– A training camp also has a soul –

By Martin E. Hansen, Member until 2018

As you have already read, this year's winter camp was probably the most successful federal camp to date, measured in terms of both declarations and participants. It always warms as part of the instructor team to get these facts, but it's just as much your fault, since at Jokokan we always learn from our mistakes and try to do better next time, don't jump over where the bar is lowest, and listens to everyone; in short, part of the Yakami philosophy.

What can I say about this camp that has not already been described so beautifully by Kimu Sensei in his article. Therefore will not focus on the content of the camp, as most people probably already know this and have read about it. Instead, I want to move behind the facade of the camp and look into its consciousness, what have I experienced, what pulse have I felt, what was it that made this arrangement so good?

But why now this view of the matter? We have gone through a very significant development in Jokokan Denmark in the last few years, experienced victories and defeats, luckily mostly the former. The 2003 Christmas training and especially the 2004 winter camp has been the start of a new era, also referred to as the consolidation phase.

In the past, quite briefly described, we have struggled a lot with Jokokan to survive and want to grow, but had doubts and had to take drastic measures and change policy, etc. We had our doubts, but also knew that if changes were to happen, we had to start with change ourselves and have the Jokokan values widely communicated.

What does it mean as a participant in a camp? It would very much like, as most of you have experienced, to mean that there is a good atmosphere at the camp, that the instructors cooperate and learn from each other, that everything works out, that you get tired in a good way, that everyone is happy etc. .

We have tried most things, but not all at once, but it happened that day in February 2004. It was something special that happened that day, not because the undersigned became king of cats, but because it all just played out. Unfortunately, there were some small scratches, nothing serious, but that's what happens when the party is going on. You can only stand back and think "It was just as well, Sørens (and Chief Instructor Kjelds)", how quickly the time went by.

As a participant, you may not be aware of the enormous work that lies behind it in terms of organisation. Here we can only thank Kimu Sensei for an optimal planning of the training and the camp, and not least Chief Instructor JAm. Søren Nielsen and Chief Instructor JFr. Kjeld Nyrup for the organization of the camp itself, with great support from their members. I've been there myself and know what it takes.

It is always difficult to please everyone, and there will always be some grumbling, but that was not the case here, i.e. all 65 participants have been satisfied, just find a charter trip where this applies.

Personally, I myself was a little dissatisfied with the decision in the kata competition, where my team gave the best effort. Later I learned that part of the judging panel and the higher powers had children on the winning team; corruption is always good when you yourself are part of it J

If you look a little deeper into the soul of the camp, you will find part of the success in the synergy effect. Happy instructors make for happy students, which in turn rubs off on the instructors etc. At the same time, when there is a sense of calm, overview and energy on the part of the instructors, this joy is created. This is what creates the fertile ground for the good atmosphere, which is reinforced by the willingness of the students to want to learn and participate.

This brings us back to the fact that everyone has a meaning, everyone helps to create the overall picture, if there is only one person who is dissatisfied, it rubs off, etc. Everyone must admit after such a camp that it was really nice to participate , work together in groups and see that children and adults individually and together can create something great.

The future looks bright, we all know what needs to be done, what we can contribute and how we can influence new members so that they also have a successful experience. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the next camp both to learn, but also to pass on some of my knowledge.

In the film world they always say that the 1 is the best, I know that the 2, the 3, etc. can be as good or better. You just have to remember that the action and the ending are not always given in advance and it is also the "actors" who make it a good film.

I hope this slightly different article has given rise to some positive thinking among those who were there, and they will participate in our great community at the next successful Jokokan events.

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