Local association, Jokokan Greve Strand (JGS), including Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and development center (JHDKU) GF2014;

Shindenkan AGMs 2014 – the highlights

On May 9, 2014, the annual general meeting of the Shindenkan Association was held. This national general assembly is the supreme authority of the Shindenkan association.

On the same day, two other local general meetings were held, as there is a special connection to the association's general meeting, since some resolutions at the general meeting of these local associations also had to be informed and possibly adopted at the national general meeting as a proposal.

This was respectively Jokokan Count Strand, internally in the Shindenkan organization called; Honbu competence and development center, as all of Shindenkan's all-important professional main system competence is gathered here with chief instructor Yamana-Itotani Sensei, alias Kimu Sensei at the helm.

The other local association was SDKSkyt, Shindenkan Denmark's shooting association, which was established along the way as a natural extension and support for the internationally recognized and successful Honbu POMW – Project Old Modern Warrior project 2010-2013.

Before these general meetings, a cascade of local member associations' general meetings had been held in the weeks leading up to the national general meeting, so the national general meeting has the latest new knowledge from all the local member associations. In this way, the most effective and optimal democratic decisions can be made on a national level, since all local Jokokan associations that practice Yakami Shinsei-ryu, SDKSkyt that practices POMW shooting and Jokokan Greve Strand, internally in the Shindenkan organization called; Honbu competence and development centre, can contribute, through the local general assembly's decisions and proposals, to the development of the national federation; Shindenkan Denmark. It is truly a democratic process, so everyone is heard and has a chance for this.

Local association, Jokokan Greve Strand (JGS), including Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and development center (JHDKU) GF2014;

All formalities were observed and the chairman found the general meeting as legally convened and capable of decision. The minutes from GF2013 were approved without comments and unanimously.

Jokokan Greve Strand was established in 1994 and therefore has its 20th anniversary in 2014 at Tjørnelyskolen, Greve. Jokokan Greve Strand (JGS), also contains the Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and Development Center, where the entire Shindenkan association's Yakami Shinsei-ryu system competence is gathered.

Despite the fact that we have and have had for 20 years an excellent collaboration with Greve municipality, so for reasons of history, value and statute, the Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and Development Center must be politically independent and impartial. Jokokan Greve Strand, aka Honbu therefore does not receive municipal or other subsidies - which would be particularly significant due to JGS/Honbu's membership size.

Honbu must be self-financing and independent. At every general meeting, there are members who think this is foolish, as Honbu is an approved public information association, and these grants can benefit the members through skills development. But here values and independence weigh more heavily, and Honbu can therefore only receive investments if this is given without any reservations about influence on the "editorial, non-political and professional line".

Honbu dojo's chief instructor is Yamana-Itotani Sensei, internal to Shindenkan; Kimu Sensei. In the international Japanese Great Grand Master council, in 2013 he was unusually pardoned with the Shinto/Buddhist name of Seisai, which can only normally be given after the age of 75+ or posthumously.

In 2013, Kimu Sensei was on a training camp in Japan (See the article The wheel and the deep plate – Japan training camp no. 44, October 2013), and will also do this in 2014 and planned for 2015 as well.

Final POMW – Project Old Modern Warrior, 2010-2013

The internationally recognized and very successful 3½ year Honbu Competence and Development Center project was officially completed on 31.12.2013. The project is the largest and most resource-intensive in the organization's nearly 50-year history in Denmark.

The shooting sport - civilian as well as military - was carefully selected as the 100 % optimal and ideal starting point for demonstrating Minouchi Sensei's thesis; It is the person behind it that makes the biggest difference, and their training background and process.

This means that the goal is according to the civilian like military conditions and standards, and not according to our own, but the process to get there will or can be different, as Minouchi Sensei says that the attitude of the individual practitioner, like the attitude of instructors is very different, and dependent of the individual practitioner's degree as an instructor, and this culminates in the degree MENKYO – Master of all the Martial Arts.

So the main question that testing the thesis must answer and indicate is based on the most important thing is the man behind the weapon and the man's training behind;

  1. The shooter's inner clarification and attitude is the most important factor for learning to shoot in the shortest possible time with the most optimal results, if these also receive the most optimal learning process and structure with the optimally correct shooting technical essence from the world's best pistol, rifle and long-range shooters.
  2. The inner clarification and attitude of the shooting instructors is the most important factor for learning to shoot in the shortest possible time with the most optimal results, if these also receive the most optimal learning process and structure with the optimally correct shooting technical essence from the world's best pistol, rifle and long-range shooters.
  3. In order to get such a complete picture, it will be extremely important to get both the civilian and military angle, as the attitude and life experience behind the shooting are very different. There is a big difference between points and trophies, and life and death. This will necessarily also have a great influence on the depth of the inner cognition, since the military shooter who has not got PTSD or something else, is forced to relate to the human target he is shooting at, and not like the sports shooter, who has to relate to a cardboard or metal disc.
  4. The best starting point to answer and prove Minouchi Sensei's thesis would be that neither Shindenkan shooting instructors nor shooters should have any shooting experience in their luggage, apart from "Tivoli, stag parties and special events". Because in this way, it could be "measured cleanly" and everything would be according to the project's merits, process and goals.
  5. How will a Yakami Shinsei-ryu practitioner achieve the same professional skills as civilian and military practitioners according to a recognized international standard? That is according to the civilian as military conditions and standards, and not according to our own?
  6. From what degree will a Yakami Shinsei-ryu practitioner with acquired attitude achieve the same professional competences as civilian and military practitioners according to a recognized international standard? That is according to the civilian as military conditions and standards, and not according to our own?>

The POMW project's results are so spectacular that it is internationally recognized and noted, and the project manager for the POMW project has received regular invitations from abroad regarding the presentation of POMW, training courses and internationally prestigious project collaboration of a year's duration. However, Kimu Sensei has politely declined all these invitations, as the POMW project is now officially finished, and Kimu Sensei's main path is and will be the martial art. However, POMW's results have been made publicly available, so that those who wish do not have to reinvent the wheel and the deep plate repeatedly based on different needs. You can read more about POMW's end in these three articles;

– POMW project contribution and completion after 36 months – follow-up (part 1)

– POMW project contribution and completion after 36 months – follow-up tone (part 2)

– POMW project contribution and completion after 36 months – follow-up tone (part 3)

SOPORG – Shindenkan Operations & Organization, 2013-2014

SOPORG is the Shindenkan organisation's inter-organisational and interdisciplinary coordination committee, which was set up during GF2013 and registered in the articles of association. the biggest structure and statute change since the year 2000. The reason was the realization that Shindenkan was no longer a small organization, but a significant and large one in relation to the sport; martial arts.

The members of SOPORG are; Confederation chairman, Confederation deputy chairman, Honbu chairman, Honbu deputy chairman and a democratically elected representative. SOPORG was established in the recognition that because it is voluntary and unpaid association work, it should not be an unnecessary time and resource grabber for the democratically elected positions of trust, but should be done optimally efficiently with maximum effect and power of attorney in accordance with Strategic Plan 2020, which is adopted by the supreme authority of the Shindenkan; The general meetings, both national and local.

In the update of a more effective and maximum supervisory structure, it was decided by GF2013 to introduce a decidedly cross-organizational project organization in the Honbu Competence and Development Center, since up to 80 % of the costs go to competence development for the benefit of all Shindenkan members. Honbu has always had a project organisation, but this has been internal to the association with the democratically elected board as daily decision maker and proxy from the general meeting. GF2013 decided that SOPORG should function as a steering group in the future, so that the decision-making process and the communication process were as simple and efficient as possible. The 2013-2014 season was decided to act as a pilot project for POMW, and GF2014 was to evaluate whether the total constituted SOPORG statute supplement should be made permanent.

A project organization is an organization around a project that consists of a steering group and a project group. The decision-making part belongs to the steering group, the work part belongs to the project group and the management part belongs to the project manager. The steering group's tasks have been traditional, such as setting frameworks; financially, temporally, personally and make decisive decisions. SOPORG has functioned as a steering group for the POMW project and the project manager Kimu Sensei in 2013-2014, and this has worked perfectly optimally as intended.

GF2014 has therefore decided unanimously to make the total SOPORG statute amendment permanent, however, on the condition that the federation's GF2014 also decided this (which they also later decided unanimously).

The SHIELD KISS project 2014-2018 (20) – Strength Health International Empowerment Listen Doctors – Keep It Simple & Safe – The East West bridge.

Honbu Competence and development center manager, Kimu Sensei, presented the idea, presentation, process and preliminary estimated budget for a new project with the working title; SHIELD KISS.

In short, the SHIELD KISS project is a 5-year health and wellness project, where the essence of western and eastern medical knowledge is brought together through a "POMW process and methodology - KISS = Keep It Simple & Safe", depending on the short- and long-term goals, you would like to achieve, and according to the Shindenkan value set "We meet people where they are and take them on a journey".

The SHIELD KISS project does NOT invent the wheel and the deep dish that have already been invented, but collects the essence of the work of other specialists, assembles this essence as a fundamental puzzle and bridge building, and to the extent necessary, verifies this in experiments.

The project manager is Honbu Competence and Development Center manager, Kimu Sensei. The project group will also ad hoc include leading specialist doctors in sports medicine, physiotherapists and others - "educated in both East and West", so it is ensured that the latest new research as practical experience with effect is used in the project.

The big challenge in the project, where East and West are to be bridged, is to find a valid definition of measurable results, as the philosophy is very different as a starting point in the West versus the East. Such as. individual and holistic thinking, What is thought-provoking, however, is that philosophy has increasingly become opposites up to modern times, where philosophy in ancient times had a great many coincidences. Today, the philosophy of the East is most often perceived as religion, dreamlike and hocus pocus, and the philosophy of the West as strongly square, guilt-ridden and life-denying.

The increasing specialization in healthcare in the western world has led to more skilled doctors, nurses, targeted medicine and disease research, as well as more optimized specialist departments in hospitals. It is very good for research, the healthcare system and the patients who suffer from one disease within the specialist areas.

But it is really bad, even life-threatening for the patients who suffer from several different specialties. It is very common to be ill within several different specialist areas, such as e.g. heart, cancer, brain patients. Several Danish and foreign studies show that if a patient has several illnesses, there is a greatly increased risk of uncoordinated and erroneous medical treatments, medications and treatment courses.

A recent Danish study shows that on that account alone more than 1,000 people die in Denmark, which is due to coordination errors and the release of responsibility between the specialties.

Studies also show that up to 50 % of all chronically ill patients and relatives in the Danish health system, even in terms of safety, must coordinate examination times, disease and correct treatment courses between the various specialties.

Pharmacists in pharmacies find mistakes in the specialist prescriptions every day. Last year, 27,000 Danes were wrongly medicated, of which 1,000 suffered serious injuries and at least 50 died, although many experts say this number is rather over 1,500. Experts say that up to 5,000 Danes die annually due to medical errors.

The public's payments to injured parties via Patient Insurance have exploded in recent years and are approaching DKK 1 billion. DKK per year.

Since 2004, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff have been obliged to report both minor and major errors. In 2012, 49,145 unintentional errors were reported to the Patient Ombudsman. The patient representative himself estimates that 80-85 % of the errors are never reported.

More than 90,000 employees - mainly from the healthcare system - have secure access to all Danes' medical records for insight and coordination. There are plans to double the security access. The legislation and setting is in the spirit of development, research, cost saving and profit, and the normal is that people do not know this, are not aware of this and cannot do anything about this.

Officially, this severe security access is done to make the service more efficient for you. But most people will feel bad that personal and sensitive illness stories can be talked about and abused, and this happens on a daily basis, since the control of this is practically at the "True & Love" stage, since human random checks cannot possibly check all data and log files. Abuse happens daily, as the pending cases in Nets, banks, IBM, CSC, Naviair, SAS, etc. etc. show, and like the tip of the iceberg, far less than 10 % of these cases are discovered.

There is virtually no risk today of being discovered in an abuse without a plausible explanation that cannot be accepted. And the managers will most often accept, as stories of abuse, no one is interested in for competitive, financial and reputational reasons. They are buried daily.

Another example of contradictions is that many Western researchers warn against eating too much rice because of the content of the poison arsenic. Which must directly mean that 4-5 billion Asians are in direct health danger, as their main component of food intake is; Rice... Many Western researchers say the same about fish and toxins, and meat is healthier. But according to the official statistics, the many Asian countries enter the world's top 10, while Western countries such as the USA and European countries enter a top 10 – from the bottom.

The SHIELD KISS project acknowledges this state of affairs in the Danish healthcare system, but also that other western healthcare systems are more advanced in the coordination between the specialties. In the east, "western" specialty trained specialists and staff work together with "eastern" holistically trained naturopaths and staff, thus recognizing the need for connections, advantages and disadvantages of each other's competencies. This way of thinking has also been introduced in some Western countries, on an experimental basis in others and at sporadic pilot project stage in far-sighted hospitals. In Denmark can be mentioned; acupuncture and meditation projects. However, the Danish Health Authority has not recognized the effect, as all experiments have been carried out according to Western thinking and test methodology. But the facts are that it helps patients.

The SHIELD KISS project's strategy is that the best thing in terms of health is to be as strong and healthy as possible for as many years as possible both physically, mentally, mentally and spiritually. But also accept that we are all getting older. That acute physical injuries have an impact on the psyche, and chronic physical injuries have an impact on the psyche, mentally and spiritually and vice versa. In order to achieve a "Healthy soul in a healthy body", this also requires that the person takes responsibility for his own life in all relationships, and that staying strong, healthy and fit does not need to be the great science and extremely complicated, as really many commercial providers would like to do so. Just like with the POMW project and the POMW Shooting Technical Handbook, it can be made essentially simple and safe.

GF2014 unanimously decided to approve the project presentation with key content.

The chairman's report, the board's and treasurer's account, development account and agenda settings were unanimously adopted.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
