KataFIT and SKK - Life is what you make it

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

In this autumn 2020, we at Shindenkan have worked hard to create a form of normality in both the organization and the members. The result of this work is absolutely fantastic, because we can now see from the registrations for the courses that: Shindenkan – Together we stand strong. All the schools have gained many new members and the OBC season has started with a bang and is a huge success. In spring 2020, Stretch Ki Kata was introduced on the OBC 4 course. Abbreviated, it's called SKK and, just like KataFIT, is a toolbox for Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-do and life as a whole 🙂

SKK should have been rolled out in the spring of 2020, but when Covid-19 rolled in all over the world, it was not easy. But that should not cause SKK to be put in the bag. Kimu Sensei instead spent the time fine-tuning and organizing the rollout so that everyone could participate. In October 2020, OBC 4 was wound up, and as mentioned in the articles from OBC 4, some Covid-19 restrictions came over the Danish country, which positively actually gave Shindenkan the opportunity to give all our members an extra opportunity to participate in a course where SKK was taught. And that opportunity went down incredibly well with all the members, because the registrations for OBC 4 were sky high and the atmosphere was top notch – it was a clear indication that Shindenkan is strong.

It also meant that the completion of OBC 4 had to be done in a safe and secure manner. This was resolved to that extent, and the learning from this was made clear for the next activity.

Now it was time for the KataFIT course, which is the first course you as a new member must complete on the way to your first belt. Although we have gained many new members, it is always exciting whether they can also see the possibilities in Shindenkan and whether they will accept these opportunities. The rumors about togetherness in Shindenkan and training by SKK had already spread, which meant that the registrations for KataFIT and SKK November 2020 were absolutely fantastic.

Kimu Sensei always gives Shindenkan members the best opportunities to push boundaries and to learn as much as possible. This is how both Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-do and KataFIT are, and SKK is absolutely no exception. At OBC 4, Level 1 of SKK was taught, and the reception was extremely gratifying and everyone had an attitude that was top notch, which made Kimu Sensei decide that it was Level 2 of SKK that should be rolled out and reviewed at KataFIT and SKK the course. The chief instructors had received detailed training in SKK and the Black Belt team had also been guided through. So now it was the turn of all the new members, and all the existing members who had not yet had the pleasure of OBC 4.

With a large number of registrations, and new stricter nationwide restrictions, the learning from OBC 4 had to be adjusted and made ready, so that KataFIT and the SKK course could once again take place in a safe and secure environment, which also provided the opportunity for good learning 🙂

It is a cold time that we are facing, but where it warms the heart when so many brave the cold and turn up for a super exciting course. In a wonderful united mix of children, adults, teenagers and families, KataFIT and SKK were carried out within a framework, and with precautions that were in accordance with all restrictions and rules. Despite this, there was an atmosphere of normalcy among those present, and it clearly showed that it was just what the participants needed - from the very new to the more experienced participants.

As mentioned, SKK is a toolbox, and how wonderful it was to see the reception a new toolbox gets. SKK is like a karate Kata put together without coincidences, and must be performed with the same focus and attitude as every other Kata including. KataFIT 🙂

SKK stands for Stretch Ki Kata, and is a toolbox that stretches joints, tendons, nerve pathways, muscles, and thus sets off the internal energy called Ki. There were actually several of the adult participants who could suddenly feel a wonderful sensation all over their body – it was as if something had woken up, and it was a good feeling. In fact, it also proved to create peace and security for many of the younger participants, because they worked really well throughout the course.

SKK is also a toolbox that, among other things, shows Kumite - melee, joint locks, dislocations, armed and unarmed techniques, etc. It is absolutely fantastic that at Shindenkan we are trained to train and develop our inner and outer possibilities, on the very big blade, and on the very long course.

The content of Stretch Ki Kata is not new because it has existed for over 1000 years and is handed down from grand master to students who are ready. When this happens, the exercises contain one or more signatures that tell who is handing over – in the same way as Kata's. SKK does this too – Yamana-Itotani-Waka – Kimu Sensei's transmission and signature. This is also why Kimu Sensei has prepared 3 levels in SKK, so that understanding and execution are connected - just like KataFIT and Yakami-Ryu - it all forms a process that points towards the same goal - namely development in a multi-track direction.

And how fantastic it is that Kimu Sensei can create space for everyone, with something that has so much history behind it. Although we are subject to restrictions and rules that create limitations and challenges, in Shindenkan it is viewed with positivity and the path of possibilities. We are not limited in our attitude as an organization. We see the possibilities and create solutions for the benefit of our members, so that people and diversity can have a place in our normality. And we have to say that we get the members with us all the way, in a time when challenges come like pearls on a string 🙂

Life is what you make of it, and the start of this season has shown that the members of Shindenkan want to be part of something bigger that can make a difference for themselves and their loved ones. And it is completely in the spirit of Shindenkan, where we take all our members on a journey, and into a reality with room for everyone who wants and can. How far the individual student wants to go on the journey is entirely up to the student himself. But where there's a will, there's a way, which was also proven during the KataFIT and SKK course.

The unity and energy was strong, and even though all the participants were divided into separate boxes according to rules and guidelines, it was very clear to feel the joy and desire across all boxes and participants. The cohesion is intact, even if you are separated, and it just shows that when you do something joyful for others, in a time when everything can be chaos, people feel safe, and when people are safe, they listen and follow along On the trip.

Every journey always begins with the first step, and many new members have taken their first steps into a local Shindenkan school. This first step has now taken them further into KataFIT and Stretch Ki Kata. Where the next steps will lead them only they themselves know, but if they continue in the same direction, there is no doubt that they will find support and security in life, and to that extent they will find room for diversity and peoplehood in a organization where there really is room for everyone.

The next steps may already be towards Shindenkan's divided X-mas BOKS rallies, where we can celebrate graduations and the joy of Christmas. And don't we once again see an event where togetherness and cohesion are again at the fore - the signs already show that it is going in that direction, because it creates a form of normality in a time when nothing is normal - but remember that life is what you make of it and every journey begins with the first step – even if the road is a little bumpy 🙂

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