A day of TaskFighting – Sunday with punches

24 fresh-faced participants, equipped with mouthguards and gloves, sat ready at 8.30 on Sunday morning, when a day of TaskFighting through the courses TaskFighting 1 and TaskFighting 2 started.

All ages were present, from 6 to 60 years old, and everyone was excited about what the day would bring.

In Shindenkan, we train multi-track martial arts, in the multi-track system Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu & Karate-do, and today's courses dealt with competencies in sports freestyle combat at medium distance.

TaskFighting 1

We opened with Ryugi, the theory behind TaskFighting 1 and how it fits into our multi-lane fighting game.

We use TaskFighting as a tool to deepen our understanding of the trained techniques under more pressured and free conditions. Of course, it still takes place under safe and secure conditions, but quite naturally you are more pressured in a possible self-defense situation, and the better you know yourself and your reactions, the better you can take care of yourself.

The Task Fighting 1 framework, where you get the opportunity to develop your technique as best as possible with precision, focus and attitude, and minimal risk of injury. Here it is primarily one's own actions, choices and techniques – one's range and distance that affect the situation, and can be optimized as best as possible.

In the dojo we went through Ryuha - the techniques and their execution.

The participants took up the challenge with the techniques reviewed, the required attitude, precision and focus, and the concentration shined through both small and large.
The intensity increased and so did the understanding and execution of punches as well as kicks.

After a well-deserved lunch break, it was time for Ryugi for TaskFighting 2..

In TaskFighting 2, a written test is included as part of ensuring that everyone has understood the reviewed syllabus.

TaskFighting 2

In TaskFighting 2 it becomes more dynamic and we get closer to each other with techniques and counter techniques that must be adapted to the opponent's attack, speed, range, kamae (fighting stance) and own reaction. There is a whole outside world that affects our choices and that must be taken into account for the techniques to be effective.

As always, it is a great joy to see the participants - the students grow with the task, and in big or small leaps, understand and improve themselves, techniques, the execution of them, and the interaction with the circumstances. A full day of TaskFighting also poses great challenges to stamina – endurance, and one's continuous attitude throughout the course. It must be said that the participants did it in style.

Thanks to everyone for a good Task Fighting day.

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