OBC 4 and 5 – We still stand strong together

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

Then went the starting shot for a new and absolutely fantastic OBC season. Since March 2020, Corona has caused problems for large parts of the world. At Shindenkan, we know that problems equal challenges and something that can be solved. This has meant that since March 2020 we have stood strong as an organization together.

Corona has become part of reality and reality can be acknowledged or ignored. At Shindenkan, we recognize this and that is probably why we as an organization have come through strongly through the spring and right up until now. There have of course been bumps in the road, but with an unimaginably strong leader behind them, these bumps are turned into something positive for the benefit of all members and their families – completely in the spirit of Shindenkan.

Season 2020-2021 is in full swing and of course that also means OBC 🙂 . OBC is a huge success on all fronts and if there is something that can create unity and good energy, it is the OBC courses at all levels. This is where we get to know each other through super exciting training and this is where greater unity is created across all schools.

The reality is also that in an organization like Shindenkan we want the best for our members and that also means that we are prepared to adapt if required. The entire spring of 2020 clearly showed that "together we stand strong" because, despite the dark Corona blanket that lay over the whole of Denmark, we made the most of it - fresh air and lots of light by training outdoors - it can't be better.

Now the season is on again and so is Corona. A normal OBC season starts with OBC 5 (Ken 3, Jojutsu and Iai-jutsu) and OBC 6 (Jujutsu 3, Task Fighting 3 and ShakuaSei and ShindenFight Basic). But due to the circumstances, OBC 4 and OBC 6 were moved around and actually it was also because in OBC4 we had to go through and train in SKK - Stretch Ki Kata and if it was trained early in the season, it could be rolled out, thus all could gain experience and pleasure with it faster. SKK is Bunkai for KataFIT and is a Kata where all joints, muscles, tendons and nerve pathways are stretched and the ki is activated. And with the situation we were in, it was therefore very natural to have OBC 4 completed first so that SKK can be rolled out in the local schools afterwards for all those who have participated in OBC 4 2020.

There is no doubt that EVERYONE in the entire organization was looking forward to SKK. Rumors had already spread because it was actually reviewed during the last OBC 4, but due to Corona it could not be rolled out. But this did not mean that it lay there gathering dust, because Kimu Sensei had used the time during Corona to refine it so that the connection and understanding of KataFIT and Yakami Shinsei-Ryu Karate-Do becomes clearer and more significant - which we can look forward to in the new season 🙂

SKK and KataFIT are not Kimu Sensei's invention. These are principles and training that have 1000 years of history. But the composition of the completely unique multidimensional whole is. Of course according to the KISS method – Keep It Simple and Safe, like everything in Shindenkan 🙂

With the Corona pandemic comes, as mentioned earlier, a number of challenges. Autumn had also begun and the infection rate in Denmark had begun to rise. The Danish government thus takes responsibility and begins to draw up new restrictions and the extension of existing ones, so that Corona does not get free rein. This also means that all indoor activities are affected, as we can no longer be outdoors due to the weather. Rumors of what the restrictions would look like and when they would come into effect had begun, and as they became more and more confirmed, it was necessary to restructure so that we at Shindenkan could create the best season for our members.

Kimu Sensei had prepared for this and suggested moving OBC4 forward about 14 days so that it could be completed before the restrictions came into effect. One of the restrictions that would have the most significance was the number of gatherings, which would move from 50. to a maximum of 10 pcs.

The number of registrations for OBC 4 was over 50. but it was already planned how this was to be handled so that all guidelines and regulations from health authorities and the police were complied with. But if the number of people gathered was now reduced to 10, the situation would be completely different and therefore Kimu Sensei suggested the following:

Can we move OBC 4 from original date to in 48 hours?

Ok, there was just something that had to be initiated. Could we get everyone registered to change their plans so we could run OBC 4 in 48 hours. It's easy on paper, but what does reality look like? Are the participants willing to create a super fantastic training day? This should be exciting if it succeeds.

All sails were deployed and within 24 hours more than 75% of those registered had answered YES THANKS to move OBC 4 forward for completion in 48 hours. It obviously showed that a great deal of work has been done in establishing contact with everyone. BUT it also shows the willingness of the members of Shindenkan to get the best out of a situation that creates challenges. And to that extent it also shows what unity there is in Shindenkan and that the motto "Shindenkan-Together we stand strong" has become stronger and more significant in the Corona era.

The fact that it all worked out meant that we were able to create the first community meeting/event in the Corona era, which was a huge success - there was enormous joy to be seen, not only because of the super exciting training but to a large extent also about the community and the togetherness. It was clear that all the participants had missed the community across all the schools, and it was even more clear that there is support for making changes to the calendar when the situation is as it is. We can't change reality, but we can adapt and make the best of it in the long run.

In addition to Corona, there were also other situations which meant that OBC 4 was challenged. The day before the OBC4 course, Kimu Sensei had unfortunately injured his hip and had spent much of the night in the hospital, including an operation under general anesthesia. But as the unique solution-oriented martial art grandmaster that he is, that shouldn't stop him from participating in OBC 4. After all, more than 75% of the participants had changed their plans for Shindenkan. So during the night, Kimu Sensei worked out a plan so that he could teach everyone in a safe environment.

This whole successful community weekend started well with a SB training where unfortunately an accident happened and continued into OBC 5 on Saturday morning where Jo-Jutsu, Ken 3 and Iai-jutsu were reviewed with a status check for the season. This was extremely instructive as the learning was all about attitude to oneself and attitude to life. When you have the right attitude, you can get the best out of everything. The only person standing in the way of this is yourself.

After OBC 5, the framework for a safe OBC 4 was laid and with the large turnout, everyone was distributed into marked boxes - which were sprayed from the start - the floors were washed and no one had any doubts that all safety rules were taken seriously. In fact, some of the rules were turned up, so we at Shindenkan are 100% sure that we look after our members - it is always better to go with a waist belt and braces than just a thin cord that can break. It is about attitude not only to oneself, but also to a large extent to others.

The day after OBC 4 and OBC 5, there was a POMW re-cap in the SDK Shooting Association for those who have been through POMW courses. Here it was also clear to feel that the sense of community that had been created this weekend continued.

There is no doubt that Corona has taken a heavy toll on Denmark and indeed the whole world. People are hit hard in several areas, physically as well as mentally. We may be just a small part of the big wave, BUT if we can make a positive difference for ourselves, then it may be that it can have a positive impact on others as well. This first successful community weekend in the Corona era has laid the foundation for the 2020-2021 season. Let's all carry on and let's help each other where we can because remember to: "Shindenkan - together we stand strong" and we still do that regardless of the challenges.

A huge thank you must go to Kimu Sensei for his positive solution approach to everything. and for being a huge inspiration to us all, even when there is huge adversity. Also a huge thank you to all of you Shindenkaners who changed your plans within 24 hours so that we could complete a completely fantastic togetherness weekend. This bodes well for the time after Corona 🙂

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