SST convention November 2019 – A new multi-track world

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

In Shindenkan, we meet the members where they are and take them on a journey in multi-track martial arts. This journey begins with the SST event, which is the introduction to an absolutely fantastic experience in true Japanese multi-track martial arts with more than 1000 years of history behind it.

At this season's first SST convention, 40 of the new members in Shindenkan had registered. This corresponded to approx. 55% of all the new members who have found their way to the local Shindenkan schools around the country. And all signs indicate that the number will be even greater at the next SST convention as all schools in Shindenkan are in explosive progress. It is as if the values and messages that we work with in Shindenkan have reached all corners of Denmark where you want serious and in-depth learning and content in teaching.

People are curious about knowledge and this could also be felt at this SST convention where a great many parents of the registered children and young people found themselves in an extremely nice heated hall where the SST convention was held. Who is Shindenkan? – What do we offer you and your child? - and how does the journey you so want to take us all take place? All questions that parents and members are curious about getting answered - and they got it. In fact, they got such good and concrete answers through Jens Hanshi-Dai's presentation of system and organization that afterwards a very calm and expectant energy spread throughout the hall. Everyone was now dressed to go on the journey.

As mentioned, the SST event is an introduction to Shindenkan and the multi-track martial arts system Yakami Shinsei ryu. That is how everything is connected and how we work and why. There is no doubt that the instructor staff at Shindenkan are world class and always prepared to deliver a super educational training. At the SST event, there are no exceptions, even if the participant is new to Shindenkan – they can just as well learn from the start that at Shindenkan we do not compromise on the teaching – that is probably also why they have signed up, as they want the most effect for their investment 🙂

For a new student, it can be overwhelming to come to an assembly where there are many faces that you don't really know. But then it is absolutely fantastic that a large number of members from each school were registered so that the camaraderie could be strengthened and no one should feel alone - the fantastic thing is also to see how the camaraderie across schools is also strengthened as the members get trained together. The SST convention is fertile ground for clarifications, expectations polls and new camaraderie and there is no doubt that at the upcoming X-mas convention it will show that unity and good energy are sprouting in full bloom in Shindenkan.

The SST competitions are an introduction to the multi-track martial arts system Yakami Shinsei Ryu, and the participants at SST 2019 also got an experience of a lifetime. Most of them had with good reason been looking forward to trying training with swords - ken-jutsu - and the smiles then also remained when this lesson had to start. But before then, all the participants and their parents got a good insight and introduction to MBH and KataFIT. The human attitude of many children is often that "I can't do this". But when you are in Shindenkan, you do your best and believe in yourself. This attitude led several of the younger participants to show themselves and others that when you want to, you can - and they could to that extent.

The KataFIT lesson was followed by Ju-jutsu 1 and 2 – fall technique and throwing technique – two tracks that challenge the participants to a great extent. Both lessons began with an introduction to why they are important and what their purpose is. Ju-Jutsu 2 was also started with a hip throw from the instructors so that the participants could see with their own eyes that even if a person is thrown to the floor with a bang, it does not have to hurt if you can fall correctly 🙂

As mentioned, the Ken-jutsu lesson created joy and even though several of the registered JokoKidz had challenges with the sword, they did their best and got a great experience out of the lesson. It's fun and exciting to train with weapons, but it's the person behind it that makes the difference. The energy increased a few degrees during this lesson and it did not decrease when the last lesson with the pillow training had to start. Now it had to have a lot of gas and the cushions felt it.

Shindenkan's pad concept is the entrance to kumite – that is, real kumite without rules and without points. Kumite for life. Hitting a pad is not about hitting loose. It's about the TAK principle, which means that you don't get injured and you learn correct technique all the way. The learning from the TAK principle is then taken over to MY principle and then to the CT principle so that it is all connected in a unique red thread and with a focus on the schooled approach to kumite in the spirit of Shindenkan 🙂

To step into Shindenkan is to step into a multi-lane world of unique and genuine martial arts and martial arts. It is also entering a world where respect and acceptance of others and their skills is essential, because if you are really open to learning, then it will also be a whole new world of multi-track martial arts that opens up and as in the degree can create a journey where the level of competence can be lifted to the skies.

The SST team thanks Kimu Sensei for having the opportunity to lay the foundation for all the new members and we also thank all those registered for a super good training day which for most was the beginning of a journey in a new multi-track world.

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