Shindenkan Xmas 2022 emphasized that Shindenkan is in a life-affirming season :-)

To that extent, Shindenkan has had a fantastic start to the season with many new members and an absolutely fantastic atmosphere in the clubs. It is as if by magic the Shindenkan has been cleansed and now stands out again as something very special for all our members – a place with space for everyone who wants the bright positive energy and of course wants to train our fantastic 1000-year-old martial arts system – Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-do. We have felt the positive energy when, for the first time in 3 years, we have had the opportunity to carry out recruitment campaigns in all Shindenkan's member schools.

In Shindenkan, we - just like other associations - have become free again... Free from pandemics and restrictions, free from societal blockages, the condemnation of judges of taste without responsibility and effort - and free from the heavy energy of members who have stalled and didn't really want it positive development that is now underway.

We have kept the banner high - and despite adversity - we see ourselves again with the eyes of youth, with the eyes of development and we all radiate a warmth from our hearts that gets to each other. We are back and it works again because there has been a fantastic bright energy in Shindenkan - both with all the old members and especially with all the many new faces who have joined us in the first 4 months of the season.

Across our schools, we have gained 43 new members in the first 4 months of the season! But the good youthful and warm bright energy continues into 2023 because already in the first 2 weeks of 2023 we have another 6 new members - so we are up to almost 50 new ones in total!

And the best thing is that the vast majority have come via the word-of-mouth method! It has never happened before either. But everyone describes and is attracted by the new bright and free energy that has come again in Shindenkan. It's just the best!

Our energy was emphasized at Shindenkan's tradition-rich Xmas rally, which was held on Saturday 10.12.2022 and it was a fantastic rally with over 90 happy participants and just as many spectators.

Kimu Sensei has initiated a process of change that has already culminated at our Xmas convention and the graduations at Xmas 2022 were an equally fantastic experience and the level has never been higher in Shindenkan than it is right now 🙂

I would like to wish everyone a huge congratulations on your new and well-deserved degrees. It went very well and I am incredibly proud of you!

What happens in the rest of the 2022 – 2023 season
Good courses are planned and then of course there are our 2 next joint conventions where graduations will again be held for everyone who is nominated 🙂 For the higher degrees it will be extra exciting because the graduation for all Brown and Black Belts takes place at the summer convention - and the individual test course already starts in August for Black Belt graduates in spe and in December for Brown Belt graduates in spe and 🙂 It's just going to be great.
The local schools need your help.
Help your local school! Because we can, if we want to and all the local schools would like to accept your help to welcome new members. So contact your instructor team and ask them where you can offer help - remember that together we stand strong. WE want to have an equally fantastic start to 2023 and of course end the season as one of the best in Shindenkan's history 🙂
New members 🙂
We would really like to have more new members with all the good bright energy that comes with it and we again need your help. So if you know someone who would like to try our fantastic training, start now - So spread the word that everyone who wants to is welcome - We are accepting new members from 9 January 2023. Reach out to people both near and far far! Tell us about the great training community we have and the fantastic dynamics in training. It takes so little – but it means so much to all of us to be included. The word of mouth recommendation from our existing members is the strongest and most genuine attraction we have, because the last seasons have convincingly shown that positive friendly recommendations from all our existing happy and whole members around our community and multi-track martial arts - both re-attract the many old members who have returned and particularly strengthens the attraction of new members. It's a fantastic time in Denmark right now and spring is quietly on its way - and we know that in Shindenkan the sun is shining on us all from a cloudless blue sky - the days are starting to get longer and I can feel that in my heart there is a rising light and youthful joy.
Spread the word Come and join the coolest leisure activity there is - exercise with your children, your partner, brother or sister
• If you want to be strong for a single day – then you can always buy a black belt 🙂 • If you want to be strong for a single month – watch a martial arts video on YouTube 🙂 • If you want to be strong for 6 months – train your Kumite for 6 months • If you want to be strong for 1 year – train your technique through the schooled approach for a year. • If you want to be strong all your life - then train based on values - so YOU know who YOU are!
Shindenkan - Train the Good Values - It's Common Sense!
In Shindenkan, we train the Good values - because it is common sense! Because Yakami Shinsei-Ryu is a multi-track martial arts system that trains your body, mind and spirit with 1000 years of knowledge, experience and good values that are universal and will help you find out who you are! Best Shindenkan greetings, Jens Iversen, Federation Chairman
Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
