X-mas convention 2018 – A clear vision can solve life's task

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

"It is a cold time in which we live" - The famous stanzas from Kim Larsen really kicked off Shindenkan's X-mas event 2018. It's a cold time but also a beautiful time. Christmas is the time for messages and there is no doubt that the message for this X-mas convention, which was "one for all - all for Santa", resonated throughout the Måløv area.

With 132 registrants, it was set to be a big bang. And despite the flu and salmonella epidemic in Denmark, there was a very large attendance which could lift the atmosphere to new heights where even Santa Claus could hear and find his way to Shindenkan.

The X-mas event 2018 was all about the multi-track competences and there was really nothing left to do. The entire Måløv Hall exuded a desire to continue the 1,000-year-old cultural heritage with deep roots in both the original Japanese and Chinese Budo and Bujutsu history and culture.

The calm that has now come to Shindenkan and to all members and participants at X-mas 2018 could be clearly felt. It also meant that the attitude to want to learn and develop with the help of Shindenkan's 1000-year-old toolbox on all fronts was very significant.

As always, Kimu Sensei had made a presentation from which the Chief Instructors had to prepare a teaching plan. This plan is processed in such a way that it can be understood and carried out by the teams that take part in the task during the individual competitions - this is learning and training in a completely unique set-up.

"You cannot solve a task 100 % if you do not understand 100 % what the task is about" was the theme that the X-mas convention 2018 had been given by Kimu Sensei. It sounds simple, but it is far from it. Conversely, it doesn't have to be complicated either – it's actually something you choose yourself 🙂

It is easy to make a plan that you understand yourself, but if that plan is to be passed on, then others must also understand it, and something that is easy to understand is also easier to pass on and explain to others.

But there is also the part of people who do not want to understand but instead hide everything away. In a multi-track system like Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do, it is very important not to hide something away but instead to learn to understand it. When you understand it, you can also see coherence in the whole and thus perhaps also in yourself. It's the same with plans.

All the many spectators who attended the X-mas convention 2018 got a great insight into the multi-track system Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do. It was completely from unarmed distance combat to unarmed close combat and also with the armed part. The skills were spread over the entire hall, from the 10th kyu group all the way up to the black belt group and all step by step with a clear common thread.

The hall was divided into three areas where the individual teams trained. This gives life and there was also a big competition in who could come up with the clearest Christmas messages for the joy of everyone. For each team group, there was a division into competence stations where the participants could see and try everything their heart could desire from the 1000-year-old budo and bujutsu competences. This was also a very successful starting point for 2018 and with a focus on the future.

The plans for 2019 have been laid out and implemented based on the successful OBC and X-mas convention 2018 - with "Time for more fun!". That is there is a focus on Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do training and development. It can also be felt by all members, because there has been a completely different positive atmosphere and attitude towards courses, rallies and Shindenkan as a whole. It is as if everyone has recognized that in Shindenkan there is a completely genuine and unique Martial Arts and Martial Arts grandmaster who creates massive multi-track content on the competence bottle.

Enrollments for the first months' courses are pouring in and it is quite clear that everyone wants to be part of a success, which is understandable. But it is probably also because Shindenkan's members want the contents of the bottle to be completely unique and completely genuine. They don't mind fake and dishonest skills where bad morals are the guideline for the coming generations of children and young people.

So Denmark, it may well be that it is a cold time we live in and many go around creating illusions and empty skills. But we have a really good time in Shindenkan and to that extent we are going to create joy and warmth in this small country. The coming season will be a super season where the level will be raised another step up the ladder. And remember that the higher you go, the clearer the view becomes. A clear view also gives a clear understanding and thus a better opportunity to solve life's task 🙂

A huge congratulations must go to all those who graduated at the X-mas convention 2018. To be graduated in a martial arts system that has its roots back in 1000 years of Japanese Budo and Bujutsu history is something you can be really proud of.

Shindenkan wishes all their members and families a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year and we look forward to a 2019 where training and development go hand in hand towards brighter and better times with "Time for more fun!".

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