2021 – A New Year with a fantastic view of Shindenkan

Dear Shindenkan members – A New Year with a fantastic view of Shindenkan

First of all WE wish a very happy New Year to all members and families.

We have made big plans for joint start-up campaigns in all schools and we have been ready to start since 6 December and we are just waiting for Denmark to open up again. But it will be a while before we can meet again.

The Corona pandemic is unfortunately not under control yet - and we do not know what Corona will bring us in the first months of the new year. But we have learned one thing - Namely that regardless of whether we are in the middle of a Corona pandemic, our fighting spirit is intact and we will not let it destroy Shindenkan's soul - because together we stand strong!

For me, it was absolutely fantastic that we were able to complete the 3 fantastic BOKS graduations that ended 2020. The planning and safety were top notch and of course 100% coordinated according to the Danish Health Authority's guidelines and rules - reinforced with Shindenkan's own safety rules which were nationally coordinated by Honbu dojo.

There was plenty of really high intensity and especially a sense of community with a high technical level and not least a good Danish Christmas mood! As always, the rules were followed so that everyone could feel safe and have a good time and get the maximum benefit from the graduation.

After an absolutely fantastic and life-affirming Xmas BOKS graduation, perhaps the best BOKS Graduation ever 🙂 , we are at the start of a new year and we are looking forward to opening up and we can get started again.

Who can? – Shindenkan!

Because even if we cannot start the new year in the way we had planned, we look very positively at the future and at Shindenkan we always say - What is knowledge worth if it is not used for something.

In the last 10 months, we have learned a lot both about ourselves, but to a large extent also about how important it is to stand together and stick together. We must of course use our positive learning from the spring - what can we control and manage ourselves! If we have done it before, we can do it again - "The Shindenkan Way".

It is crucial for us and our set of values that no one here is allowed to stand alone, and that is why we are restarting the joint initiative that we have called "Shindenkan - Together we stand strong!", in order to reach all the local schools and all members .

We start right NOW! Of course at a distance and holding on until we can meet again in our dojos.

Because We will not let ourselves stop spreading the good Shindenkan message, because We passionately want to make 2021 the best year ever - Together with you, because together we stand strong!

Shindenkan - The corona effect on membership numbers in our associations

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Shindenkan was created to create whole and happy people, but the effect of the Corona shutdown has unfortunately also affected Shindenkan and now also into the year 2021. Since March 2020, we have both from SOPORG and the local school management did everything we could to counter the loss of members that comes with when members in associations cannot meet physically and train Yakami Shinsei-Ryu together.

We do not yet know the full effect of the past Corona year, but we await all the school's statements in connection with accounts around week 6.

Corona has an effect on the finances of all our member associations.

All associations in Shindenkan are voluntary and unpaid and work according to a budget that is adopted at the annual local and national general meetings with income, investments, expenses and costs according to the general meeting's adopted strategy – Strat23 and the goals in it.

It has been like this since 1988 (our generation) and this Corona season is no exception. We have held all local and national general meetings as set out in the annual calendar, because you have to in a democracy!

We have moved and canceled activities throughout the season with great financial loss as a result, as Shindenkan does not have a credit card with transaction security, which means that we have no right of objection and thus no right to refund the investments that have been made.

In Denmark, only the large sports organizations with paid employees can get this, and since everything in Shindenkan is voluntary and unpaid, we only have a Debit Card - just like 99 % of all other sports associations in Denmark! This is regardless of whether the Shindenkan are big in Martial Arts.

But as we all know, martial arts in Denmark is a smaller and more dispersed sport than, for example, football, handball, badminton, tennis, golf and so on.

In order for us at Shindenkan to have financial security to be able to carry out the activities in the adopted strategic plan, the activities are often financed through private approved outlays, which are subsequently reimbursed after validation and control locally or nationally by the respective democratically elected managements and committees.

The challenge is still that the system is backwards and we at Shindenkan are of course always looking to achieve the best conditions and discounts. This means that advance payments and purchases are made in good time with timely care. This was also the case for season 2019-2020, which was the season where all the outlays that were adopted by the general meeting in 2015/2016 and implemented, finally had to balance!

But then came Corona! This means that Shindenkan has a very large net loss in season 2019-2020 and in the first half of season 2020-2021. It looks set to continue into the second half of the 2020-2021 season, as restrictions have closed the normal campaign period for new members from January 1st, 2021 – all in all, quite a lot for an organization like Shindenkan!

We have done what we could on an equal footing with the other associations and applied to all possible support pools and this continues into the new year. Here, too, we do not yet know the full effect of the past Corona year, but await all the school's calculations in connection with accounts around week 6.

However, we are not the only sports organization that has experienced this. There is therefore currently again made an agreement with the main creditor - and we are very happy about that.

New members 🙂

If you know someone who would like to try our fantastic training, pay attention to our newsletters. Because as soon as it is possible to train together again, we need your help! So please spread the word that Anyone who wants to is welcome - We are accepting new members - as soon as possible.

We need you all to help hold on to the old members - most just need a friendly gesture and to feel that we are thinking of them and want to train with them. Take care of each other.

The last seasons have shown that positive friendly recommendations from all our existing happy and whole members about our community and multi-track martial arts - attract many old members who have come back and strengthen the attraction of new members.

The word of mouth recommendation from our existing members is the strongest and most genuine attraction we have and we believe it will also help actively before, during and after the Corona pandemic.

Our New Year's resolution

We are entering a new year - A new year with a fantastic view of Shindenkan and we have the very best starting point - because Shindenkan's multi-track martial arts system trains your body, mind and spirit through 1000 years of knowledge and values which are all universal. This is what Shindenkan's soul is built on!

We have the VERY positive experience from the shutdown in the spring where we from the central team in Honbu started 3 successful tracks up 🙂 And of course we will do that again!

Track 1: We start Shindenkan Home Training - What can you manage and control yourself? - "Keep It Simple and Safe - KISS" - Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 – 19:30. Including virtual KataFIT 5S or 8S. Meeting place is
just like last time in the Facebook group "Shindenkan - Together we stand strong". Of course, we send out targeted home training programs according to TG – Team Group!

Track 2: We are starting Shindenkan Weight Control - eat healthy, less and strengthen your body, mind, spirit - throughout January from Monday January 4 to Sunday January 31, 2021 for everyone who wants to join.

So look forward to one of the very best opportunities for a super New Year's resolution and sign up. You won't regret it - if you have any questions - don't hesitate to contact your Chief Instructor 🙂

At Shindenkan we never give up and our New Year's resolutions are of course:

  • Shindenkan – Community, Values and strong togetherness.
  • Shindenkan – Community and togetherness for life.
  • Shindenkan – Together we create a healthy and strong future.
  • Shindenkan – Common for a healthy and strong future.

It's us! It is our soul! And the spirit of Shindenkan says to all of us - if you want to be strong for life - then train based on values - so you know who you are!

Train the Good values - It's common sense that lasts the rest of your life 🙂

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
