Shiatsu 2017 – Shiatsu Basic Training 1

Martin E. Hansen, Member until 2018
Shindenkan's Shiatsu basic training 1 has once again been held and a team of new Shiatsu participants have completed the course. A total of 24 participants started the training, of which 21 went all the way and passed the final exam, which ends an almost 3-month course.

Basic Shiatsu training 1 is basic knowledge of the body, how it functions when it is in balance and when it is out of balance, and exercises that can demonstrate this, so the Shindenkan Shiatsu basic practitioner can do something about this. The course is very intensive and made up of 3 modules which accumulate knowledge as the participants progress through the course, as it also contains a build-up of practical experience. Between each course module and before the exam, at least a total of approx. 20 treatments. The treatments give access to the next module and ultimately the exam. If it is not in place and of the right quality, the student must interrupt the course.

The intensive course provides a very good foundation and experience base about the several thousand-year-old knowledge about the whole body, how it is screwed together both muscularly, organ-wise and energy-wise, all of which are part of a shiatsu treatment. Shiatsu basic training 1 is part of the Yakami Shinsei-ryu curriculum, and like all other courses designed by Kimu Sensei, after which it is handed over as instructor training to the other honbu instructors in turn. Shiatsu basic training 1 is a compulsory competence course and must be passed before the 3rd kyu graduation, but can be taken by all Shindenkans regardless of degree, as well as their family, friends and other good people, as it is also a so-called open course.

The just completed Shiatsu course had a large following and one of the largest groups in recent times and the quality of both treatments, attitude and willingness to learn among the participants was very high and the course instructor had to spend several nights answering extra questions via email that he had asked available to the participants if they needed to have something clarified during the practical course.

A proud course instructor - Martin Renshi can announce on behalf of Kimu Sensei that all course participants have passed their Shiatsu basic training 1 with the below result according to the 12 scale:

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