Graduation article Mads

By Mads Villadsen, 2nd Kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, 1st Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai Jikitai Karate-do, 1st Kyu, Bujutsu Kodosokukai sports Karate-do
About my journey this season towards the summer convention 2023 and all the small steps it has meant for me

My trip is a bit of a strange thing for me to write about, but if I'm really going to do it, I think I should talk about all the little things that happened throughout the year, because without talking about the little things, I can don't talk about the big things - which have meant so much to me.

I have therefore chosen to divide my article into all the small parts that have been very important to me throughout the season.


Persistence – yes it can be defined in many ways, such as that I didn't miss a single training session during the whole season or as in the fact that I have always had an ambition to get better and to achieve a higher level of competence. Or as in my decision to make a difference for the other people according to Shindenkan's value set, which says, among other things, take responsibility for yourself and others.

Structure / a plan / a goal

It is very important to have a structure, a plan and a goal, and after my graduation process, from 4th kyu to 3rd kyu, I gained a different understanding and respect for what the training for graduation is like and what is required.

That's why I knew right away that I shouldn't be the one - who was behind. So it was a very specific goal for me when I went for the 2nd Kyu that I knew exactly what the requirements were and how to achieve them also with the help of others.

Hard work / pushing physical limits
Hard work comes in several aspects and of course there was something quite concrete in Shindenkan's stop tests such as e.g. to run longer and faster, do KataFITs that pushed me to the limit - and therefore also do a few more push-ups. But also the belief that it all paid off in the long run!
Unity / cooperation

Throughout the season, the togetherness has been something very special, and my brown belt mates have all been motivated and we have supported each other in a super good way right up to the graduation process, and it was enormously valuable for me that everyone who was set for graduation this time came from the same club. So we could help each other and talk about everything we had to go through together, I'm quite grateful for that.

Belief in myself / the will in myself as the person I have become - from who I was

My journey can also be divided into two slightly larger sections, which also cover the period from when I started, until I went to post-secondary school, and from when I came back from post-secondary school. Before I went to post-secondary school, I had not found my place and had trained without much purpose. But after I came back from secondary school, I found my place in a good way and a completely different togetherness and togetherness with the others from the club which made it possible for me to believe so much more in myself, especially as the person I was in the process of developing myself into wanting to be.

Kindness / openness

Here I would like to talk about helping to teach, because for me, helping to teach has become a part of who I am - it has become so much a part of me that I can't even imagine not to do it.

But with teaching more, comes more acquaintances, more energy, and a better understanding of other people who are not in the same place as I am, but who still have the courage and desire to embark on an amazing journey with me.

It also means that everyone who comes naturally deserves to be welcomed as well as I have been - because everyone else deserves that, regardless of who they are. And it is a responsibility that also lies with me as an assistant coach.

But also generally being kind to other people and to my fellow human beings. Help if I can, answer any questions that may arise, help study for a test, or just be there if someone needs a chat.

Role model / be your best self and be willing to lead the way and lead the way

As an assistant instructor, being a teacher means that you always have to be a role model to the others, and that is something I place great value on. But I also try to be that to those with whom I train, it is something I continuously trying out because I want to be a role model.

Learning curve / development

The way and structure that has been run at SB-BB (Black & Brown Belt Honbu training) has really pushed the boundaries and has made many of the things we thought we could do – we couldn't at all because our mindset had to be on a completely different one manner. It has been good, but it has also meant that we (I) had to dig deeper, to go further. It has also meant that the limit you thought you had - lay further out.

But it has also meant that I have had to be more focused on the corrections that came, because in the end it was what made the difference to the meeting and in the graduation process.

Not taking up so much space / not having an urge to be the center or center of attention for everything

For many years I have found it difficult to completely find my own place both when I was in training and when I wasn't. Therefore, I was completely at a loss and fumbled blindly to find my place.

But I found my place after my after-school stay and came back a more grown-up, mature and a more whole person. I'm quite proud of that.

Balance / there are also limits / training and work

One of the things I've also had to learn this season is that there are choices and opt-outs and in the way I'm now growing in life - it's a balancing act.

Because if I chose work instead of training, such as in Måløv sports association, where I have had work this season or optional training outside of karate training, it had a great influence on me and my efforts.

If I really wanted to pass my 2nd Kyu, I had to find a balance and I did that and it made room for the things I want to bring - but nothing else.

Shindenkan Archives

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