Shindenkan Denmark in 2018 – State of the nation

Another year has passed and another fantastic and very busy season in Shindenkan Denmark has come to an end and culminated in a magnificent Shindenkan summer convention where there was both the first year-end and annual certification in Shindenkan OBC – the new initiative that has been implemented this season 2017 / around the standardization of Yakami Shinsei-ryu's multi-track competencies as well as very nice graduations of both new black belts, new brown belts and not least new Kyu degrees. It was a pure party display with the entire Shindenkan curriculum of unarmed and armed skills led by Yamana-Itotani Sensei, who is responsible for both the Competence Certification and the graduation of Shindenkan members. As I have written before, it is no secret that we at Shindenkan take great pride in having a very high level of competence. We get this through the total cooperation we have with Shindenkan Honbu dojo, where Yamana-Itotani Sensei is the chief instructor, and with Shindenkan's Competence and Development Center, where the project manager is Yamana-Itotani Sensei, with SOPORG as the steering group. In Shindenkan Denmark, we are very grateful for the collaboration with Yamana-Itotani Sensei, his innovative thinking that opens up the multi-track skills and development, for all Shindenkan members, as well as the constancy he offers and stands for - throughout all the seasons of the last 30 years.

National General Assemblies.

The national general meetings are always after the completion of all local Shindenkan associations' annual general meetings in May, so that the national general meetings for Shindenkan Denmark connected and Shindenkan Honbu (JGS), can be run with input from the local schools so that the work and knowledge that has been in the old season can lay the foundations for the new season. The national general meetings for season 2017-2018 were held as planned on 17 June 2018 and for all those present, it represented the Shindenkan organization, which consists of both the Shindenkan Denmark association and the board of representatives - which constitutes the political and democratic association and of the Shindenkan Honbu-dojo – which represents the 1000-year-old competence system. As you know, Shindenkan Honbu-dojo consists of Jokokan Greve Strand & SDCC – Shindenkan Development & Competence Center (JGS and SDCC respectively). The general meetings were conducted according to the adopted formalities and took place in good order.

Status over the year

Shindenkan always runs with 5 year strategic plan in order to develop our members and to keep our system Yakami Shinsei-ryu intact – Strat2015-2020 was no exception to this. Shindenkan's Summer Convention 2018 and the national general meetings also mark the end of my first year as chairman of Shindenkan Denmark and it was time to take stock of the year that has passed. We have had huge success in our growth since the year 2000 and especially in the years 2010 – 2015 we have grown a lot and Shindenkan became an important martial arts organization in Denmark. But success has a price, and the price is a political power struggle instead of focusing on that. Shindenkan experienced, in tandem with our growth success, an unexpected increase in political action and nurturing of special interests that sought to have free rein instead of fulfilling our bylaws and purpose! For a value-based system like Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do, politics and special interests are a devastating disaster that simply removes the energy and fun from the voluntary and unpaid work that is done both locally and nationally. But it is not the first time this has happened - it is actually the sixth time in the 51 years that Shindenkan has been in Denmark and each time a "Turn-Around" has been needed and each time it has had consequences for the organisation.

Strat20 – Back to the purpose and common level of competence

When we had ascertained the negative effect of our explosive growth, it was time to make another "Turn-Around", this time designed to get back to the purpose and the common national competence level. Strat 2015 – 2020 was a Turn-Around strategy plan, based on 5 successive steps with the implementation of a fixed common structure and an Information & Communication plan that gradually created more and more transparency and knowledge sharing - both nationally and locally. With the implementation of Steps 1-5, it was no longer possible for Shindenkan leaders and instructors to hide behind a belt – instead we were all forced to lead the way as role models for ourselves and others – all the time. A common competence platform was created according to the motto: Space for everyone, the Elite as the exerciser. It was suddenly not "just" us who, as leaders, judged others, but now also the other way around - where we ourselves had to be judged by others. We knew that Strat20 would have a consequence - because it became the time of truth and revelations. We knew that the bigger Shindenkan became, the more dependent we became on competent leaders with true zeal at heart, and this is very difficult to find in association life with different backgrounds, experiences and skills. Successful Shindenkan had become a "Political party with wing wars", where SOPORG had to clean up every time after the various "Giga ego adventures and fantasists". It is grueling work – which is also voluntary and unpaid for us at SOPORG! Shindenkan's growth became our Achilles heel – we had become a colossus on clay feet with 3 steps forward and 3 steps back and we all knew a drastic change was needed – result: 2015 Democratic National General Assembly's Strat20 plan. As always, Shindenkan's main focus is on our system competences and trust in each other based on a common set of values and direction, yet the association's board meetings ended in political fights and special interests – the common denominator was lowered again and again. We knew that the consequence of Strat20 would mean that Shindenkan would lose members - but there was no doubt, because we would rather lose members than lose Shindenkan's 1,000-year history and soul - under the cover of the hand of democracy through special interest politics.

The consequence of Strat2015-2020

In SOPORG we set up Worst and Best case scenarios and predicted a membership loss of between 35% to 50% and then stabilization and progress. It is important to emphasize that SOPORG did at the same time EVERYTHING to minimize the loss through constant transparent and open communication. But it was extra challenging when a few local leaders oppose this both covertly and openly and encouraged members to do the same, despite a democratic general assembly vote having taken place in all local schools as well as nationally, and thus a democratic decision has been made. But Strat20 luckily succeeded and the net loss has now stabilized at around 20% as a direct result of Strat20 and approx. 30% including the regular departure.

The list of members

We have previously calculated our number of members with a cut-off date of Friday in week 6 and this has caused a period shift in the calculation of the number of members. This has now been corrected and adapted and all the associations' membership statements run according to a national model and agree with Period shift has meant that each year a little too many members from the individual schools have given up in what is also counted as admission of new students

Status of members

The status at this general meeting is that the Shindenkan Denmark association has become smaller - as previously told between 20-30% smaller! We knew that at Shindenkan we would be smaller and we are happy about that, because we have returned to the purpose and the common level of competence - and we are very proud of that. The success of Strat20's conclusion was clearly visible during the summer meeting. First, an open presentation from SOPORG's chairman - the presentation that was also presented during the national general meetings, so we ensure that as many as possible of the members and relatives are informed. Then a bang! of a meeting with an intensity and joy not seen since 2012! After which the convention concluded with a competence show of armed and unarmed competences under OBC KM – multi-track Competence mark annual certification confirmations. The spectators were speechless and many were extremely proud of the level of competence.
Overview of the number of members since 2009 and up to 02/06/2018

The Strat20 has been replaced by the Strat23.

A "Turn-Around" is now complete and this means that the Strat 2010-2015 is now also complete. And even that – 2 years ahead of schedule! We have become smaller and we are really happy about that, because now we have reached the common foundation and level of competence we need, so now we can look forward TOGETHER again!

The Turn-Around is over and we are at the competence target, but Yamana-Itotani Sensei will refine the concept for next season after all the Input he has received from you, data analyzes and us.

OBC ensures that if the accident happens and you become injured or ill for a long time, or if you are challenged in your life cycle with divorce or death or if you take a career challenge such as a secondment or if you simply need a break - that you can ALWAYS return to the current course competency level, simply by taking the annual OBC, which gives you access to the local and national OBC training, together with others of the same competency level.

In the long term, OBC and NKT will ensure an increasing level of competence in Shindenkan and each annual OBC will be at a slightly higher level. The goal is at least one full belt per third year for black and senior brown belts.

The 2018-2019 season could be amazing! Many of us feel we can finally breathe again – cloudless blue skies.

OBC – enables a historical and direct comparison of graduation degrees – subject competencies.

It is no secret that a 1st Dan in the 90s is not the same as a 1st Dan in 2018 and why not 😊? It is quite simply because there has been a development of competence in the multi-track martial arts system, where the requirements have slowly become higher year by year - which has been planned by the Honbu-dojo all along, as it allows for more and higher belt degrees!

With the introduction of the OBC, it has now become possible to compare competences and degrees over the last 51 years of generations and this is very interesting because it precisely shows the development in Shindenkan's level of competence.

If each annual OBC is completed at a slightly higher level, it automatically means that instructors who quit will see their students overtake them in skills within a very few years!

It challenges history in a positive way because: Now WE can't get stuck in the past - Now old Shindenkaners and former champions can no longer "snout" a Shindenkaner from a newer generation! Or your old instructor can no longer teach you because you have chosen to maintain and develop your multi-track skills and your former instructor has not!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that - and I'm sure your old instructor has no problem with it either 😊

But with OBC, this is the reality – and this development only happens after a few years.

Historically, OBC means that degrees are directly comparable in the different generations and cohorts, and this means the following for students who have dropped out or have not maintained their skills:

  • A Gensei-ryu black belt from the 60s – 80s equivalent in knowledge and skills today to a 5th Kyu YSK
  • A Shindenkaner black belt from the 90s corresponds in knowledge and skills to a 4th Kyu YSK today.
  • A Shindenkaner 3rd dan black belt from the 90s is equivalent in knowledge and skills to a 2nd Kyu YSK today.
  • A Shindenkaner 1-2.dan black belt, 00´ern-2009 equivalent in knowledge and skills to; 3. Kyu YSK today.
  • A Shindenkaner 1-2.dan black belt, 2009-2012 equivalent in knowledge and skills to; 1. Kyu YSK today.

This is VERY interesting from the organization's point of view because it shows the importance of OBC to that extent - but perhaps not so interesting for those who have left us or have stalled.

This was reflected at the summer meeting in 2018 with the presentation of the new OBC Annual Certification Competence badges (KM1-4), which are worn once a year and show who maintains and increases their multi-track competence level.

Look, it's really cool and we're VERY happy about that 😊

On the other hand, it means that we get rid of statements like: "It's not like the old days..." or "Back then we were much cooler and the snow was much higher..." or "The training was also very different back then...", "We were much stronger, like when I was a soldier…” and so on.

BECAUSE no more talk - you can just take your annual OBC certification 😊

SST – Soké Sensei Tonegawa

March 31, 2018 was the date Soké Sensei Tonegawa retired at the age of 80. This was announced at the Shindenkan Spring Convention 2018. However, it is important to state that SST's retirement is solely as head of Bujutsu Kodosokukai - NOT as Soké of Yashin Mon. Yakami no Taijutsu!

This has not changed 😊 SST is of course still Soké for Yashin Mon. Yakami no Taijutsu and still train today with the 3 original main forces – the 3 original members and students including Yamana-Itotani Sensei.

It was always planned that SST would withdraw from the management of Bujutsu Kodosokukai in 2018 and Shindenkan therefore became an independent branch in 2008 with timely care, with Yamana-Itotani Sensei as leader and a license that has covered Europe, Scandinavia and Denmark.

Following SST's retirement from the organizational leadership of the Bujutsu Kodosokukai, the Shindenkan has been elevated from being an independent branch with a European license to a full and 100% independent organization with a World Wide license.

We are VERY proud of this - because it emphasizes that our fantastic journey in the world of multi-track martial arts continues positively and developing for all Shindenkan members who have been involved - a fantastic development and journey that I have been lucky enough to be a part of since 1988.


Shindenkan Denmark is currently not able to create the necessary finances itself and the operation is therefore covered by several voluntary private investment sponsorships of varying sizes and time horizons, Honbu investments and other smaller priorities.

Precisely because our expected funding has not been large enough, we are largely dependent on sponsorships. We have been lucky enough to receive a small sponsorship in connection with our trip to Japan in May 2018 and we are VERY grateful for that, but sponsorships always come with a bond and that means we cannot plan large projects - because sponsorships are a very uncertain basis due to the time horizon.

Shindenkan's lack of financial balance in relation to the adopted strategic plans also means that other revolutionary international prestige projects such as POMW and SHIELD KISS, which are financially costly, will no longer take place - unless the funding IS secured in advance.

Shindenkan's national boards and committees aim to create a greater economy. But we have to crawl before we can walk and we continue to work to create a more secure financial foundation for the future.

REMEMBER Shindenkan's Activities

All the national Shindenkan activities, in close cooperation with the association, are offered by the Shindenkan Honbu-dojo, which both creates the content and takes care of all the planning, has the competence, provides the instructors and ensures the implementation. The Shindenkan association provides the framework in the form of premises, set-up and clean-up. This collaboration works perfectly for all members of Shindenkan Denmark.

The activities for the new season are always planned according to the needs of the Shindenkan organization and the number of potential participants per year. activity and this plan is presented to the association at Shindenkan's annual general meetings and adopted by vote. We have developed various IT tools for this purpose.

Again this year, I encourage all members, instructors, local board and parents to keep an eye on the Shindenkan calendar because this is where all the important dates for the national activities are announced. The activities are available on Shindenkan's calendar from early June each year - so always remember to look at Shindenkan's calendar at the end of June/July 😊

The calendar is a Google calendar and in our modern world with smartphones you can subscribe to Shindenkan's calendar - so that you are always up to date.

My focus for the next 4 years

Shindenkan Denmark needs to get back on track, so it will be my task and that of the new board to create new paths and opportunities in the coming 4 seasons - which maintain the positive spiral around frameworks for competence retention and development.

It is NOT important to be big – it is rather important that we are the real thing! A real multi-track martial arts system with room for all the elite like exercisers.

Thank you for the 2017-2018 season and a very good summer holiday to you and your families!

With best regards,

Jens Iversen, Federation Chairman

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
