JJ 1-3 article 2021 – The reality of good and bad

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

Is there anything better than learning to take care of yourself. That is learn that only one can do the work and right now and right here, one can only trust oneself and one's own decisions. No, well, because then you only have yourself to thank if things go wrong. Most people want to blame others, but when the truth comes out, you probably have to start looking at yourself first.

In November 2021, a good number of Shindenkaners had signed up for Jujutsu 1 in order to learn to take care of themselves through training in Ukemi - fall technique. No matter how good you are at martial arts and no matter how careful you are, there is always a risk of falling and thus ending up in a bad situation. Therefore, Jujutsu 1 is a very important part of the Yakami Shinsei-Ryu curriculum. Well, yes, it is also the foundation for Jujutsu 2 and Jujutsu 3 – because if you can understand the essence of a fall technique, you can also understand the essence of a throw and of a balance wrestling/floor fight 🙂

This weekend in November 2021 was all about Jujutsu. Because there were both Jujutsu 1 and 2 followed by Jujutsu 3 the next day, and what a super weekend it was. Corona is starting to roll over society again, but in Shindenkan we roll normality over the country again, because our members want it so much and they show it time and time again. Even if there is Corona, the learning from 2020 and 2021 is that all safety procedures just work and the way we have handled it has given faith in the future and it has helped the mental health of virtually all of our members - it is like rings in the water that just spreads.

Overall, JJ1-3 is about looking after yourself and taking responsibility for yourself – if you can do that, you can also take responsibility for others. In its basic form, jujutsu is animalistic and brutal, but with training your inner self you become clarified and can thus use it to the extent and at the level that is necessary. It is not necessary to harm others if you can refrain from doing so - and you can if you know yourself 100%, because then you are clear to the core and know where your own and other people's comfort zones are.

This is precisely also why Jujutsu 1-3 are connected physically as well as psychologically, and it is precisely why it is built up step by step so that a common thread and understanding makes it all come together.

Learning fall technique is important for everyone, no matter what belt level you have. Because life can bring many challenges that can create situations where you have to get the best out of it. It does not have to be in a sharp situation with one or more opponents - it can be on a smooth winter morning or a damp autumn evening that the situation can arise. Many of Shindenkan's experienced members have been in situations where the ground has created a risk of falling and their training in Ukemi (fall technique) has helped them out of the situation as best as possible.

Falling technique is also the prerequisite for learning throwing technique in Jujutsu 2. Because if you can't fall correctly, then you also can't learn to be thrown correctly and, for that matter, to throw others correctly. Both parts provide a greater understanding of throwing. As the participants get through Jujutsu 2, they also find out that throwing technique is connected to falling technique and actually understanding falling technique also makes understanding throwing techniques easier - because they are connected technically and both parts lead a thick red thread to Jujutsu 3 where the balance wrestling comes along 🙂

Throwing is about balance and comfort zones – both understanding of oneself and understanding of others. Balance is both physical and mental and of course also spiritual. In Jujutsu 3, the entire package is worked on, so that a greater understanding of inner clarification can be achieved. Jujutsu 3 works with emotions and sensations and not muscle power. Jujutsu in its original form is precisely about feeling and sensing your opponents and not least yourself. If you cannot feel your own emotions, it is impossible to feel others' and in combat it is extremely important to be able to feel and see your own as well as other people's emotional energies - this can help to create an opening so that a correct technique can be deployed.

JJ1-3 have been raised to a new level through Kimu Sensei's teaching at OBC. It is precisely at OBC that Kimu Sensei adds several layers depending on the participants' attitude and technical ability. He does it in a way that creates security and greater understanding and which is essential in the way the entire organization develops. We are back after Corona and it will be exciting to see for the next OBC season how the connection between Jujutsu 1-3 and all the other skills becomes clearer - there is something to look forward to 🙂

Corona has now for almost 2 years been part of reality throughout the world and it will probably be part of reality for the rest of our lives. Such is reality, it changes and it develops. Not always in a way that is positive, but if you are clear with yourself then even a negative situation can be turned into something useful and perhaps in the end into something positive.

It's the same in battle - you're not always in a good position, but if you're clear and you're ruthless, you can take care of yourself in the right and real way - without illusions and without thinking about the judgment of others - because that's what you do when you know yourself.

Jujutsu 1-3 showed the way in that direction, but it is always up to the individual whether you want to recognize reality as it really is and develop that way, or whether you want to stay where you are without responsibility and without development. No matter what you choose, there are consequences and if there is something we humans don't like, then there are consequences 🙂 But that's the reality, for better or for worse.

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