Shindenkan AGMs 2014 – the highlights

On May 9, 2014, the annual general meeting of the Shindenkan Association was held. This national general assembly is the supreme authority of the Shindenkan association.

On the same day, two other local general meetings were held, as there is a special connection to the association's general meeting, since some resolutions at the general meeting of these local associations also had to be informed and possibly adopted at the national general meeting as a proposal.

This was respectively Jokokan Count Strand, internally in the Shindenkan organization called; Honbu competence and development center, as all of Shindenkan's all-important professional main system competence is gathered here with chief instructor Yamana-Itotani Sensei, alias Kimu Sensei at the helm.

The other local association was SDKSkyt, Shindenkan Denmark's shooting association, which was established along the way as a natural extension and support for the internationally recognized and successful Honbu POMW – Project Old Modern Warrior project 2010-2013.

Before these general meetings, a cascade of local member associations' general meetings had been held in the weeks leading up to the national general meeting, so the national general meeting has the latest new knowledge from all the local member associations. In this way, the most effective and optimal democratic decisions can be made on a national level, since all local Jokokan associations that practice Yakami Shinsei-ryu, SDKSkyt that practices POMW shooting and Jokokan Greve Strand, internally in the Shindenkan organization called; Honbu competence and development centre, can contribute, through the local general assembly's decisions and proposals, to the development of the national federation; Shindenkan Denmark. It is truly a democratic process, so everyone is heard and has a chance for this.

The Shindenkan association's general meeting 2014 – the main features

All formalities were observed and the chairman found the general meeting as legally convened and capable of decision. The minutes from GF2013 were approved without comments and unanimously.

The Chairman's report was largely after the State of the Nation article; Shindenkan Denmark in 2013 – State of the nation – Shindenkan Denmark in 2013 – State of the nation

For the first time since the general meeting in 2000, a local association's accounts were presented at the association's general meeting, which is extremely unusual - and to the great surprise of the general meeting participants.

This was Jokokan Greve Strand, including the Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and Development Center's 2013-2014 accounts. The reason for this was, among other things, following;

  • The upcoming update and customization of the Strat200
  • The end and result of the POMW 2010-2013 project, which has been the most costly project in the organization's nearly 50-year history.
  • The upcoming SHIELD KISS 2014-2018 (20) project which will also cost heavily every year for the next 5 years.
  • All KYU courses were completed in 2011, POMW I, II, III KYU in 2013, and everything has been originally handed down by Kimu Sensei, and has now been running for up to 3 years with the Honbu KYU team responsible with great success. 15 % growth in 2013-2014.
  • The continued creation of DAN courses, which are 3-5 times as rich in content and comprehensive as the KYU course development, and therefore also correspondingly costly. And resource-demanding for the Competence and Development Center boss, Kimu Sensei.
  • To create a starting point, foundation and understanding for the federal board in terms of resources all around for the all-important competence development of the past, present and future under Honbu's auspices and the costs and choices associated with this.
  • Emphasize and provide full insight into income and expenses on the various items, that everything is voluntary and unpaid, and create more ambassadors among the members of the Shindenkan organization.
  • Finally, give an answer to the indictment of the more or less sensationalist persons over the years who, in the hidden or public space, have spread untrue, most often malicious gossip and rumors internally as well as externally, time wasters and - a few of which are beyond educational scope.
  • It has not been nice for the very hard-working volunteers and unpaid association forces at national and local level, to have various accusations thrown at their heads from mainly people who do not want to contribute or do anything for other people year in and year out, or only do this if it is in their own interest and they can gain benefits from it..
  • Fortunately, Shindenkan's members have trusted more in the democratically elected hard-working people in the positions of trust, than in the few stingy vessels who have tried to put lice in the fur. But it is clear - and humanly - that when the national democratically elected board, only in writing and orally over the years, has refuted these insinuations and accusations, but has not presented documentation, thereby refuting this completely, this can leave a certain doubt and curiosity for a share. But it has happened now, and not for the sake of the rotten vessels, but for the good volunteers and unpaid forces who, year in and year out, selflessly create and contribute to the local community and on a national level.

After the presentation and review, the Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and Development Center's 2013-2014 accounts, total investments and budget were unanimously adopted by GF2014, as the most complete possible starting point for the upcoming update and adaptation of Strat20 and budget.

SOPORG's proposal for an addendum to the articles of association was also unanimously adopted and implemented immediately. SOPORG's proposal was the formulation and signing of a confidentiality and security declaration within the framework of the law, and that this be introduced in the articles of association as a requirement for all national and local positions of trust. The Shindenkan organization's data and personal data security policy is defined as methods and precautions for the protection of data in computers, communication systems, hard copy and offline stored data against unauthorized transfer, removal, modification, destruction, interception and publication. This is formulated with both an external and internal protection and precautions.

GF2014 unanimously decided to approve the SHIELD KISS project presentation with key content (read more about the SHIELD KISS project in the GF2014 report on this website for Jokokan Greve Strand (JGS), including Jokokan Honbu dojo Competence and Development Center (JHDKU) GF2014

The chairman's report, the board's and treasurer's accounts, development accounts and agenda items were unanimously adopted.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
