We open again! – Shindenkan Denmark – Together we stand strong

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

Then Denmark has really opened up on the way to normality. There is no doubt that it will take time before we are all completely back to normal. Corona has created a new reality that we all have to deal with, not only in the past 8-9 weeks, but also in the future.

In Shindenkan, we were ready for a spring with big rallies and lots of activities that focused on the development of our students. With the Corona crisis, it unfortunately meant that many of our normal activities could not be carried out and when Corona really kicks in and Denmark shuts down, the whole society is at a crossroads and does not really know what is going to happen.

Many associations followed suit and closed down completely, but at Shindenkan we always do it in a different way as we are 100% value-based and therefore do not stand by when there is a headwind on the cycle path. Denmark started with strong crisis management and since Shindenkan reflects society, it is quite natural that we go that way, as it contributes to a better everyday life for our members.

But – as for many others, this has greater consequences for Shindenkan's strategic plan (Strat23), the 5 KPI, progression and development, and not least the economy.

Many of Shindenkan's members naturally found it difficult to see through it all, because they were filled with information through the media that stuck in every direction. Since most of them had to work from home at the same time, where they had to look after work and ensure education and care for their children, you as a person end up not knowing what is up and down about it all.

As Denmark closed down, the insecurity about jobs, the economy and the future also began to show its face, which definitely did not make the situation any better. At the same time, we were all inundated with news streams with information that went in all directions because no one knew how to handle it. It created chaos, and in the middle of that chaos stood us in the Shindenkan and our members.

There was "fake news" in a big way, and there was, on the part of the authorities, a very large spread of the directions their information took. All of this is something that creates insecurity, and makes you as a person not know who and what you can trust.

Being told that honey mixed with garlic can cure Corona, and right after a message that says that children are not contagious, is probably something many will wonder if it is true. When the media publishes this kind of "fake news", it helps to a large extent to create insecurity in the population, and insecurity is not something that is needed in a time like this. One moment we are in full swing, and the next you must not hug your loved ones – a special situation that requires handling and management in just the right way.

Unique methods helped Shindenkan members in that situation

Shindenkan sees a crisis like the Corona crisis as a form of Kumite, and in Kumite you have to adapt to the conditions and be as efficient as possible, otherwise things can go wrong. Therefore, Kimu Sensei and SOPORG from day no. 1 put in unique crisis management, so that all sails were deployed so that Shindenkan and our members could stand firm in the stormy weather. In fact, Kimu Sensei, as chairman of SOPORG, had already prepared the framework with due care in the weeks before the shutdown, as he knew which way the wind was blowing 🙂

When you are an organization like Shindenkan that leads the way in many areas, which we, among other things, have done in the past with the projects POMW and SHIELD KISS, you put yourself in the firing line every time, and that with the risk of getting punched in the face and being laughed at. BUT as Kimu Sensei always says, it is the actions that create the future - not just thoughts and words.

Thoughts and words are "free of responsibility and free", but it has always been the actions that have created the changes throughout history, as now during Corona Covid19.

At Shindenkan, we are PROUD to be 100% value-based, and we show accountability both to our members and to ourselves. Since rules are for EVERYONE, we also have a 100% focus on both state and municipal rules, and not least our own laws and statutes. A lot of thought was therefore put into how we could contribute with help and create security for our members in the best possible way in this special situation. Kimu Sensei therefore started a community-building newsletter, which initially gave a small insight into how reality was connected in the middle of a Corona era.

It turned out that the predictions in the first community newsletter fit more than 99%. For everything that was predicted and explained about the strategic and tactical development and plan in the world, the EU and Denmark based on the Corona situation, yes, it all happened shortly after. We could all read and hear about that in the media 🙂 It made more and more of our members ask questions about how the whole Corona reality would take shape, and why Denmark and all other countries handled it all differently.

Shindenkan created security and normalcy for the members. Multitrack vs. single track

This is not really a task for an organization like the Shindenkan to solve, nor did Kimu Sensei want to do the task, but more and more of the members saw that everything that was described in the newsletters then came true shortly after - both in Danish society as in the world community. So SOPORG thought it would be a good idea if we in Shindenkan could help and create security for our members, so that they could better understand what development the whole Corona situation would take and why. This applied both to the actions of the government and the health authorities, and not only in Denmark, but throughout the world – i.e. how it connected across all borders and societies. The essence.

After all, the Shindenkan is multi-track and not a specialized "silo" single track, - so we also have to eat our own medicine 🙂

Shindenkan reflects society, and we have never said no to a challenge that could create security for our members and their families. The ONLY one who would be able to solve that task was Kimu Sensei who, in the form of his skills in multi-track martial arts, and absolutely international top management business experience, is able to see through all the fog and see reality as it is. And as the contents of the newsletters came true week after week, more and more members found that it would be a good idea to read them. Then they could understand the whole situation themselves and why we at Shindenkan are 100% value-based 🙂

Kimu Sensei even teasingly wrote "Don't read on if you don't need this". Knowing that then everyone would read on :-), which many subsequently laughingly admitted. Others didn't 🙂

With 6 newsletters so far, and several emails since the start of the Corona crisis, Shindenkan has provided its members with over 75 pages of information and learning about how a society reacts in a crisis and why they handle it the way they do. This kind of learning is unique to Shindenkan, and is not found anywhere else. All of this can only be done because we, in the form of a martial arts grandmaster, in Kimu Sensei have some skills that are without an international multi-track counterpart 🙂 The newsletters have to that extent created security and peace among Shindenkan members, and several have thought about life on a completely different way than they would before - look it's completely in the spirit of Shindenkan. Think about writing all of Denmark's, and partially the EU's and the world's script 2-9 weeks in advance. And then it all happens afterwards like pearls on a string in reality, like it was the most natural thing in the whole world – it's quite thought-provoking... But for Yamana-Itotani Sensei it's everyday and humbly he doesn't relate to it in public. It is also thought provoking.

At the same time as a flow of newsletters, Shindenkan also made sure to create reassurance with normalcy among the members. From the first day, 4 community-oriented tracks were created, which functioned according to the multi-track principles, and which meant that all members and their families were informed and kept informed with knowledge that was right in the eye. This at the same time as they were supported by the national community-oriented newsletters. It created inspiration and an almost normal everyday life 🙂

The 4 common tracks were:

  1. Shindenkan Home Training - fixed programs for all belt grades.
  2. Shindenkan Weight control "Everything to gain nothing to lose" - control what you can control.
  3. Shindenkan shared Facebook group with Fælleskabende Live KataFit.
  4. Shindenkan Cybersecurity – help and support in avoiding fraud and hoaxes.

Track 1 – Shindenkan Home Training

From the first day of the crisis, the Shindenkan home training was a huge help with a focus on giving Shindenkan members normalcy and inspiration in everyday life. Support and help so that no one lost momentum in this Corona time - it has been a huge success. It showed that Shindenkan's members were ready to fight, because they had Shindenkan as backup on all fronts. Motivation and faith in the future were strengthened – no one was forgotten and no one was left behind. Training programs were drawn up for each individual belt grade with time intervals of 1 hour for newer members, 1.25 hours for experienced members and 1.5 hours for very experienced members - i.e. they were then followed by 1.5 hours of OBC/NKT training, as well as various cardio courses 🙂 It created normality and unity across all schools. At the same time, it was all supported by weekly Q&A Skype/conference calls, where all the members could get help with their questions from their chief instructor. All home training programs were used to the full, to the extent that no one held back. All the members showed that there was absolutely nowhere where you couldn't train - which helps when we have to train outdoors - it's a win-win after all 🙂

Track 2 – Shindenkan Weight Control

When you are in a difficult time where everything is a bit boring, you may tend to create a lifestyle that is not healthy in the long run, either through unhealthy food or consuming large amounts of alcohol. In Denmark, 50% of the population are obese and in the USA more than 50% are severely obese. Being overweight causes lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases, which place us in the special risk group during not only Pand epidemics, but also all other disease and quality of life processes. That's why Shindenkan contributed with a campaign to help all Shindenkan members create a lifestyle change that made them take care of themselves through KISS - Keep It Simple and Safe. The campaign called "Everything to win nothing to lose" had been running since February and had already helped many, so it was quite natural that it continued in this time of crisis. Although it was weight control through KISS, it was absolutely NOT a diet, but Shindenkan's contribution to our members to help with a lifestyle change that would provide better immune defense. When the Corona crisis intensified, it must be recognized that help came when called. In the month of March, more than 115 kg were cut. of the weight on the participants and per On 1 May 2020, another 50 kg has been cut. That is that overall a weight reduction of over 165 kg has occurred. in just 2 months and just by taking care of yourself through KISS. At the same time, it also happens that when the weight goes in the right direction, the immune system goes in the same direction, i.e. the fight against Corona was reinforced in the participants. This helpful contribution came as called for, and it has clearly created lifestyle changes for many of the participants, because it is clear to see that their zest for life and super energy have increased enormously.

Track 3 – Shindenkan Community Creation Facebook Group

When a community is needed, there are several options today. Shindenkan took advantage of creating a community Facebook group - Shindenkan - Together we stand strong. Already after 1 week, it became a huge hit with a three-digit number of members, and with pictures and collages from home training as well as a Live Community-Building KataFit 4 times a week. week where the registrations were huge. It showed that the OBC and the joint assemblies had really created a unity in Shindenkan, across all schools, and the only thing missing was a joint song like during the assemblies - but it's good to have something good 🙂

Track 4- Shindenkan Cybersecurity, scams and hoaxes

Unfortunately, in times of crisis there are always people who want to take advantage of the situation. They try to push us out of ourselves, and into our emotions, so that we react in panic, lust, indifference, or anxiety. If they managed to push us out there, we can be forced to forget our common sense and KISS - Keep It Simple and Safe, and then we'll gladly go for a ride with the crazy because "these are Corona times and everything is anyway no matter”.

But no!

Therefore, it was also important that we at Shindenkan introduce this helpful contribution by showing how multi-tracked we really are. Shindenkan Cybersecurity is something that becomes really important in a time like this, and Shindenkan's internal IT security manager was also ready with help and support for all members. Thus, they could feel safe and secure when we talk about fraud and deception within both IT and everyday activities. In a time like this, there is real pressure, and the scammers are not on the lazy side. In Shindenkan, we know from training that it never matters! You can always fight on and make a difference, for ourselves and our loved ones - and that was also done here, in the safe and secure way.

So what does Shindenkan do now that it's opened up?

Shindenkan has always been, and always will be, a front runner in many areas. At the same time, it has also been shown that in times of crisis like this, when there is strong and visible leadership, there is also a markedly strong and visible unity in the entire organization. This unity also means that we can now stand strong in the future that lies right now and the one that will come in the long term.

For some time, there have been government negotiations about the extent of the opening that was to begin in Denmark. There has been a lot of speculation and there has been a lot of concern about what was going to happen. The Prime Minister and the Danish government have now given the green light for larger parts of Denmark to open up.

This also means that associations can train outdoors, with independent independent team groups of a maximum of 10. together, so this complies with the assembly ban and the new guidelines with 1-2 m distance and hand and saliva hygiene as the first priority. This will be valid until around June 8. After that, outdoor training will continue or move indoors until the end of June. This depends on the phase 3 decisions of the government and the parliamentary parties, including lifting the ban on gatherings from 10 to 30-50. From season 2020-2021 – mid-August, everything is expected to be normal again, except that the use of masks may be mandated, as in many other countries, or whether this will be on a voluntary basis by the health authorities. One thing is certain and that is that the Shindenkan adheres to the guidelines given by the authorities. The problem is simply that we do not yet have the practical interpretation of these guidelines, which the police and local authorities must enforce. But as in phase 1, this also only came into place in the following week. This means that Shindenkan and all the local schools can now finally be allowed to train together - which we have been looking forward to for a very long time. We at Shindenkan have therefore prepared for this well in advance, and NOW we can press the button and set it all in motion. There are many guidelines that must be adhered to, and unfortunately it has also been shown that not everything is equally concrete, and they are sometimes assessed very differently by public bodies such as municipalities and the police. Therefore, ALL local schools have prepared and received documented permission from the local municipalities to train outdoors, so we ALL have the permissions in place.

All local schools operate according to the same set-up in terms of handling the members, which means that we comply with all guidelines, both the official ones and our own which are more in-depth. This has been tested, tested, documented, and now also approved by the municipality.

Completely unique for instructors in Shindenkan – Corona Covid19 antigen and vaccination test

As something completely unique, and something that only happens in Shindenkan, ALL chief instructors and instructors from the Black Belt Team have been tested to see if they have developed antibodies. This was done on Friday 1 May, where a test station was set up for the purpose in accordance with all the Danish Health Authority's guidelines and regulations. The local police were informed about the process and approved it on the spot. The status is that 15% of the black belt team has had Corona without having symptoms of it, and thus has formed antibodies - this is how it is for approx. 85% which is therefore asymptomatic and very natural. In the following days from May 2, everyone from the black belt team also had a vaccination test, so that everyone is now cleared and completely ready to give our members a great experience when we have to train together again. All were negative.

Reassurance and safety go both ways, and as more and more people become immune BEFORE the vaccine or effective medicine becomes everyday, it is good to know the status of the "main characters", who are the instructors. Approved test kits, such as the one we use in Shindenkan, can determine with more than 99 % certainty whether the instructor has had, or is in the process of forming antibodies against Corona Covid19.

All chief and deputy chief instructors who have the most contact with the members are therefore tested first. After that, their immediate family living together is tested. After that, all permanent team instructors who have the second largest contact are tested, and this may also include permanent assistant instructors.

At some point in the near future, these antigen or antibody tests will become available to everyone, and Shindenkan will then encourage everyone to volunteer to be tested, as immunity can provide reassurance and safety in ourselves, as well as in our training partners.

The antibody test carried out in Shindenkan is carried out with a CE approved test kit which is approved by the Statens Serum Institut. Even the same institute has tested and approved 9 quick test kits and one of the safest of them is the test kit that we have used in Shindenkan – it is actually safer than the one offered to the Danish healthcare system and healthcare personnel. There are currently ONLY 5-10 % of all tested in Denmark, who are healthcare personnel who have been antigen tested. The quick test that they have had to use is of significantly poorer quality than the one we use in Shindenkan, and with a sensitivity of just 78.5% - 82.5 %. Here is ours in Shindenkan almost 99 %. Their test results are between 80-95 % correct. Shindenkan's test results are between 98-100 %.

The test in Shindenkan is carried out by Shindenkan's national specialist medical team, who have huge experience in this - as you can see from the pictures in this article, all rules and guidelines are complied with. It is Shindenkan's Chief Physician who, together with Kimu Sensei and the rest of Shindenkan's nationally approved medical staff, was responsible for the testing. It is completely unique that we at Shindenkan can create safety and security for ourselves and our members through a form of testing that many doctors cannot yet offer around the country. Fortunately, general practitioners are now finally being offered the antigen quick test in week 20.

But we also have to remember that Shindenkan is a martial arts organization from 1967, and since 1988 has had a nationally approved specialist team associated with various medical specialties. We also have a completely unique international network, created through the SHIELD KISS project. But it is until now rather difficult to get multiple blood antigen tested, - unless you meet all the disease requirements for that, or are in the Health Service, as a SOSU, nurse, doctor, etc. Or are on Shindenkan's Black Belt team and/or act as a permanent team instructor 🙂

At Shindenkan, we NEVER compromise with rules and guidelines, which is why we are also 100% dedicated to EVERYTHING taking place in a safe and secure environment.

What does this mean now?

  1. This means that ALL Shindenkan Schools can provide documented and municipally approved training plans for both outdoor and indoor training.
  2. This means that ALL Shindenkan schools can provide instructors who have ALL been tested for antibodies and vaccinated for Corona.
  3. This means that ALL instructors will be continuously tested over the next few months so that we can carry out a super exciting outdoor as well as indoor training under the safest and safest framework that can be created.
  4. This means that we can now ALL show who we are and that we can show Denmark that Yakami Shinsei-Ryu karate and Shindenkan have the most amazing practitioners there are.

It must also be said that a main network has also been created with a unique SSI-approved test kit, mask and hand sanitizer, so that all local schools operate according to approved standards and guidelines. Everything is CE approved and everything is in accordance with the official medical rules, as well as Shindenkan's internal guidelines, which are stricter than several of the official ones.

How do we make it practical when we open?

Many have asked how we open locally as well as nationally, - and many have no doubt at all that there is a well-thought-out plan for this, as this is Shindenkan! And they are absolutely right about that 🙂

SOPORG – Shindenkan's national operational democratically elected daily management, has had daily meetings over the phone, emails and skype for the last 8-9 weeks. Here, the general opening plan was adopted, which includes the health authorities' work with DIF and DGI and their conclusions:

  • FEAR does not equal KISS common sense. We all have to make everyday life work when the health authorities have now said OK. But of course it must be done in a safe and secure way - for EVERYONE!
  • Since Shindenkan is a TRADITIONAL martial art with 1,000 years of history, more than 90 % of the curriculum manual can be trained locally as well as nationally, and of course complying with the health authority guidelines without any problems.
  • The last 10% which are e.g. Jujutsu, of course, can be a bit more of a challenge. BUT no challenge is too big to not be solved if you really want to, so Kimu Sensei has of course also thought of solutions in that direction. Including training methods, which he himself has worked with quite a bit in Japan, and which fit into the whole situation - we have to say hello and say that the instructors had a big smile when they heard about the solution 🙂

With a 100-year-old multi-track martial arts system like Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-do, there follows a history and a learning process that is completely unique. This is not the first time in history that challenges have come into play, and it certainly won't be the last either. This is also why 90% of the syllabus handbook can be trained as normal, and individual techniques with slight adjustments, so that guidelines are observed regarding distance.

If there is an opportunity for indoor training, either 100% or in combination with outdoor training, then of course there is also a plan for this, which we put in place when necessary. There is absolutely no one who should be in doubt that we at Shindenkan have developed concepts for both outdoor and indoor training, and they are ready for use from day 1 🙂

One thing is certain, and that is that the shutdown phase of Denmark, where the goal is full control over the entire "Machine Denmark", has been successful to that extent. This is mainly due to the attitude, community spirit and willingness of all of us to keep our distance, wash our hands and use common sense. It is considered, much to the surprise of health authorities' research experts, the most effective and decisive secret superweapon. We must of course continue with this, so that safety and security come into focus for ourselves and all our members.

We ordinary people, on the other hand, are surprised that it has come so far behind the health authorities, HOW effective KISS - Keep It Simple by Safe - common sense really is.

An old saying in martial arts says that "the best tactic to avoid a fight is - not to be there", that is KISS and common sense for most of us. But unfortunately it's not like that for everyone, and that's why we at Shindenkan do everything we can to ensure the safety and security of all our members and their families.

The Corona crisis has meant that everyday life has been changed, and perhaps even overturned for many families with children since the closure of Denmark on March 13, 2020. Many parents have had to balance a changed working life with their children's schooling, or with a social life that was non-existent or takes place virtually.

In a time of crisis, the true self emerges – the good human qualities or the opposite emerges. Some surprise positively, others are revealed as "blocking balloons" - that's how it is with everyone, including world leaders. It's not always pretty, but it's human and it's reality.

Unfortunately, the corona crisis has also meant that many in association life across Denmark have chosen; ME myself first and everything is quiet and abandoned, according to the rationale "It's just leisure work - and then it's voluntary and unpaid, so it's at the bottom of the priorities".

BUT Shindenkan IS value-based, we know that it is crucial that someone takes the lead and shows the way, encourages, listens and does our best to ensure that we all get through the best - together. We also know that it is important to have a support structure - to be part of an environment that recognizes YOU, and is a sanctuary with "Space for everyone, the elite as exercisers, - according to effort and life cycle" - Shindenkan IS such a place.

All the members of Shindenkan have a huge thank you for your loyalty and continuous effort, through all the years in voluntary and unpaid work, for the benefit of society and Denmark! We are very proud of the reception all the community-oriented multi-track initiatives have received, and the sense of community everyone has helped to develop and make bigger. As an organisation, we will get through the Corona crisis with greater strength and a massive unity that will really make a difference for the future.

It is also important to say a huge thank you to Kimu Sensei for his incredible backing and support during this time. It cannot come to anyone's back that any organization, such as Shindenkan or e.g. the Danish state cannot develop and stand strong in times of crisis if there is not a leader who guides everyone through in the right way. After all, it takes a true leader to get a ship safely into port 🙂

We have that at Shindenkan, and we are proud of that, because it gives us all hope and faith in a future where we can lead the way and where we can be ready for the next challenges. But when we summarize the course of the last 7-8 weeks, it clearly shows that in Shindenkan - there we stand strongly together.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
