OBC 4 – KataFIT at OBC level

By Søren Nielsen, member until 2022

At Shindenkan, we have the pleasure of being able to pass on a Japanese cultural heritage. A cultural heritage that goes back more than 1000 years in the history and culture of Japanese Budo and Bujutsu. Many dream of being part of the genuine Japanese Budo and Bujutsu culture, but many also jump away when reality hits them in the face - this is clearly shown by Shindenkan's 50-year history in Denmark. History also shows that when you are clear and really want to, you can go all the way, which Kimu Sensei is a very clear example of.

It is the 34th Soké of Yashin Mon Yakami Taijutsu, Soké Sensei Tonegawa's family system and development of this that the Shindenkan organization can carry forward. However, this can only happen through Kimu Sensei who is now one of three martial arts grandmasters with a direct connection to Soké Sensei Tonegawa. Soké Sensei Tonegawa retired in the spring of 2018 as head of the organization Bujutsu Kodosokukai, but not as a martial arts practitioner and therefore still has the original three martial arts grandmasters as those who can continue the 1000 year old Budo and Bujutsu cultural heritage through their own organizations.

The time from the spring of 2017 until the spring of 2018 also showed that the 1000-year-old cultural heritage with deep roots in both the original Japanese and Chinese Budo and Bujutsu history and culture is not something that everyone would help to continue. Is it normal? Yes, and it has always been that way. The human attitude is one of the most exciting things to work with and look at. For some people, stripes on the belt and diplomas are the most important, as it means the most to them to show the world what they have achieved. For other people, the depth and roots in the culture are the most important thing and perhaps most of all what they know deep down what they themselves are capable of and can do, but have no need to exhibit.

We live in a free country where you can choose from many shelves and where the consequences of your choice often only dawn on you when it is too late. As a martial artist, you can choose to play through the training or come up with it all yourself and thus create your own system, as many do when they reach a certain point in their life, it becomes too difficult for them and they give up all too easily, when they encounter resistance and the fear of not being good enough. That's how it has been throughout history and that's how it will always be.

But you can also choose to follow the original and original Budo and Bujutsu systems and get the essence from those who have walked the path first and thus accept others and their skills. As the chairman of the federation also writes in his "State of the Nation" article, Shindenkan has become approx. 30% less since 2015 when the new Strat20 plan was initiated. But Strat20 was also a clean-up process, which had to separate the "sheep from the goats" - who wants the 1,000 years of cultural heritage and who would rather play, not learn anything new or maintain the skills learned. The Strat20 was reached two years ahead of schedule and has now been replaced by the Strat23 in 2018.

It's nice and quiet in Shindenkan now and there are no "fires and fires" that constantly have to be put out. The general attitude to learn and develop with the help of Shindenkan's community, value set, support structures and 1000 year old toolbox has also changed significantly! That message comes from all schools at all levels. This is supported by the fact that, despite the fact that there have been fewer students in Shindenkan, these are the right students for Shindenkan. And that bodes well for the future!

But up to 250 students on the floor and as many outside for assemblies with a chaotic bazaar atmosphere, we shall never not experience again! Between 150-180 inside and outside the floor, where everyone wants to learn from Shindenkan's 1000-year cultural heritage, it's fun and motivating for all Shindenkan's volunteers and unpaid association forces, - and the deep joy and relief is already infecting everyone in the Shindenkan association's local schools, which the registration for OBC testifies to!

Registration for the OBC season 2018/2019 has gone up by 34%! Despite the Shindenkan has become almost 30% smaller since 2015. It's going to be crazy! to experience the OBC KM – Competence graduations for the spring and summer meetings! Never before has Shindenkan achieved and had fertile ground for such a level of competence as now and in the future - It's so cool! and beautiful!

The Shindenkan can be considered a tree. A tree that has very deep roots in the ground and where the tree trunk is extremely solid. The tree crown sometimes needs to be trimmed, which can be done by pruning. But trimming can also happen completely by itself, when leaves and branches fall down by themselves. So what is left? It makes an even more beautiful tree which has become stronger and which now has a core that can continue towards the stars, where sun and light give energy and life to the tree's future.

This is how it has gone with Shindenkan as an organization. Leaves and branches have fallen and we now stand with a core in the organization that is stronger and that has the will to look deep into the 1000-year-old cultural heritage. As I said, this is clearly seen in the registrations for OBC this season, which is 318 participants! provisionally... Last season the registration was 238 participants, which gives an increase of 34%. So there is only one thing to say and that is that the OBC as a whole is a huge success and that the participants would like to join us on an absolutely fantastic journey deep into the original Budo and Bujutsu world where Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu plays a bigger and greater role.

All the competences that are trained in OBC are core competences in Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu and therefore the maintenance of the competences is also carried out under the auspices of Yakami Shinsei-ryu Taijutsu so that the genuine and original is preserved in the right spirit. It is also in that spirit that as a participant in the OBC courses you get to know Kimu Sensei as a person and a great master, at the same time that he can get to know all the participants and thus can reduce the distance between himself and the participants. This makes it easier for Kimu Sensei to meet the participants at eye level and take them on a journey.

The OBC cycle is well underway for the 2018-2019 season. It has started in reverse as OBC 5 and 6 have been completed and has been a huge success. Now the time has come for OBC 4 where KataFIT is reviewed and raised to the next level. It is always exciting to see what Kimu Sensei has up his sleeve and as always you leave an OBC course with a fantastic feeling of being pointed in the right direction.

An OBC course typically lasts 3-4 hours, depending on the participants' preferences. But when you are having fun and are immersed in learning, time just flies. This was also the case for this OBC 4 course. Many of the participants probably wondered what it would be like to do FrontFIT and LowerCrossHIT for 4 hours. Doing it that way would not be in the spirit of Kimu Sensei. It is better to be shown the essence, instead of looking for it yourself and perhaps never finding it.

At OBC 4 last season, Kimu Sensei went through Min Mability Balliance Body Healing in detail so that everyone was ready to train it correctly. It had also gone as Kimu Sensei had hoped, because it was clear that the participants had taken the learning from the last OBC 4 to heart and had a good feeling about MBH.

At this OBC 4, the focus was on Kokyo-ho and Tai-seigyo – breathing and body control. Kokyo-ho and Tai-seigyo are both elements that are incredibly exciting to work with. Firstly, they are connected and secondly, it gives a deeper understanding of how the body, mind and spirit work. These are both essential elements of correct and original Budo and Bujutsu. This is also why KataFIT is an essential tool in Shindenkan. Hhmm, did someone say Pinan Kata 1-5/ Naihanchi 1-3 and context there?

KataFIT is a completely unique tool for creating balance in body, mind and spirit. Most people see it as a tough challenge when they start training with KataFIT, but the fact is that once you as an exerciser have made the decision to train seriously with KataFIT, it actually affects everything you do in life. It also means that you start to take an interest in immersion in life, instead of just skating over the surface.

KataFIT is meditation and there is no doubt that it also creates very significant results on the body. It was also clear that those who had decided to come to OBC 4 courses had decided to train KataFIT seriously. They listened well throughout the course and a lot of good and interesting questions were asked - this just shows that the participants wanted to learn and wanted to improve. To that extent, it could also be felt in the atmosphere. All registered for OBC 4 were in high spirits and there were still smiles on everyone's lips after 4 hours of KataFIT training.

On all courses in Shindenkan, incl. OBC, there is Ryugi and Ryuha. It is related as In/Yo-Yin/Yang. Kimu Sensei presented the levels of KataFIT from KataFIT S (Superior), to KataFIT SE (Superior Enhanced) and on to KataFIT SER (Superior Enhanced Royal) – all built up step by step and with a focus on getting better and better at Budo and Bujutsu. A completely unique and fantastic journey towards something that we at Shindenkan can regard as a life of clarifications and insight into how to take care of yourself and others, which is something very few envy.

OBC 4 told with all clarity that OBC is shaping the future. The level has been raised and the future points in the right direction. It is also clear to feel that those who participate in the OBC courses are creating a foundation for a good community and togetherness. At the same time, it is also something that rubs off on others and I wonder if the fantastic OBC badges will be put on the chest of several proud OBC participants when the OBC certifications are completed at the end of the 2019 season.

The chief instructors in Shindenkan are at least proud of the joy and attitude OBC has created for all members and it is clear that the joy and pride is mutual. A big thank you to Kimu Sensei for opening up the essence and for taking us all on an absolutely amazing journey in the original Budo and Bujutsu.

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