Shindenkan Denmark's General Assembly 26/5-2011

The outgoing chairman of the association, Søren Nielsen, had an emergency trip and was therefore unable to attend, and had therefore asked if Kimu Bjarkmann would give the chairman's report on his behalf.

Kimu Bjarkmann was also elected conductor and referee.

Kimu Bjarkmann then reviewed the outgoing chairman's report, where the status of the 2015 strategic plan and the management tools of the 5KPI were reviewed and the results thereof.

Here are the most important main points;

  • Member satisfaction had grown 15 % compared to last season and the organization had grown 8 % from 665 to 719 members in the season.
  • All Honbu-dojo (main school) curriculum and competency courses from 10.kyu – 1.dan Yakami Shinsei-ryu (2.dan martial arts), were now fully developed and run successfully.
  • Honbu-dojo chief instructor, will now concentrate on the development of the curriculum and competence leadership development seminars in the group 2.dan – 4.dan Yakami Shinsei-ryu (3.dan – 6.dan martial arts). TemaSeminarCourses will run in cycles of 3-4 years of 2-4 months duration, which will be appropriate when it takes an average of between 8-12 years to develop a 1.dan Yakami Shinsei-ryu black belt (2-3.dan martial arts )
  • The federal committees (organisation, activity, finance, communication/information) have solved the tasks given to them satisfactorily, but with plenty of room for improvement, which will now be the responsibility of the new federation chairman.
  • On 5 February 2011, Shindenkan Danmark presented its competences at DGI's sports conference in Vejle at DGI Kampidræt's invitation. Shindenkan expects an increased cooperation in the coming seasons with DGI combat sports, which is, however, dependent on DGI's strategy, action and financial plans.
  • The tsunami disaster with all its consequences was terrible. Shindenkan Denmark has held collections and donated money to help the victims, and had the deepest sympathy. However, Jokokan International's disaster response functioned flawlessly and much more efficiently than the official channels. Shindenkan has the deepest sympathy for our colleagues in Japan, and for those who lost their homes, their loved ones and have to start a new life somewhere else. The old Honbu-dojo in Iwaki, which is only 20 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which Kimu Sensei has visited many times since 1988 and eight Shindenkan instructors in 1998, is now abandoned due to the radiation hazard. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to our Japanese friends and colleagues.
  • There are plans to open three new Shindenkan schools in the coming season.

The outgoing chairman's annual report was unanimously adopted.

  • The accounts with all income, expenses and debts were reviewed at the general meeting in full detail for all those present, and all questions were answered. The biggest creditors to the Shindenkan organization are still Honbu-dojo (20 %) and Kimu Bjarkmann (80%).

The outgoing treasurer's annual report was unanimously adopted.

Brian Bjarke Jessen total excluded by Bujutsu Kodosokukai, Jokokan and Shindenkan by GF11
In accordance with Shindenkan's open communication policy.

It was with great personal sadness and shock from the honbu's chief instructor and all of Brian's chief instructor colleagues that, despite very, very persistent and urgent attempts over the last almost 6 months, to establish a contact and arrangement with Brian Bjarke Jessen, Brian has completely rejected and denied this . The reason is that Brian has purchased services, acknowledged and consumed these services, but when the bill had to be paid, he has either rejected this, concealed the purchase of the service or failed to comply with payment agreements time and time again. We thought it was just three different places in the organization, but it now turns out that it is five places in the organization - and also outside the organization. We found this out when we ran the systems together to find answers. Brian's external debt, which he ignored to pay, Shindenkan Danmark's board has collectively paid. The total debt we are aware of is approx. DKK 32,500. The case has been transferred to RKI with a possible legal aftermath.

We do not know the full extent of Brian's current financial situation, and we will not engage in speculation in that direction. We deal with what we know.

It is not the only and in our eyes worst act. We also learned that the organization, Honbu-dojo and Shihan-kai's friends were not the only ones who were left suddenly and unexpectedly in the lurch. We learned in the spring that Brian has closed the small school Jokokan Holbæk karate school, with no chance for its few members to apply to other schools with Shindenkan's active help. In addition, Brian's association with the Jokokan Slagelse Karate School also meant that its members were suddenly left in the lurch at the turn of the year with a short text message. Fortunately, a three-year transition phase was just coming to an end, and the new head instructor really got into character and the school has subsequently actually experienced an increase in the number of members. Shindenkan's emergency services stepped in with support and help, and together with head instructor Claus E. Hansen and his students, we resolved this sudden, unexpected and unpleasant situation with bravura. It was fantastically beautiful and value-affirming. Thank you!.

Conclusion and consequence;

This has only been possible because Brian has been in a trusted position, as local chief instructor, Shihan-kai and member of the federation board, and thus has been able to use this to his own advantage. He has been given a longer leash and has taken full advantage of this. It can happen again, but without trust and power of attorney we cannot run a voluntary and unpaid organization for the benefit of other people and society. We know that other organizations have been exposed to the same ugly experience, but chose to remain silent about this. Shindenkan has an open communication policy and we are not afraid to take responsibility for our actions, successes and failures. It is extremely uncomfortable, but it is often what we learn the most from.

Soke Sensei Tonegawa has been informed of the matter and has recommended to the Shindenkan's Kaicho, Yamana-Itotani Sensei, that Brian Bjarke Jessen, who has trained since 1979 at Genshikan, a total of 10 years with Tosa Sensei from Genseiryu Butokukai, and since 1994 at Jokokan/Bujutsu Kodosokukai/Shindenkan, officially stripped of all titles, ranks, status and honor (hamon) earned under and in Soke Sensei Tonegawa's organizations and systems, including the independent part Shindenkan. Yamana-Itotani Sensei has accepted this after a unanimous Shihan-kai meeting.

It is very painful for all of us, as in Shindenkan we meet everyone with trust and humanity. We thought we had a friend.. We have bled, sweated, fought and cried together since 1994. We are not judgmental, even though we knew that Brian had challenges in his life, and since the mid-90s severe financial challenges. We have tried to help where we could. But we didn't expect this at all and were shocked when we started digging for answers to Brian's escape with sudden and unexpected total silence. But we must do our duty and what we have been democratically elected to do; to look after Shindenkan's members, interests and value set, which we have done in this case regardless of how painful it has been for us.

Addendum to Brian Bjarke Jessen exclusion and hamon

The Ministry of Business and Economics is behind a report to get closer to the problems of those plagued by debt and find initiatives that can help.

  • The report describes the subject of debt as strongly taboo for the debt-ridden part of the population.
  • The people live a shadowy existence of lies and shame, and they see no way out of their enormous problems.
  • Most of those affected by debt experience the situation as humiliating and embarrassing, and they generally do not talk to their partner about the subject.
  • They may have a fairly clear idea that they are placed in the RKI's debt register but do not dare to investigate further.
  • For some, the debt prison has been so constricting that they have had sick leave and depression due to the economy. • For both of the above groups, budget planning is a city in Russia.
  • They use everything and do not put it aside so that interest and installments can be paid on time on loans and other debts.
  • Instead, they close the hole with a new, fast and expensive consumer loan. It is also defaulted like all the others. Then a new, expensive loan is taken out, etc.
  • Professional debtors know that it is technically not very difficult to avoid paying off the debt. The debtors appear in court and declare themselves insolvent, and even if the statement falls under criminal liability, the bailiff has no powers to check the information. This allows the debtors to buy themselves more time, and many smaller creditors do not have the resources to follow up on the very tough collection process. However, new legal provisions may soon help smaller creditors.

The exclusion and hamon of Brian Bjarke Jessen were unanimously adopted.

Election of new federation chairman Shindenkan Denmark, as well as deputy chairman for a two-year period; 2011-2013.

  • Chairman; The board had nominated Jens Iversen, who is also DGI responsible contact person, honbu instructor and chief instructor at Jokokan Ballerup Karate School.
  • Deputy Chairman; The board had recommended Martin Hansen, who is also honbu assistant instructor and head instructor at Jokokan Korsør Karate School.

Both were unanimously elected.

The newly elected federation chairman, Jens Iversen, thanked the election and the conductor for a good Shindenkan general assembly, and declared GF11 closed.

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