Travel description by Kjeld Nyrup

Hello Friends, acquaintances, family and everyone else I know.

Yes, I've never been a world champion in orienteering in good time, but maybe I'll set new records this way.

I'm off to travel a little bit.

Since the ex-boyfriend and I have now sold the apartment, there is neither a relationship nor a permanent residence weighing me down. And since I haven't been too keen on work for a while, I thought it was probably time to come up with something.

And I have done that.

I have talked to a travel agency (for a long time...) and they ended up selling me a ticket.... to Copenhagen.

But before then I have to travel:

Copenhagen via London -> New Delhi (India)
finds himself to Nepal and back to Mumbai (Bombay) (2 months)
Mumbai -> Bangkok
travels through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and South China to Hong Kong. (approx. 2 months)
Hong Kong -> Seoul, South Korea (10 days)
sails to Fukuoka (Western Japan) (4 days)
Fukuoka via Hong Kong -> Bali (3 weeks)
Bali via Sydney -> Papua New Guinea (14 days)
Papua New Guinea -> Brisbane (Eastern Australia)
driving around Australia, via Cains, Darwin, Melbourne to Tasmania (1 1/2 months)
Tasmania -> Sydney (14 days)
Sydney -> Christchurch (New Zealand) (1 month)
Auckland (New Zealand) via Sydney -> Hawaii (14 days)
Hawaii -> Los Angeles
travels up the west coast to Vancouver (Canada) and on to Calgary
Calgary -> Chicago (3 days)
Chicago -> New York (4 days)
New York -> Barbados (9 days)
Barbados via Miami -> Costa Rica (Central America)
travels via Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize to Mexico (1 month)
Mexico -> Havana (Cuba) 14 days
Havana via Madrid -> Copenhagen
Where I will arrive on 16/3 2003 at a time not yet specified.

All this means that I can only be contacted by e-mail until 16 March 2003.

Until now, I have been to Delhi, where I have seen a bit of the Gandhi museum, etc., as well as to Agra, where I mostly only saw the Taj Mahal, but it is also damn beautiful, indescribable, big and beautiful.

Right now I am sitting in Varanassi, where large numbers of people are cremated on the riverbank. I haven't worn it enough to be able to smell it yet, but it's probably not the nicest smell you can imagine.

Today I'm going to Sikkim (north-eastern province of India, between Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and Bangladesh) where, after obtaining a permit or two, I'm going on a trek in the vicinity of Kanchenjunga, the world's 3rd highest mountain. It will be a short trip of 8 days, but with travel time and paperwork, 12 days will probably fit, so I can be in Nepal after the strike the Maoists have declared 2/4-6/4.

If you think so, you are very welcome to send me an e-mail or two, but I promise to reply to the joint e-mail once a month at the most. Anything beyond that is a bonus 🙂

Ground Rules for mail to me.
* If you do NOT want to receive an email from me approximately monthly, please reply to this email with the text "No holiday emails for me, please!" then I'll probably stop sending updates.


Hugs, and have a good working year

With best regards
Kjeld Nyrup

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