Jokokan Sorø Karate School - News for all families in Sorø and the surrounding area

On 15 August, Shindenkan opened the doors to a new school at Frederiksberg in Sorø and with great success. The local press wrote "Nu Ka' du Rate i Sorø" and rightly so, since Shindenkan addresses everyone. Over 20 showed up on the first training day and since then several have stopped by to try Shindenkan's multi-track karate system, which shows that there is clearly a need for a family-friendly karate system in Sorø. There are of course other martial arts offers in Sorø and the surrounding area, but nothing similar to what we have and can do in Shindenkan.

What is it so we can here in Shindenkan. We can offer an approach to an ancient Japanese martial arts system adapted to the Western way of thinking and training methodology. The most important thing is that there is room for everyone, regardless of whether you are an exerciser or have ambitions at elite level. That there really is room for everyone is confirmed by the family aspect, which differs from many other martial arts. With great success, we have fathers and mothers training together with their children, or entire families training together. In this way, the whole family gets something to be together about without the stress and hustle and bustle of mobile phones. After the 2 weekly training lessons at the school in Sorø, there is plenty of opportunity to practice at home, where you can once again, as a family, gather around physical development rather than sitting on the sofa in front of the television.

When you enter training at Jokokan Sorø, you will be greeted with a smile and without prejudice, as there is no gender restriction in Shindenkan. We meet people where people are, and offer learning at all levels, so no matter how far along you are in life and your physical ability, it's never too late to get started. Many start without any prerequisites, some have run and others have practiced other martial arts, but what they have in common is that they are slowly built up from their physical level and age. So don't be intimidated by the hangover, the wide hips or spaghetti arms for karate are not about big muscles and physical strength but technique and mental strength.

Yakami Shinsei-ryu is first and foremost good exercise that provides well-being in the form of better flexibility, strength and fitness. If you want more than just exercise, Shindenkan can offer a comprehensive course program that includes everything from unarmed combat to armed combat to meditation and self-development. That is why Yakami Shinsei-ryu is considered a multi-track or complete martial arts system, where most other karate systems only offer individual parts and often in a "shaved" version.

Should you want to try your hand at martial arts the Shindenkan way, show up for a few free trial lessons in Jokokan Sorø or another local Shindenkan school near you. Jokokan Sorø trains on Monday and Wednesday at 18.30-19.30 in the gym at Frederiksberghallen, Smedeparken 1, 4180 Sorø.

Jokokan Sorø karate school was started by Martin Hansen (38 years old), head instructor also for Jokokan Korsør, flanked by the coaching team Karsten Nielsen (24 years old) and Bjørn Thon (51 years old). Martin Hansen is graduated 4th dan in Yakami Shinsei-ryu, 4th dan BKK Karate-do and also has a Chuden-hiden densho degree (Japanese degree, multi-track samurai system). Karsten Nielsen just this summer graduated 1st dan black belt in Yakami Shinsei-ryu and 2nd dan, BKGensei karate-do. Bjørn Thon, also graduated this summer, has a 2nd kyu brown belt in Yakami Shinsei-ryu and 1st kyu BKGensei Karate-do. Read more about the 3 men here on the school's website under Schools/Sorø.

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