Turn-arounds – from white to all the colors of the rainbow, but brown and black are the dream for most!

By Kimu Sensei, Kaicho, Sodenke Sensei GGM. Chief Instructor Shindenkan Honbu-dojo. Head of the Shindenkan Competence and Development Centre. Democratically elected chairman SOPORG & SOPORG Executive Committee

If you disregard the public articles on the website about new YSK and BKK black and brown belt graduations, I have not written a public article since May 2018. However, I have always been extremely active with the members during the Corona crisis with newsletters, as my focus has been here in a turbulent and new time of transition. External communication is primarily reserved for the politically democratically elected federal leadership. The saying "too many cooks spoil the food" can quickly become a reality, instead of polite remarks. And perhaps this is also very good, as I have a habit of writing things as they are, perhaps not always politically polished correctly, - and preferably in-depth and thus long :-). But after a nice normal summer holiday, despite Corona still being present in society, I feel it is appropriate to share my joy and expectations for the upcoming season 2022-2023. I hope that the members have the energy and time to read the article, after a nice long summer holiday. But also after a challenging but vital restructuring process reinforced by a Corona crisis, which has brought unexpected mask drops since 2017. A Turn-around process will always create changes, and not everyone likes changes if you have to change yourself. Thanks! And really enjoy!

Yes, yes – 1,000 years, 55 years and Japanese cultural tradition and heritage, – but brown and black belt is still the dream for ME!

When you enter a Shindenkan martial arts dojo as a newly enrolled member, it is normal to have the dream and goal of the black belt, and before that; The brown belt. And that is definitely a realistic possibility. But if the belt degrees mean the most to you, instead of competence development and personal development through your self-esteem and self-confidence for all age groups, then Shindenkan is not the optimal training place for you.

In Shindenkan it is normal with 9-12 years of training for the first black belt of 1st dan and 5-7 years for the first brown belt of 3rd kyu. With our martial arts competitors, it is equivalent to 3-5 years for first black belt and 2-3 years for first or second brown belt.

In Shindenkan, we celebrate diversity, togetherness, mutual respect and acceptance of each other with a good jovial tone and behavior. That is why many families - several generations train at the same time, staggered or throughout their lives at different times of their life cycle. We therefore have whole families who are black belts, brown belts, both black and brown belts, colored belts - yes, all the colors of the rainbow. And we are really proud of that!

It takes longer with the belt degrees in the Shindenkan organization, simply because there is a very big difference in the competence and understanding content in the martial arts bottle you get home with you. In Shindenkan you get a full and complete martial arts education, where most often with our martial arts competitors you get a simple subject; Danish, English, History, Mathematics, Religion, etc. In Shindenkan, you learn and train all the individual subjects as one whole - just as life is also one whole. This way you learn new things all the time and will never get bored.

It is not the Shindenkan organization that invented this training structure. Yakami Shinsei-ryu, is a training system that is a multi-track Japanese martial arts system that is more than 1,000 years old. Yakami Shinsei-ryu has therefore always been trained and taught as a multi-tracked whole, just as life is.

Today, however, the teaching style has been adapted to the busy modern society, which is also reflected in Shindenkan's motto; Space for everyone, the Elite as the exerciser and all the cycles of life. That is why there is both training and teaching locally as well as nationally. It depends on your belt level and increasing multi-track skills and understanding. As a rule of thumb after a few years, the starting point will be approx. 80 % local and 20 % national training. This means that as a member of Shindenkan you will always obtain the best available instructors, inspire and build friendships across the associations and always develop at your own pace and motivation.

It is not necessary for 90+ % of all Shindenkan members to also have an expensive gym subscription alongside their training in Shindenkan. KataFIT and SKK - StretchKiKata is an integral part of every training lesson, both local and national. KataFIT and SKK are based on the 1,000-year-old health and wellness toolbox of Japan's elite samurai warriors, adapted for peacetime to modern society. Shindenkaners therefore train both cardio (fitness), functional strength and stretching training, scalable and adapted to all the members' different levels of competence, age and ambition. But there is no doubt that you train optimally, effectively, safely and safely in Shindenkan, and this can clearly be seen and felt with increased well-being on your body, psychologically and mentally. Some think it's embarrassing to mention it - but humor is needed and to say it like it is - all Shindenkaners are just really "Shindenkan delicious" :-).

The changing trends in society every decade - is it good or bad - and for whom?
Since 1967, everything in Shindenkan has been based on voluntary and unpaid core forces. From its establishment, Shindenkan has insisted that all association work must be unpaid and voluntary under the democratic umbrella with the values; propriety, honesty, Sportsman Ship and selflessness.

This concept is quite unusual in today's modern society, where the major sports organizations directly call for B tax paid instructors and boards, as this is the spirit of the times. This creates a clear motivational structure that today's society can understand and relate to.

But it's not like that in Shindenkan! - and to our great surprise, this has been continuously met with suspicion, as we thereby "stick out". This has especially happened in the last decade. Whether there is actually a connection as described in several articles in the Danish newspapers, July 2022, I will leave it up to the reader to assess;

"The consequence of shame is that it has a behavior-regulating function, that it deters people from violating a society's moral code. However, both the feeling and the regulation of behavior seem to be receding in political life over the years. Much that we see in political life today makes Watergate seem like a bygone idyll. But apparently the electorate of our time is attracted by decidedly shameless narcissistic Machiavellian leadership types. Now we have to see if it heralds that we are on the other side of an era with shamelessness at its peak, if a "decade of shamelessness" is slowly behind us, or if it will get even worse."

We must therefore also recognize that this model has been challenged for periods 🙂

We have had to combine the approx. 95 % democratically elected association leaders, who contribute varied and ad hoc when it fits into their lives, with the approx. 5 % democratically elected association leaders who contribute constantly. After all, the needs in Shindenkan are constant, and just like life can't just be put on hold.

Around the 80 % of "the 95%" typically contribute 1 month up to 2-3 years. The remaining 20% of "the 95 %" are fiery zealots with high stamina, and therefore contribute more than part for more than 10+ years. But it still does not change the fact that there are still only two constant nuclear forces since 1988, which thereby creates the unequal distribution of work with the 5 % performing 70 % of all the work for almost 35 years.

In a multi-track competence organization like Shindenkan, which has existed in Denmark since 1967, it cannot be otherwise. Especially if the set of values, level of competence and the burning desire to make a difference for others, oneself, as a local – as the national community, must be maintained. Some must step forward and dare to act as role models on a selfless basis. And thus ensure the Shindenkan of the future based on competences, propriety, fairness and Sportsman Ship - for the current and future generations.

It has been decided by the general meeting since 1967/1988 that Shindenkan's current operating profit should increasingly be invested in those members who would like to progress according to the common curriculum manual, applicable to all. It is a Win-Win, as a competence organization cannot function without the right competences – instructors who can teach the multi-track competently according to the common curriculum manual for all degrees. Here, Shindenkan, both nationally and internationally, is completely unique, as Shindenkan has local as well as national to international instructors who can teach from 10.kyu, white belt to 10.dan, grandmaster. There are not many internationally recognized martial arts organizations in the world that can do that.

But - when just two pervasive core forces constantly carry out more than 70 % of all association work since 1988, there are also several of the special human types described in the chronicles in the newspapers, who have concluded that this also makes Shindenkan extremely vulnerable. If you want to eliminate and injure a well-respected ancient martial arts competitor, simply eliminate – by any means available without moral boundaries and stopping blocks – the two core powers. This removes 70 % from the work resources and the entire main competence. This will most likely close the Shindenkan after 55+ years.

From 1967-2017 this was never attempted. But in the last vital Turn-around – reconstruction from 2017-2022, this was attempted by both internal and external forces. All who for years had come to a complete standstill, but who had all demanded and received the most help and support 24-7 for decades or many years. But unusually and mutually involuntarily as the process progressed, it was revealed that for years under the radar they had opposed all change, development, and unfortunately enriched themselves covertly at various levels. It was absolutely not nice that this happened unexpectedly and suddenly at 200 km/h. Especially when we all thought that these fortunate few were our comrades and friends for many years.

It was therefore very good and absolutely vital, seen in the excruciating clarity of hindsight, that this clean-up took place.

We train a culture-historically unique multi-track competence system from Japan and including unique Chinese historical competences
Belt degrees are measured internationally with different colored belts. KYU for the colored belts and DAN for the black belts. Before World War II, there were basically only; White, brown and black belt. But after WWII, Japan was occupied by 3-400,000 soldiers from all over the world on a 2-3 year rotation basis over many years. Since Japan's new US constitution of 1947 was pacifist, all these Western soldiers had to have something to do outside of the 8-16 office hours.

It became the foundation stone for the spread of Japanese martial arts throughout the world, where visiting Japanese instructors continuously raised the standard of competence even more at training camps. However, cultural differences meant that the multi-track original Japanese systems were split into several simple single-track puzzle pieces. It was much more manageable for an audience that normally had a primary focus on belt degrees for a period of 2-3 years. But this also suited the top Japanese directors very well. As they thereby ensured that everyone outside Japan only trained single-track systems, and therefore could never achieve the same multi-track competence level as the Japanese. It was a win-win for all parties :-).

It is therefore completely unique that we – Shindenkan, can offer to train a multi-track Japanese cultural tradition in Denmark according to the original overall system as it has been trained in Japan for more than 1,000 years. But this ancient Japanese cultural tradition therefore also makes other demands on your primary motivation in relation to single-track martial arts, and we think that is super convenient, easy and super privileged! :-).

It has probably not escaped the reader's attention that the training multi-track Shindenkan members do not achieve the same belt grades at the same pace as the majority of our competitors' single-track belt grades, seen over time. Most people can easily understand this, as it is logical that single-track martial arts make far fewer demands than multi-track cultural-historical martial arts; Individual subject compared to full education.

But it is not all outstanding who can understand that belt degrees according to the KYU-DAN measurement unit, do not at all express the same competences or level of competence. The reader can understand that now after the above historical review, but an outstanding person like sweet Aunt Oda usually cannot. So if it is Aunt Oda's recognition you are looking for, you will be challenged to the maximum :-).

We are an officially recognized system from the absolute top shelf in Japan and Denmark
The fact is that there is NO international, national or local minimum competency standardization level for KYU-DAN degrees. It is as the wind blows and according to the moral social currents that exist at all times. It creates a wasteland for human types who have no moral scruples, self-awareness or self-awareness of their own abilities, or they just don't care. This means that anyone can establish their own local village street martial arts system and competency standard within the KYU-DAN belt degrees. Basically, any local village hero can buy a black belt and put 10 stripes on it.

But - this can ONLY happen outside of Japan. In Japan, all martial arts systems seeking official recognition must be officially registered.

This can happen through several levels; The highest is in the Ministry of Culture and Sport, and the lowest is the 47 prefectures (Counties) and 1,746 municipalities. Through the main organization Jokokan International, Shindenkan and Yakami Shinsei-ryu are recognized at the absolute highest level of international cultural and historical competence. This last happened officially in 2020 after a 10+ year investigation process at the absolute highest level of society, which only a dozen martial art systems since 1870 have achieved (blue stamp from the Emperor, Prime Minister, Ministry of Culture & Sports). In 2009, Shindenkan was also recognized as a special association by the chairman of the DGI National Organization and as an international competence organization at the absolute highest level.

We are very proud of these recognitions. But it also entails an obligation and responsibility that must be taken care of - and this can be both internally and externally challenging. Therefore, Shindenkan ONLY has national standardized graduations, which ensure a uniform international level of competence, as it has been for more than 1,000 years in Japan. We have credibly maintained this model very hard - but it has not been without sword strikes in Danish democratic association life with Monday coaches, desk generals and senior members with heavy challenges with mental health after the Corona crisis, as previously mentioned.

What does it mean in practice that there is no uniform KYU-DAN standardization in martial arts
In 1998, two double World Cup bronze winners in Japan of single-track black belt degree, 3.dan, megabank of multi-track 3.kyu, brown belt Yakami Shinsei-ryu practitioners got, during shiai (freestyle), which was not regulated by strict sports competition rules. It took place safely and in high spirits, but with broken giga egos. However, that meant we got two new members in the Shindenkan organization. The one aged 57 in late summer with the densho degree JODEN, is still training strongly :-). We will return to the official Japanese regulated Densho grades soon.

On paper, according to sports expert testimony and in terms of results, the two single track 3.dan, black belts should have easily beaten the two multi track, 3.kyu, brown belts, - but it was just the other way around!

It just emphasizes the above point that KYU-DAN degrees are not uniform and regulated, and true strength and competence – comes from within and is multi-tracked. After all, life is multi-tracked and not simply single-tracked, which could be considerably easier for all of us at times :-).

But - everyone needs encouragement, reassurance and support in their lives, through recognition, love, care and acceptance. But since growing up, childhood and youth and life's experiences of both a positive and negative nature have a decisive influence on people's lives and needs for this, the structure must be scalable to support this process.

We have therefore recognized that in order to motivate and retain the members in the multi-track process with a long cool move in the belt progression, we must inform and make visible the difference in competence and the requirements between single and multi-track martial arts. However, it has not been easy!

Because there does NOT exist a common uniform international standardization within KYU-DAN degrees, - and the Shindenkan MUST protect our credibility and 1,000-year-old Japanese historical cultural heritage.

The following can be given as an example of the problem; Our multi-track 5th kyu, green belt, can easily be compared in terms of time and competence to single-track brown and black belts in most single-track martial arts systems. In our BKK Gensei-ryu Karate-do heritage from 1967, they could easily correspond to earlier higher brown belts or 1st dan, Black belt.

But still – our primary martial arts system since 1988 is the multi-lane 1,000-year-old Japanese cultural tradition; Yakami Shinsei-ryu, and here are the 5th kyu, multi-track, according to the standardized syllabus manual applicable equally to all practitioners. Period.

How do we visibly show everyone the difference between us and our competitors?
In the Shindenkan organization we solved the problem according to the following very conservative and modest measure since 2000; Our degree belts for Yakami Shinsei-ryu (YSK) Brown and black belt, show the degrees within the multi-track Yakami Shinsei-ryu, and our old martial arts heritage from 1967 in Denmark; BKK Gensei-ryu.

This is clearly visible via the belt. Eg. has 1.dan Sr. YSK one silver line and 3 white lines marking 3rd dan, black belt BKK Gensei-ryu Karat-do.

From 2016, we also have the annual applicable competence certifications, which also count as a stop test if the member is in the process of graduating from 5.kyu, green belt.

We call them OBC KM – Mandatory Competence annual certification marks in the multi-track competence tracks; Armed, Unarmed, health & health and instructor. It is marked with a very nice and visible chest mark.

Here, members can obtain the visible annual certificate that they have maintained their multi-track competences to a standardized common minimum level, according to the syllabus manual applicable to all.

OBC KM reflects the members' level of competence for one year at a time and is therefore also scalable over time according to the members' changing life cycles. In this way, members can train all their lives, with the interruptions and breaks that may occur along the way; exams, secondment, longer journeys, illness, injuries, career, education, etc.

Shindenkan is multi-tracked and reflects the multi-tracked life and cycles, and is not black and white single-tracked in its communication and process. But the competence requirements are the same for everyone, according to the common competence curriculum handbook, at all times. However, not everyone will acknowledge or accept this, and we have turned that around a few times now with different angles.

The question for most people is; How likely is it that I can become a brown or black belt in YSK – Yakami Shinsei-ryu?
It is actually very simple to answer; Anyone who wants and wants to meet the common curriculum manual applicable to everyone can and will pass the brown or black belt degree at some point. Period.

But – the paradox is actually that this is also the main problem, that some members do not want to fulfill the rules applicable to everyone else in the curriculum handbook, either before brown belt, after brown belt or after black belt!

Yes, there are many people who lose their minds and jaws, but this is actually one of the main problems. And we don't have to be too good at admitting that this also makes us wonder down some bumpy, unpleasant and winding roads :-).

But the facts over four decades are just that anyone can become a brown or black belt in YSK if they just train and agree to fulfill the curriculum manual. But also accepts and respects that the same rules have always been and are equally applicable to everyone, regardless; gender, ethnicity, education, social status, democratically elected positions of trust, instructor status and instructor level, etc.

But it's just not like that for a few people!

Turn-arounds – reconstruction is either necessary or LIFE-necessary – once every 17 years
We have only run two Turn-arounds since 1988 – almost 35 years and we have only two democratically elected leaders left who have experienced them both. But when are Turn-arounds really necessary? They are when it is absolutely necessary or LIFE-necessary.

It is best to do the turn-around with timely care, - before it becomes vital :-). But in democratic organisations, this will always be a challenge to decide in the democratic boards and general meetings, as there will always be many different political and personal interests and agendas. But as long as this is within the target area of the joint general meeting's adopting 5-year strategic plan, this is democratically OK.

But - the research also shows that during timely turn-arounds, up to 50 % are often replaced by the democratically elected leaders in the positions of trust, and up to 80 % during the vital ones. This is due to both a natural democratic disagreement. But also that changes entail loss of privileges, own interests and agendas, changes, forced community space for new development to the new adapted strategy – and development of oneself to the new joint strategic plan.

Our first turn-around 2000-2004 was vital, but it meant that 80 % of the association leaders and instructors simply quit. We were together approx. 45 members divided between three associations, where brand new members had to train at least 4 times 3-4 hours per week, brown and black belts 5-6 times per week. It was very elitist which therefore attracted 100 % super elite super specialists and screened out everyone else. There was a reason why we never exceeded 45 members :-).

This meant that it was VITAL for Shindenkan to develop around the new motto; Space for everyone, the Elite as the exerciser through all life cycles. But it also drastically meant that we went from "ME! ME! ME!" to "US, ME, ANDRE & US, ANDRE, ME", - and that would 80 % of the approx. 20 brown and black belts did not participate, as it was too hard work to consider others and give back. The vast majority just said goodbye and thank you in good order, and took their good clothes off the hook and went on their way. Of course there were also feelings and passions involved, but on the whole, it all happened with mutual respect and acceptance, as it should be after many years together with "Blood, sweat and tears".

The turn-around process 2000-2004 laid the foundation for the next decade's national and international giga success until 2014, when we quickly approached the 1,500 members spread over 15-20 local associations.

But in 2014, there were more of us at local and national level who had a deep fundamental feeling that something was wrong again. Meat bones were thrown out for verification. Meat bones are innocent until they are picked up and can be followed. Unfortunately, it was really bad. History was repeating itself, as is often the strange thing about success. Few do the hard work constantly, but many want to take part in the glory when the giga success is recognised. Some enjoy the experience of "rock star and local king status" and others have the opposite :-).

The basis for the success was the motto "Space for everyone, the Elite as the exerciser". But the success increased several local black belt YSK 1.dan association leaders to the head with lost ground connection with all that this entails. Shindenkan had become one of Denmark's largest and most admired martial arts organizations, which was intoxicating for many who sought recognition, respect and so new opportunities – for themselves and their local followers. Unfortunately, it had again become “ME! ME! ME! - and my court with built-in court intrigue", and this time without the multi-track competences that necessarily came with, were fulfilled or maintained, as during the turn-around 2000-2004.

That's why things went wrong in the period 2014-2017, as everyone wanted to be a member of a giga success and not necessarily for the right reasons or motives. But we recognized that and initiated a controlled second Turn-around 2017-2022, - which, however, got an unexpected reinforcement and uncontrollable dispute through a worldwide Corona crisis. But it is now over with a single isolated backlog and we are just so ready to fulfill Strat25 with lots of joy, recognition, care and progression together! Shindenkan 3.0! We are just so ready!

Turn-around – reconstruction – Why are they necessary, vital and why?
Now we can't put it off any longer, coming up with a unified attempt to answer these questions :-).

Let's review the typical course of apostasy and sour rowan berries, where and when - but based on facts:

The first 1-2 years (10-8.kyu) as a member of Shindenkan we experience the highest dropouts. The reason is mainly two things; That people are surprised that the multi-track martial arts system curriculum handbook MUST be met and IS applicable to everyone. Often combined with the modern sport shopping, where the interest and motivation have lapsed and the next sport is already booked after typically ½-1 year.

The joy and retention is reasonably high in the subsequent phase from 7-5.kyu, where many find that they can do much more than they themselves and others tell them to be. KataFIT and SKK - StretchKiKata can be clearly seen in their well-trained physique, psychological and mental balance and well-being, - they are just really good - and most importantly; they themselves have acknowledged that!

The next phase is typically from 4-2.kyu – the brown belt phase, where many physical, psychological and mental blockages and previously narrow comfort zones are blown away or significantly shifted positively. They have great fun training together with their training buddies and the gas is just given! Self-esteem and self-confidence are at their peak and the students begin to glimpse and believe in the black belt - I can do it!

Then comes the decisive critical phase from 1.kyu to 1.dan Sr, where most dreams are fulfilled and goals are achieved. The student suddenly gains significantly higher respect from lower graduates and is often seen as a role model who is listened to. For some, this can seem quite overwhelming. That is why it is important to continue the progression after typically 1-4 years, and keep both feet firmly planted deep in the ground!

Typically 9-12 years of training goals are achieved with a nice YSK 1.dan, black belt - it's a day most people never forget :-).

But then something very strange often happens. Which just needs to be explained through what the probability is of achieving the degrees and what the degrees focus on.

The super specialist degrees, where you can really immerse yourself, clarify yourself layer by layer and develop with lightning speed, are the YSK degrees from 1.kyu to 1.dan Sr. Approx. 67 % of all YSK black belts only choose to achieve 1.dan or 1.dan Sr - they do not progress. Not because they could not continue their development and progression, but because they consciously choose to stop their development and progression.

For some, this develops into a problem when they discover that approx. 33 % of their comrades and friends, as YSK black belts continue their development and progression and become higher graduated than them. Despite a self-selected and voluntary halt to development, it breaks for a great many in this group – in terms of ego and consequences. This often means they quit. Fortunately, some also take the spoon in the other hand, admit they have slept too long and get on the development train again!

But for others of this group, it unfortunately goes completely wrong when they voluntarily and firmly insist on being left on the train platform and see their comrades ride happily and curiously on the development train. This is where human instincts and lowest common denominators unfortunately come into play, and normally functioning people can become the complete opposite!

The first Turn-around 2000-2004 actually took place quietly with mutual respect and acceptance for each other. But the starting point was also different. Approx. 45 members compared to the last turn-around from 2017-2022, where the starting point at the top was almost 1400 members.

This turn-around's process took place significantly differently from the first 17 years earlier. However, the point of departure and pivot had not changed;

• Are all equal before the law (The joint democratic decisions through the general meetings)
• All must, without exception, meet the minimum criteria for graduation progression in the common curriculum manual applicable to all.

Community trends and membership dynamics had also changed significantly during the second turn-around 2017-2022. It developed as another spy novel with "Traitors, moles and informants". For the first time since 1967, it was not only 1.dan, black belts involved, but also higher graduates. What they all had in common, however, was that they had all stalled for many years. And all had difficulty or could not pass the mandatory minimum role model tests, as they simply could not get their act together to maintain their skills and physical form. This unfolded at the same time that they had all constantly consumed and obtained most of the resources, as well as support and help 24-7 in Shindenkan as a private. At the same time, they harshly enforced the same demands towards everyone else and it understandably did not always go down well :-).

The best image to briefly describe the situation with is an analogy.

Some families who have worked very hard and saved financially for many years, contact a bricklayer, a carpenter and an architect to build their dream houses. But when they receive their houses, it turns out that neither the bricklayer, the carpenter nor the architect coordinated, cooperated, complied with agreements or plans, but drove in their own direction. And when the family then complains that the municipality's technical administration will not approve the house, as it does not meet the minimum requirements for building legislation. Then the tone changes drastically and the rowan berries have suddenly become very sour. Now both the families and the municipality are the biggest ungrateful beasts and dictators who do not appreciate the work that has been creatively done in all directions. Especially when both the carpenter, the bricklayer and the architect, according to their own claims, have done their absolute best individually and spent a lot of time on it. The fact that they have not solved the given bound task is completely irrelevant. But this totally unreasonable ingratitude and lack of understanding for their unique efforts suddenly justifies and justifies reprisals and they must go their own way, they think.

How can this happen? When a lot of time and resources are spent on these black belts, from the best national and international top instructors. Many feel special and feted and enjoy the care and attention that borders on the fairy tale of; "The Prince or Princess of the Pea", as the vast majority of happy black belts choose to call the phase :-).

When you achieve the goal of being a multi-track black belt after typically 9-12 years, most people rightly get pretty satisfied, happy and high. You gain great recognition from children, teenagers, adults and the elderly and you become a focus and focal point for every local training, although somewhat less during the large joint meetings, where there are many other black belts to share the "spotlight with" :-). You become a role model for others and treated as such.

The facts show that approx. 67 % of all black belts in Shindenkan, only selects multi-track black belt of 1 or 1.dan Sr, – single track 2 and 3.dan. It is not so different in general for our single-track competitors in the group 1-2.dan, black belt - it is the color of the belt that is decisive.

In Shindenkan, as a newly minted YSK, 1st dan, black belt, before the next degree x 2 + 1 "fifty years" before the black belt is considered to have stalled, and at the latest is put on a lower challenging national curriculum for one year. So; 1.dan and the next degree is 1.dan Sr.; 2 x 1.5 + 1 = within 3-4 years. These are not hard conditions for the vast majority. But for some it is highly unreasonable and limiting!

But there are also other considerations to take into account – other people! :-). Most other black belts on the curriculum team want to develop and progress in the multi-track joint curriculum manual. We can compare it to "pupils who are bored in class often make trouble!". It is absolutely no advantage or pleasure to train with someone who does not bother to maintain their skills, is unprepared and unfocused, makes his own rules, obstructs openly or covertly, does not bother to learn new things or even harms others because others has overtaken this one and the ego sparkles.

It is not fair and optimal towards those who want to develop! And this means that those who want to develop simply become demotivated and some quit. This means that the Shindenkan is then left with a larger group of black belts who do not meet the Shindenkan's purpose clause, constantly causing trouble and only following their own rules. It was largely what had also gone wrong in the successful period from 2004-2017 in the name of democracy!

Should Shindenkan survive after the 55 years in Denmark, it was VITALLY necessary that this be addressed democratically. And so it was; Turn-around 2017-2022.

But most often, unfortunately, it is the case that the responsibility and self-awareness of the consequences of one's own choices can lie in a very small place, the longer time goes by, with the black belt who has self-selected to a standstill. And when the consequences of one's own actions are effected, the rowan berries become VERY sour. Fortunately, it is only a small group of people who cannot or will not empathically understand the wishes, needs and feelings of others. But it's still not okay with other people!

In the worst cases that we have experienced a few times are; The more years that go by without development, the more miserable it gets and the more these insist on receiving special treatment. The curriculum handbook and the rules should not necessarily apply to them - but of course to everyone else! When they then get NO, the rowan berries get angry, the intrigues rise in secret, as in the open until it culminates for some in that they suddenly want to found their own martial arts system as a 1st dan, black belt and make money from this! Here they typically grade themselves 7-8.dan and their local followers typically 3-8 degrees higher. They could go quietly, but that is rarely chosen – it is always very dramatic, with booms and bangs and preferably destructively devastating for everyone else. Those who loyally 24-7 have helped them the most through their lives and their comrades, stand with their jaws on the floor. They can hardly believe their eyes in front of this highly melodramatic scenery, which unfolds like lightning from a clear sky. Most often after a few years these systems are closed again and it is of course everyone else's fault and responsibility.

It is not the first time this has happened - it happens in all competence organizations, as do our competitors, but this does not mean that it is particularly pleasant to experience and rather time-consuming to clean up after them. Fortunately, it only happens on average every 17 years :-).

Strat25 – The future looks bright!
From 2017-2020, we nationally and local general assembly adopted a planned and controlled turn-around, where we sought to return to Shindenkan's cultural-historical purpose and multi-track competences, after a growth spurt of more than 3300 % since the year 2000. We did this in the most simple way manner;

• We simply maintained that the Curriculum Handbook and the joint democratic general assembly decisions were applicable to everyone – and established various control procedures for this.

Our estimates matched very well that we would be halved from the starting goals of 250 participants on the floor and as many outside for each of the three joint conventions, to a controlled halving over 3 years. In return, our multi-track competence level would be doubled and the resource consumption halved in the voluntary and unpaid association work. It would be much more fun, motivating and energizing for the only two constant main forces since 1988, who consistently accounted for at least 70 % of all association work.

Shindenkan also badly needed new inquisitive development and progressive blood in the democratic positions of trust nationally and locally. This instead of people who had stalled and opposed all development, progression and positivity, and never fulfilled their responsibilities and part of the association's work. Shindenkan had become an internationally admired giga success, but was really also a giant on clay feet. With success, there are always plenty of back-patters, but when the wind turns and the hard work needs to be done, most back-patters suddenly have other priorities. Action had to be taken with timely care, and a timely turn-around adopted at the local as national general meetings.

Turn-arounds are rarely particularly pleasant, but absolutely necessary for survival, even if 17 years pass between them.

Unforeseen at the end of the road, a 2½-year Corona crisis unexpectedly came over, which naturally turned a relatively controlled process into a totally uncontrolled process to say the least :-).

But – it was a stroke of luck. Seen in the unbearably clear light of hindsight, it developed positively into an unplanned sweeping clean-up process, where everything came to light.

The mental health of many Shindenkaners at all skill levels was challenged during the Corona crisis shutdowns, but WE initiated a strong Shindenkan unity, which was virtually launched through several active tracks. It was a total life-affirming and a totally cool and fantastic experience!

However, one particular type of people was particularly challenged in terms of mental health. It resulted in the last surprising and sweeping, but also long-needed total clean-up, which is completed organizationally, but just missing the last isolated process. The process was absolutely not nice while it was going on, but absolutely VITAL for the future building of Shindenkan, where now more than 70 % of all democratic positions of trust are newly elected!

How do we ensure progress for far – far – the vast majority – those who want to?
We have done our best to learn from past mistakes and loopholes. At Shindenkan, we have made it easy with a new scalable learning circle concept on a national level. Our five national Honbu curriculum teams greatly enjoy each other at the same competence level, but now also at the subsequent role model competence level. It takes place with fixed published rules. We have learned and recognized in the modern decade that the few can ruin it for the many, and they must not be allowed to do that. Instead, they are encouraged and helped to the right level of competence training at national level. If they still cannot understand or accept the same rules that apply to everyone, they are asked to continue training locally. If this does not help and there are still behavioral challenges, it is then up to the local club to deal with this democratically according to the local statutes.

Honbu – which is the Japanese term for the main competence school, has divided the national honbu curriculum into the following overlapping learning circles:

  1. The beginning
    Colored Belts: 9th–6th Kyu (Group 1: 9th–8th Kyu, Group 2: 7th–6th Kyu)
    Training together with the brown belt team 3 times a year and 3 times independently.
    Main teacher: JODEN 4. – 5. Dan. OBC Incubator: Menkyo Omote 6th – 7th Dan
  2. The middle
    Brown Belts 5th – 1st Kyu (Group 1: 5th – 4th Kyu, Group 2: 3rd – 1st Kyu, Group 3: 1st Kyu).
    Training together with the black belt team 8 times a year and as needed; 2 times independently.
    Head teacher: MENKYO OMOTE 6-7 Dan. OBC Incubator; GGM 8-10.dan
  3. Immersion management seminar
    The brown and black belt team
    1-2 times a year – 1-2 days.
    Main teacher: SOPORG & GGM
  4. Up
    Black belt team: 1st – 5th Dan (group 1: 1st – 1st Dan Sr., group 2: Densho degrees; SHODEN-JODEN, group 3: OKUDEN).
    If necessary, independent training up to 6-10 times a year.
    Main teacher: GGM
  5. Innermost
    Champion Team: RRCamp Package Travel – Densho; OKUDEN, MENKYO, KAIDEN
    4-6 times a year.
    Main teacher: GGM
  6. Martial Arts Initiated
    The grand champion team: RRCamp Package Travel – Densho; Menkyo Kaiden+.
    4-6 times a year.
    Main teacher: GGM

There are many advantages to participating in the national honbu curriculum meetings in the overlapping learning circles:
• You form new friendships
• You train together with other Shindenkaners at your own level of competence
• You are inspired and experience the carrot to the next higher level of competence
• You will be taught exactly your graduation curriculum for your next degree by a nationally competent highly graduated Honbu instructor
• With continuous input from the next higher competence level Honbu instructor
• It ensures optimal conditions for your learning through overlapping learning circles, community, patience, care and development!

The above national teaching concept helps to ensure that up to typically 30-35 % of the students achieve 4-2.kyu, brown belt graduation and typically up to 10-15 % achieve the black belt, 1.dan. Up to 5-10 % will achieve 1st dan Sr and 3rd dan BKK Gensei-ryu Karate-do. That's pretty good!

Those who continue to develop and are graduated to 2nd dan SHODEN and 4th dan BKK Gensei-ryu Karate-do, thrive and gain significant insight and huge recognition and respect from everyone both locally and nationally. There is not that much competition at these belt grades :-).

Welcome to Season 55 – Season 2022-2023! - Come and help create Shindenkan 3.0!
WITH GREAT DELIGHT! – the results after turn-around 2 in terms of competence and atmosphere were seen immediately during the joint conventions in 2022, and for the first time in 3 years new brown and black belt graduations could be held, with the highest support from the members, families and most promising graduation result ever !

It was absolutely fantastic and quite touching, after we have actually not been able to complete a half or full recruitment campaign for new members for 3 years. Normally, white belts make up between 30-50 % of all the participants during the joint events. In the last three years, they have accounted for 0 to 10 %.

That is why we are now looking forward to the new season 2022-2023, - especially also because statistically we are facing at least 17 new super good and peaceful years :-). Where like we win the Tour de France in 2022, Jonas Vingegaard will and can continue to be sporting and human gentlemen and ladies, with a clear set of values, fair and proper. And at the same time strive to be the absolute best version of ourselves - regardless of whether we are white and colored belts, brown and black belts, masters and grandmasters!

Shindenkan must benefit society, others and ourselves as developing people who passionately want to make a difference now in our 55th year in Denmark and Europe. Come and join the new building and make your mark!

Only the sky is the limit! – You can go all the way if you want!

The next grades are the DENSHO grades; SHODEN, CHUDEN and JODEN – the only degrees that are internationally standardized and regulated throughout the last 600 years in Japan, where you MUST be a recognized and registered Grandmaster (GM) Menkyo Kaiden or above “GGM – Initiated Great Grandmaster of all the Martial arts” , to graduate legitimately and recognized.

The subsequent degrees are densho OKUDEN (Innermost) and MENKYO (Master of all the Martial Arts), which is the first martial art degree and thus the first real and true master degree. The subsequent degrees are KAIDEN, and MENKYO KAIDEN, which is the first grandmaster degree within martial arts.

Current Japan statistics say that one in 100,000 practitioners becomes MENKYO and one in 1,000,000 becomes MENKYO KAIDEN. Such degrees are very rare and very special today. Menkyo Kaiden and higher degrees are therefore highly recognized at the highest level in Japan and China, as statistics say that if all people in the whole world practiced martial arts, a maximum of 7-8,000 people would be MENKYO KAIDEN in the world today. So it's quite nice - today, but a few hundred years ago, when you as your family, friends, clan life depended on your martial arts skills, the motivation was much higher and therefore the number was also significantly higher. But it basically just testifies to the potential that exists in the world today :-).

SST – Soké Sensei Tonegawa gave a speech to me during the celebration dinner in 1996 when I passed my MENKYO KAIDEN in Japan at the age of 30. Here he said that for a noble it was common to be MENKYO at 18-20 years old and MENKYO KAIDEN at 25 years old - take it and eat some bread :-).

Are you the next Menkyo Kaiden? – could it be you? It was also a Dane who won the Euromillions giga prize of DKK 760 million at the end of July 2022, so EVERYTHING can be done and it can also happen to you! 

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
