The Shindenkan way; Corona, KISS and mask

Season 2020-21 start-up article, the first start-up week and the government's press conference have created a need for sharing and additional information for Shindenkan members.

Denmark was closed on March 11, 2020, and Shindenkan was quick to come up with a set-up that scalable adapted to developments in the Corona situation. There were 4 tracks with interactive training, training schedules, safety and seven explanatory and reassuring newsletters. Corona created a whole new situation, which required unconventional methods, which also meant that Shindenkan chose to accommodate and unconventionally go beyond what you could normally expect from a sports organization.

Through seven different, but KISS (Keep It Simple and Safe) explanatory and coherent newsletters, Shindenkan tried to create an overview, peace and security for our members and their families.

It gave extra credibility that our phased and process-oriented bid on the active measures and development of Corona in Denmark and the world proved to be quite accurate, and more than 95+ % correct in relation to the current development and government decision-making measures - in reality.

The "crystal ball" was just KISS, the application of knowledge and experience - and common sense, but it suddenly created thousands of readers. Our goal was to create a sense of normalcy and safety during an unusual world crisis.

Shindenkan's democratically elected cross-organizational top management SOPORG and Shindenkan's specialist medical team already purchased surgical IIR masks in April in Germany, as well as alcohol cans 85% alcohol.

This constituted Shindenkan's National Corona Safety Stock with timely care.

On May 1, 2020, the entire Shindenkan national black belt team was Corona antibody tested by Shindenkan's specialist medical team, where 15 % were found to have antibodies.

The National SB team will again at the beginning of the 2020-2021 season, be tested for antibodies, for safety and security on the short as well as long track for our members, for themselves and their families' safety.

Corona tests have become a normal routine procedure in Shindenkan.

Shindenkan therefore of course also has a KISS procedure for the use of; Covid19 inoculation test, Antibody tests, Corona prevention and infection risk minimization, and procedure for if/when a positive Corona test is reported locally or nationally.

In addition, Shindenkan's specialist medical team will always be on standby, according to SSI and the Danish Health Authority's guidelines.

At the same time, the national and local procedure for safe outdoor Corona training was launched, which could be directly transferred to indoor training, with timely care.

In June, all Shindenkan's key people at national and local level were offered to buy a 10 piece. pack mask IIR of the national Shindenkan safety stock.

This was a THANK YOU for years of loyalty in the voluntary and unpaid association work to them and their families. But it was also Shindenkan's practical experience test and collection for the use of face masks in many different situations in Denmark and Europe; walks, exercise, hard training, supermarkets, planes, ferries, buses, trains, etc. A valuable experience that we must apply and use in season 2020-2021.

The outdoor training also made it natural for all members to incorporate the Shindenkan Corona KISS safety procedure, as the most natural in the world, following a clear set of values with a community mind and we look after you and you look after us. Our motto was; Shindenkan – Together we stand strong!, – and it still is.

There are many of our members who have encouraged us to share Shindenkan's experiences and procedures - outside of Shindenkan. So that others can have joy, normality, security and safety from "The KISS Shindenkan way".

We have refrained from this before, as we also know very well in this special Corona time that we can open a negative and unproductive exchange in this healthcare, political, psychological Instagram - Twitter time.

But there are many who have noticed that the Danish Health Authority's official recommendations do not always correspond to reality, such as e.g. their own director choreographed and well prepared did at the last press conference.

He pulled a suit's matching cloth mask from his pocket and quite amusingly demonstrated its use.

The problem is simply that the Danish Health Authority primarily recommends surgical CE-marked disposable masks and not unsafe cloth masks, and until two weeks ago was strongly against the use of masks in Denmark and the Nordic countries, as one of the very few last countries in the world.

In the eyes of many, this does not give a high degree of credibility to the state's top advisor on the basis of healthcare advice, which has often been the case since Corona came on the scene. And perhaps that is also why his "competitor" from SSI - Statens Serum Institut has met with greater credibility and responsiveness from the Danish government and population, despite the virgin and untrodden starting point for the last 100 years, which most of us all understand and respect.

The use of masks in Denmark is now legal in public transport, and is an extra safety layer on top of the other "old 1918 Spanish sick measures"; Hygiene, distance and be considerate. Therefore, it is also important to understand why and how. We will try to do that here in the Shindenkan KISS way.

  • Surgical masks must be CE approved. This means that they are produced according to a quality industry production standard, just like all medical equipment. This means they work as intended. There is no CE marking and quality standard for cloth face masks and therefore you do not know how much protection they provide. It is FALSE protection towards yourself, but ALSO towards other people.
  • DTI - Danish Technological Institute and other countries' testing institutes have thoroughly tested various types of face masks on the market, in a 100 % optimal protection situation – resistance and permeability of the protective layer – both ways. The only ones who keep what they promise are; the CE-marked surgical masks of types I, II and IIR, which range from 95+% to 98+%. Fabric mouthguards are on average from 23-50+ % depending on the suitability of the fabric. The estimate of up to 90 % protection both ways is based on 12! layer fabric of suitable quality or specially manufactured super fabric.
  • Mask function is simple. They have been commonplace in Asia since "the time of the Ruder king". Either you protect others against yourself, or you protect yourself and others against Corona and other diseases. Surgical Type I protects others against you. II and IIR go both ways. R simply means greater resistance to sweat, saliva and moisture. They are used by surgeons during operations, as an extra security. The price in Denmark is now DKK 3-5 for I and II. IIR usually somewhat higher. Fabric masks can range from DKK 10 to thousands of kroner for designer masks.
  • Disposable versus reusable. Disposable surgical masks of I and II are designed to be used for 4-8 hours in a row in the medical and healthcare sector. It has been scientifically documented in Denmark and all over the world - that they work in the healthcare system as intended and to the industrial CE standard. Corona and other viruses have created a new market for disposable surgical masks. Exactly as with so many other products on the national and international shelves. Cloth gags are yet another commercial revival, after cloth gags were replaced by the technologically superior and significantly cheaper surgical gags in the 60s. Interim cloth masks have since been used in poor countries, but on the basis of Corona recreated, and commercially targeted especially the western countries, which have no tradition of masks for infectious diseases and visibly proactive consideration for other people. Surgical masks are CE quality industrially produced with a guarantee of effectiveness and standard for single use. There is no quality guarantee for fabric mouthguards. Since they are made of fabric, they can usually be washed. But this still does not mean that they work better or worse as intended or have a quality standard. It does, on the other hand, surgical masks I, II and IIR - with guaranteed safety - from DKK 3 per PCS. in Denmark.
  • Has the effect of face masks been studied and scientifically documented? YES! It has been that way within the healthcare system for decades - and that is why all surgeons and healthcare personnel have been using masks during operations since the First World War (1914-18). When they work in the healthcare system, it is logical to assume that they also work outside the healthcare system. This has also been concluded by several international scientific studies in the wake of Corona. Last almost collected 200 from 20 different countries in the science journal; The Lancet, end of July 2020. Distance works up to 90 % and surgical masks between 65 and 80 %, depending on scientific research and of course infection pressure. The higher the contagion effect, the higher the protection percentage in scientific studies. A Danish randomized study from Rigshospitalet, Herlev, Hvidovre, Gentofte, DTU with 6000 test subjects was submitted to another scientific journal at the end of July, indirectly funded by the Danish state and the Salling Foundation, awaiting validation and publication in the journal. It takes 3 weeks to 3 months. The problem is simply that Denmark and the world need the result now. You probably have to be a career scientist here to understand this rationale and health care type of social mind. Unless the conclusions have been leaked and were the reason for the Danish Health Authority's 180-degree U-turn shortly after, and Denmark and the Nordic countries now also use mandatory masks as a supplementary force and superweapon. In any case, the result, when it is published, only has scientific and health professional value, since the real leadership and other scientific studies have already made the decisions. It is a shame, as the result and quality of the study is not only limited to Covid19, but also many other common viruses in circulation. But it will have to be another time, or the top seller in source references within future Ph.D. health science theses 🙂

Conclusion; In Shindenkan, we ONLY train with surgical masks, as we are multi-tracked, value-based and consider both ourselves and other people. We think that is community minded.

Regardless of who claims that it is "rocket science" to put on a mask, it is always KISS logically better to start with 95-98 % certainty of intended effect than from 23-50% certainty of fabric mask, regardless of whether the mask fits 100 % perfect or just 80 %.

And remember, doctors and health professionals also pick their nose and face, just like everyone else. This also means that with disposable surgical masks you can clearly see when they are dirty and need to be changed, but you cannot necessarily do that with a pre-washed cloth mask in all kinds of colours.

The reason why masks are used is that we look after you and you look after us, and thereby we look after each other and society.

Surgical mask use is only part of the total Corona safety package in Shindenkan;

  • NO ONE turns up for training with Corona symptoms. If you are in doubt, read the large posters outside the dojo in every Shindenkan school.
  • The dojo's floor is cleaned with soap and water BEFORE and AFTER each training lesson, to minimize the risk of possible infection and hygiene at KataFIT and StrechKiKata.
  • Everyone brings their own clean towel and alcohol wipe when KataFIT and StrechKiKata are carried out.
  • All the dojos have ventilation with open doors and windows to minimize the risk of possible infection.
  • EVERYONE has washed their hands thoroughly BEFORE entering the Dojo. And also wash hands after training.
  • As extra safety and safety normality, EVERYONE gets sprayed alcohol 85% on their hands when setting up.
  • Surgical masks can be used voluntarily during the entire training lesson, but are mandatory during the marking part of up to 15 minutes, where the distance from nose tip to nose tip can approach close to 1 m. Following the Danish Health Authority's recommendation in the area (Which is, however, less strict without a mask)
  • All the National Board of Health's and SSI's guidelines and expertise are complied with locally and nationally. They are KISS simple as they are standardized and the same nationally as locally.

Shindenkan has its own specialist medical team and well-trained instructor teams. Ask if in doubt!

Thank you and have a very safe KISS Shindenkan training!

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Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
