POMW I-II-III – Implementation and preparations

Pistol shooting, it's something you just go down to the shooting association and arrange, once a week - it doesn't cost very much, and the preparations, yes, you can do them in half an hour, before the doors open...

But that's not quite the case with POMW! – and why?

POMW Liquidation

Right now we are in the middle of completing POMW I, II and III, combined in the "Living POMW" course, where the students learn and immerse themselves in POMW (Project Old Modern Warrior) - Shooting. We start with the most difficult discipline – pistol shooting, as all the best experts say that if you can shoot a pistol, you can shoot anything.

It is a course where the participants get massive learning of approx. 85 hours over a 2-3 month period, through courses, and self-training at home following carefully specified instructions in an interaction where it reinforces each other.

For the individual course participant, the course is a significant investment in itself, as the course fee for POMW I, II and III is NOK 5,000 per part. Here, Honbu-dojo chooses to invest in the participants by giving a discount of 33% when you register for all 3 course parts, so the price for the total course package ends up at NOK 10,000.

It is an hourly price of approx. DKK 118/hour for new POMW participants and around half that for POMW BIO (By Invitation Only) OBC, which is a refresher and improvement of level for previous participants.

Participants have submitted binding registration, up to 12 months before settlement, and paid into local savings schemes, set up to give everyone the opportunity to participate by offering a support structure for savings.

In addition to self-payment, this course requires the participants to use time, adapt their own calendar to the course days, and continuous self-training during the entire period of 2-3 months.

It sounds like a very exciting course, and something you should seriously consider participating in, but why should there really be such high demands on the course participants? After all, they have paid the box office to participate, and one could well argue that then they should be accommodated as much as possible?

POMW preparations – the schooled approach

For the previous 2-3 months, SDKSkyt's IPSC POMW shooters have been training intensively on the shooting range, so the skills are razor sharp for an optimal POMW course for all the new POMW shooters.

POMW BIO (By Invitation Only) OBC registered shooters are also trained during the same period, but not as intensively. But enough so that the next step on the POMW pyramid can be reached.

In the training leading up to the POMW course and during the POMW course, it is expected that more than 100,000 good shots of 0.22 and 9 mm will be fired, with an approx. distribution on approx. 33% and 67 %.

It is expected that POMW's chief instructor and POMW instructors during the POMW training and course period together shoot more than 50,000 good shots!, over five POMW instructor training sessions of 6-8 hours and five combined POMW BIO OBC/Instructor sessions of 3+3 hours. This gives approx. 60-70 hours of POMW shooting training for instructors and 15+ hours for POMW BIO OBC shooters BEFORE the POMW course;

1 IROA/IPSC A+ and 3 IPSC A+ shooters are registered, of which 1 is POMW chief instructor, 2 are POMW I+II gunners and 1 is POMW I gunner and POMW II assistant gunner.

A total of 9 DSU/DGI shooting supervisors with an official Danish diploma are registered.

Dates and backup dates at one of Zealand's best shooting centers are booked up to ½ year in advance.

Ammunition has been purchased and regularly collected for all participating shooters

Safety equipment has been purchased with the best possible discount for the participants.

The POMW course is the most expensive and resource-intensive skills course in Shindenkan and is therefore only held every 3-4 years.

The total price for running "Living POMW" is approx. DKK 300-330.00 all inclusive, of which approx. half is ammo!. The total POMW Honbu fee is approx. DKK 150,000.

Hmmmm - I'm just wondering

General accounting says: How can you complete a course that costs 330,000 when the participants only pay 150,000?

Yes, you can only do that if a massive grant is given to the course from Honbu-dojo, which covers the deficit via Yakami Shinsei-ryu courses season 2019/2020.

At the same time, the POMW course seizes all resources for 3 months, which makes it impossible to complete normal Yakami Shinsei-ryu courses during that period, which results in a further loss when completing the POMW.

And you can only do that if the course instructors, like all other activities in Shindenkan, are volunteers and unpaid, which means that they themselves use the 10 half and full vacation days that have gone with the training, and also pay for their own ammunition. and training leading up to the course.

And the zealots do it with pleasure!

But sometimes you can't help but be surprised when course participants think that the course is expensive, that unrealistically high demands are made, and that they have to spend a lot of time on the course, which requires 15-25 minutes of self-training a day - when the entire teaching staff have spent holidays, flexible days and days off on the optimal preparation for the course participants, and paid for it all myself.

Well, one can only hope that the course participants are used to Shindenkan's course methodology, where you go behind the stories and myths, and look at the real reasons and historical facts, and here are the facts that the course participants really get it all served on a silver platter , and far from paying the real costs of the course, not to mention the POMV project's establishment costs in 2011-2014 of just under 2 million. DKK

That is why POMW is only every 4 years, as it is a huge investment in the students and Shindenkan.

And what do you get with POMW?

For that, you get the essence of shooting, extracted by SKUC (Shindenkan's Competence & Development Center) in the original POMW project, carried out by Kimu Sensei. The creation of the POMW Courses is a long story in itself, which is described in several articles, but in short it is a development project that ran from 2011-2013, and which Shindenkan and leading forces have invested a lot of time and a very large amount of money into .

You get a course that is based on a 1,000-year-old cultural heritage, which we do not want to dilute, because we insist that there must be content on the bottle. The competence courses contain real knowledge and tools to develop. In addition, all courses require both instructors and course participants to make a serious continuous effort to achieve the course goal.

And POMW tells something, that it is the quality of the person behind the weapon that determines how good you are, and not the weapon.

At the same time, POMW provides a precise attitude assessment: How am I feeling right now! Can I ignore myself, my circumstances, and close myself into the POMW cheese bell and concentrate 100% on my shooting, without thinking about competition, performance anxiety, am I good enough, I have to win or I have to do better than others...?

The result can be read directly on the disc. Do I have the right attitude, right now, right here, or not. Black/White judgement, no excuses or excuses.

All the instructors have also had to admit this during the training - the continuous effort and attitude requires mental focus and clarification, and doubts, uncertainty and lack of focus are punished immediately.

The setting

At Shindenkan, we do not compromise on quality!

It is an attitude that we sometimes encounter a lack of understanding for, and which is often also perceived as arrogant, because how difficult can it be?

We have even received calls from municipal leaders within the culture and leisure area, who said that we could just do a few more courses - We can just do like football, where a few balls, some cones and a few adults are required, then there is a football course, so why can't we just do something similar?

We can't because at Shindenkan we don't compromise on quality! We insist that there must be contents on the bottle.

And we hope you appreciate that; because how many will do the same for you – use their own holidays, their own free time and their own money, to be allowed to teach.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
