean and has never smelled so good before. Exactly at At 08.00 the event started with around 20 participants divided into 3 teams. First with a presentation of SDK Skyt and POMW as well as a presentation of who Kimu Sensei is and how the whole POMW project came about and why. There was extra listening because there was enormous interest in what POMW actually is and how it has been developed. The results speak for themselves and you could see that the participants were excited about how it all came together. This tension was subsequently released when the practical part of the day got under way.

Although it should be a fun day at the shooting range, this can only be done if safety is observed and therefore all participants wore the correct safety equipment so that the fun could only become even more fun as the day progressed. Even though Shindenkan's own doctor was part of the practical team, an accident would probably bring down the mood in the coal cellar if it happened, and therefore you also have to remember that if safety is in order, there is safety and fun to be had for everyone.

POMW shooting technique was thoroughly reviewed both in theory, but to a large extent also in practice. Do's and don'ts for how to handle different situations during the actual shooting made the participants' fun day even more fun, because there is no doubt that the presented "Dont" situations are something that all participants, as instructors, could recognize and with Kjeld Renshi's fantastic performance, there were big smiles on everyone's faces. It also meant that safety came first and everyone complied with it to UG with a big arrow upwards.

Dry training is a very important part of POMW shooting technique and probably the part that creates the biggest and most effective foundation for SDK Shooting Association members - this is perhaps also why all the best elite military corps in the world use this particular form of training in several different ways. Dry training was also a very important part of this event and even when the "wet" part of the shooting began, the participants had the opportunity to dry train and troubleshoot in a set up "troubleshooting" workshop which was used extensively with Jens Hanshi-Dai as instructor.

When an event like this is held, there will always be some form of competition among some of the participants. This was absolutely no exception this day and it also quickly became clear to the instructors who was competing against each other. Even though everyone was divided into teams and there was an internal competition, there is always a sweet form of competition among colleagues across the board.

There was a part of the participants who were on a shooting range for the first time and there was another part who had experience with shooting in different areas. The basic thing for everyone was that they were open and humble about the task that SDK Skyt had. They listened and they listened to what was taught, which quickly proved to be good when points had to be counted in the internal competition.

When you as a person stand with a gun in your hand for the first time, it is very natural to be nervous and nervousness often makes people not handle situations rationally. But we at SDK Skyt must say that even though some participants were extremely nervous about shooting and especially with 9 mm pistols, they handled it super well. Some boundaries were crossed in a very successful way.

Despite nervousness and internal competitions, there is something about shooting that makes women learn faster than men do. We at SDK Skyt have a lot of experience with this through the POMW project and it turns out that the same thing happens every time. Men want to show that they are very skilled and women listen to what is said and shoot better than the men. Maybe the world is just screwed up like that 🙂 .

During this event, the same picture also appeared as shootings were conducted. However, there was a single male participant who turned out to be a very skilled shooter and extremely listening and humble along the way. He won the competition in several areas, which led the female participants to ask whether there could be a reshuffle on the field very soon - perhaps in 2020 it could take place.

After today's shooting, the participant had a well-deserved lunch and a really good talk about shooting etc. There was no doubt that it had been a really fun, but also educational day on the shooting range where even experienced shooters got something to learn.

We from SDK Skyt would like to thank the sponsor for the opportunity to support this event again and we hope that in the long term we can participate in more events. It has been a great pleasure to see how all participants have welcomed our way of teaching. The team for this event would like to thank Kimu Sensei for the trust to be allowed to perform the content again. From start to finish, it was a very stable teamwork, which contributed to the day going as it should and to the delight of everyone - so many thanks for that and we hope that everyone will turn up again next time for a fun day of do's and don'ts on the shooting range.

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