SDKSkyt – An experience with the man behind the weapon

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

The year 2021 has been a year of change around the world. A new reality has arrived and it is a reality with noticeable consequences if you do not deal with it. Under SDKSkyt's auspices, we have also experienced the challenges of the Corona era. But like all other associations, we were very happy to be allowed out on grass again, after the second shutdown. It was celebrated in style, with a sponsored event organized by the association. It is now the third time that this event has been held and as always it gives insight into who SDKSkyt is, why the POMW project is important to us and what it has shown.

The whole day begins with a good round of tidying up and cleaning. In fact, it all starts with good planning and setting up frameworks so that everything just runs as it should. Kimu Sensei has prepared the POMW VIP Sponsor concept so that it can be finely adjusted and scaled continuously, and so that the whole thing can be built up step by step. But the day requires a good deal of work and preparation before it can be carried out. And while the sun and the day began to wake up, the SDK team was well underway with setting up the courses and introduction to today's event. The mood was really high and there was a massive teamwork present in the gun house this morning – a teamwork that held together and functioned completely optimally all day 🙂

When the guests arrived, everything was ready and everyone in the SDKSkyt team was prepared to the letter.

The gun house had been divided into a troubleshooting workshop where Santa's master marksman taught and a shooting range where the practical part with live ammunition was carried out. But before it could get started, all guests were taken through the POMW project, what is behind it and not least who created it and how it is connected - yes, there were some of the guests who had to admit that they did not have it right seen coming and they dropped their jaws a few times along the way. But at the same time it gave insight into how the POMW - Project Old Modern Warrior concept (2011-2015) is connected and it gave an understanding that it really is the person behind it that makes a difference - and as several pointed out, that's how it is with everything in life 🙂

When you are on a shooting range, there is one word that is in focus all the time - it is SAFETY.

If security is relaxed, then a small thing can create a huge consequence for others and therefore security is the most important thing when SDKSkyt is on the shooting range. Before the whole event really got under way, there was a review of the safety and the safety equipment so that everyone would feel safe and get a good shooting day out of it. External and internal hearing protection as well as correct shooting glasses were reviewed - both their quality and their use. Then, to the great amusement of everyone, it was shown which situations can create a breach of security and how not to do it. This was of course followed by correct handling of the individual situations. Such a review is carried out with an Airgun, so that here too there is 100% safety on the field.

An Airgun is an essential part of SDKSkyt's POMW training equipment, because this is where the most important part of the training takes place - namely dry training. And it also turned out that all the participants actually thought it was a fantastic schooled approach they were shown. Many people think that shooting is a matter of firing off a lot of gunpowder and bullets. You can do that too, but with the person behind the weapon, the most important thing is that this person trains his attitude and this can be done extremely effectively with an Airgun. The next step on the POMW training ladder is training with a SIRT. A SIRT is a laser gun that has the same shape and weight as a real gun. With the SIRT, correct gun handling is trained again and not least correct trigger. Because the SIRT reveals immediately if the trigger is incorrect. This is also why Special Forces all over the world use them for their dry training.

All the participants went through a course of dry training with both Airgun and with SIRT - then the troubleshooting workshop was also opened up under the expert guidance of Santa's master marksman 🙂

At this point the tension began to rise because we were approaching what everyone had been waiting for, namely the shooting with live ammunition - but first SDKSkyt just carried out a review of how the shootings would take place. That is a shooting like the one the participants had to go through, with target change and tallying of points. Again, it was done with humor, because counting points yourself can be done a little too creatively, but then it's good that we had a control body for this event so that everyone was counted according to the correct standard 🙂 When something serious carried out with humour, then it creates security because even though it can be fun, it is ALWAYS with safety at the fore.

But the humor made the participants relax and enjoy the day even more - which was the purpose. All the participants were divided into teams and now everyone was ready for the first round with the first 20 shots with a .22 caliber pistol. The first 20 shots should give the shooters some experience and it should show them whether the correct gun handling was as it should be - this would be shown in the shot image of the first 20 shots and at the same time the aim point could be adjusted for the subsequent 30 point-giving shots .

It turned into 2 rounds with 20 shots and 30 point rewarding shots and it became more and more clear that gun handling and safety were getting under the skin of all the participants. The shots got better and better in terms of collections and more and more calmness could be detected in the participants because they started to enjoy the shooting.

Santa's workshop was not that busy, but the dry training and shooting with the small caliber created a foundation for what everyone, without exception, had been waiting for all day – shooting with a real 9 mm pistol 🙂

Anyone who has tried shooting with a 9 mm pistol such as a CZ knows that there is a big difference compared to a .22 caliber pistol. That is greater sound and greater recoil as the powder charge is greater. This also means that pistol handling must be trained, which all the participants had done with dry training and the .22 caliber pistols, and now it was to be seen if everything had fallen into place.

Let's just conclude that it had fallen into place, because everyone shot well and everyone had a handle on safety and gun handling. During the entire shooting with both calibres, SDKSkyt had guarded the safety with shooting commanders behind each shooter, thus creating peace and security for the shooter. It worked as intended and when the first shots came out it was clear that the caliber was larger, but also that the flow and handling were well received by the participants. Their breathing and their composure could be clearly seen in the humid November air. It also made all the participants want to shoot one more round with the 9 mm pistol, which they of course had the opportunity to do. The subsequent lunch was also accompanied by applause and cheers, with the celebration of those who had shot the best.

At SDK Skyt, we are very grateful for the opportunity to support this event and the team would like to say a huge thank you to Kimu Sensei for creating the framework and plans, as well as a huge thank you to all the guests and participants for making the day a super positive experience for everyone.

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