A milestone was passed in Greve

By Jokokan Federation

For the first time in Jokokan's history, there were over 100 registered autumn camp participants from all Jokokan's schools in Denmark. Both the number and composition of the participants placed extra demands on Kimu Sensei's overall planning and execution of the camp. But now the fine results of the organizational change phase showed their value, as all delegated tasks were solved very nicely with timely care.

In this connection, the practical activities committee, which is part of the Association's Joint Committee, JDK Operations, as well as Jokokan Frederiksberg's board member Tom & his wife, who had taken the initiative to bring four cake men to festively celebrate the passing of the magical 100 participants, must definitely be mentioned . The Federal Board would like to thank you for this.

With the usual happy, encouraging, but concentrated atmosphere, the training camp progressed throughout the day at a high pace of activity, which placed increasing demands on all participants at Jokokan's autumn camp, - especially as all participants and instructors grew tired after the ten hours of smooth activities.

Apart from a minor accident with a strained neck muscle during the fall training, which without any major problems immediately triggered the Jokokan's emergency procedure for handling the course of injuries both outside and inside the dojo (training hall), the training camp went according to plan.

Fall technique, basic and kumite methodology and focusing exercises smoothly replaced each other during the training camp, seasoned with the participants' own interpretation and creativity during group exercises, which took place both outside and inside the dojo.

In Jokokan, we find it valuable to bring up socially relevant schisms and topics for discussion and revision, so that Jokokaners, through dialogue and physical expression, move boundaries towards a clearer and more realistic attitude to issues that often cross borders.

The subject of the camp was "Violence in everyday life", based on §13 of the Emergency Guardianship Act.

It was discussed based on ALL kinds of violence; Violence in the family, pub fights, unmotivated violence, assault, sports violence, intervention in fights and theft, etc. Where possible, common judicial practice was used as a starting point, which is not always in accordance with one's own assessment of the situation.

In a relationship-building way, the adults were put together in groups across Jokokan's schools. At the same time, Jokokidz had to express their creative views on the subject through very beautiful and striking drawings.

After that, all participants across generations were put together in display groups, which had to excel in a show based on the topic of the day. Each of the ten groups' presentation of 10 seconds had to be assessed by "Witnesses" according to different criteria.

These "witnesses" were the audience, which throughout the day consisted of between 15-30 parents, grandparents and siblings. It was a close race between two groups in particular, where only one point separated the winner and second place.

The training camp ended with a graduation of 54 JokoKidz, all of whom passed their graduation. But around 20 % of JokoKidz's performance was so remarkable that this immediately triggered the consequence that all Chief Instructors had to re-evaluate these contestants an extra time. This then resulted in a well-deserved extra line on the belt.

The Confederation Board wishes all the Jokokidz hearty congratulations on their new grades and stripes, as well as the adult participants who, despite fatigue and challenges, all managed the cut and set requirements. It was very nice! And bodes well for the future.

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
