AYAME – Rules and Explanations – article 1 of 3

Shindenkan's graduation process using stop tests

If you ask a white or colored belt if they would like to be a black belt, almost everyone will answer YES!. But the facts are that less than one in 100 have the constant; attitude, stamina, willpower and tenacity over typically 8-12 years to become a multi-track black belt in Yakami Shinsei-ryu. There is a big difference between wishes and continuous effort over the long haul over many years.

The typical black belt in the multi-track Yakami Shinsei-ryu, ends up knowing himself reasonably well physically and mentally through his weak and strong sides.

Some go up through the belt grades very quickly, - until they suddenly hit the ceiling and they have to fulfill other requirements than what has so far ensured their success in life. It is usually around grades 6.kyu to 3.kyu. Most people who hit this ceiling experience inferiority and ego damage, some give up and either quit or lose motivation. Those who don't grow as human beings and fulfill their full potential on their unique path. It goes slower than they are used to, but they reach their goal and get the black belt in Yakami Shinsei-ryu, and have become SIGNIFICANTLY stronger physically and mentally, through increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

Others go more at a constantly slower pace - but still end up as multi-track black belts. And when all is said and done, it has taken roughly the same amount of time anyway - 8-12 years.

Under 10 %, Yakami Shinsei-ryu becomes a black belt in less than the normal time. But there are some who pass their 1.dan in between 6-8 years and their 1.dan Sr. 1-2 years straight after. But then they are also hit by the "ceiling" - where the "inferior EGO sacrifice cost" tips to the new side; New life tools that bring development forward towards "Know yourself", which contain self-realizations that can be felt 🙂

The road to the black belt – step by step – stop tests and what is the AYAME brand?

  1. Stop test 1 – Physical dynamic strength test – KataFIT 5S, 8S, 10S, 12S or 15S – fitness, whole body strength, and self-discipline over 6+ months.
  2. Stop test 2 – Physical dynamic fitness test – Fitness test high to very high for elite + short physical dynamic strength test KataFIT 5S
  3. Stop test 3 – Ryugi test in writing
  4. Stop test 4 – Ryugi test oral readiness knowledge – Syllabus theory
  5. Stop test 5 – Ryuha test – Syllabus practical & technical
  6. Stop test 6 – Shiai – free fight without weight, age, gender classes, full contact, floor fight and minimum rules. Reflects and prepares – if reality is unfortunate.
  7. Stop test 7 – SBTLUS – Black belt competition completed satisfactorily over 12 months Humility to the task and holistic results orientation
  8. Stop test 8 – Summer meeting – basic teaching test completed satisfactorily. Role model & instructor when you are totally exhausted.
  9. Stop test 9 – Stamina test – After graduation course of 2-4 weeks, 2 days of intense and demanding black belt competition, team instructor competition – test of your willpower and stamina.
  10. Stop test 10 – Bunbu Ichi – Thesis – Independent personal written assignment and future work points.

Since 2009, all graduations in Shindenkan have followed exactly the same structure and process steps. This means that there are no surprises and all graduates in spe can simply concentrate on the most important thing; To show through a structured process – step by step, that they meet all minimum criteria and above according to the updated curriculum handbook in force at all times.

Normal population – Men:


Very low




Very high


< 38




> 57


< 43




> 62


< 38




> 57


< 34




> 52


< 30




> 48


< 25




> 44


< 21




> 40








Normal population - Women:


Very low




Very high


< 34




> 52


< 28




> 49


< 27




> 48


< 25




> 46


< 21




> 42







Source: www.motion-online.dk

AYAME – A role model brand of physical execution over time – constant will and attitude

Since 2009, all graduations in Shindenkan have followed exactly the same structure and process steps. This means that there are no surprises and all graduates in spe can simply concentrate on the most important thing; To show through a structured process – step by step, that they meet all minimum criteria and above according to the updated curriculum handbook in force at all times.

The Ayame mark is an integral part of this undivided and continuous stop test process from TG4, 2.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu. It consists of the first two stop tests, which together constitute the Ayame mark, PROVIDED that you have at least twice passed and completed ALL applicable stop tests for a competence belt from 2.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

All stop tests are the same regardless of age and gender.

However, your age and gender are taken into account according to the Scandinavian population's fitness index framework, which changes over time periods.

The Ayame mark structure also takes into account if you have the Norwegian Workers' Compensation Authority's officially approved loss percentage.

Since some people are always in pain and other people will never admit that they are in pain, Yamana-Itotani Sensei is the only one who can decide and possibly veto which Ayame mark the graduate must ascend to. This also applies to certain parts of the stop tests, such as stop test Shia-ai (Full contact street-fight with a minimum of rules) from 2.kyu, Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

But the starting point WILL always be the Workers' Compensation Authority's officially approved negative percentage, which must be documented.

The purpose, meaning and intention of the Ayame brand

Ayame is the Japanese name for the flower IRIS. In the West, IRIS is named after the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. A rainbow contains all colors – it contains EVERYTHING. In Japan, Ayame is a Shinto symbol of "Yin-Yang balance - the full circle of development - every journey begins with the first step - courage, stamina and a healthy attitude to the cycle of life".

The purpose of the Ayame brand, which consists of the first two stop tests from the 2nd kyu degree onwards, Yakami Shinsei-ryu is safety first;

  • Ensure that you are physically, psychologically and mentally fit and in terms of health are able to safely complete the graduation course that you have selected as an option 12 months in advance, if you are selected for graduation at least 6 months before. Which is a three-stage rocket: First you select the option 12 months before. Then you can pre-set at least 6 months before and finally set 2-3 months before the graduation day.

But in addition to that;

  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence through a physically building process of between 6-12 months, which requires discipline, planning, stamina, willpower and sensible balances, priorities and choices along the way.
  • Actively follow the positive changes of the body and psyche during the building process, which provides increased body awareness and grounding to promote your goals and well-being in your life cycle and life.
  • Actively learn about the connection between the body, the psyche, the breath, and how exactly your body, mind and spirit work.
  • Putting the spotlight on the connection between lifestyle, stress, food and drink, physical and mental health, - always begins with the first step on a lifelong journey of learning and - being good to yourself.

Since some people always know everything according to their own perception, but have never actually accomplished what they say they can do, it can be difficult to know WHO a graduate in spe should seek advice from in order to prepare optimally over time and which physical , psychological and mental pitfalls that will arise along the way.

Here, Shindenkan's official position is that it is wisest to seek advice from those who actually HAVE completed the Ayame stop test part - at least twice, rather than those who have never, ever completed the required part - at least twice.

The Ayame brand puts an end to the discussion about who it would be wisest to seek advice from. It is simply a matter of looking around the dojo and addressing those who bear the visible proof of their suit - Gi; Ayame marked.

There are many people who think they are cooler than many others - within their own world and rules. Some have even been really cool - once. The Ayame brand cuts through and tells directly who IS cool, - and thus also who it would be wisest to seek advice, guidance and encouragement from, since AYAME tests have been completed and ARE cool and have done it at least 2 times for two different graduations, AND through all stop tests.

What Ayame brands are there?

The Ayame badge can be passed at two levels:

  1. Ayame Kuroi – Black: Which is the minimum requirement for the Ayame mark and grade.
  2. Ayame Golden – Gold IRIS; Which is the claim level above Ayame Kuroi.

Ayame Chairo can be passed when you are approved Kohaku-jin with at least 8 % in min percent. This means that there are indeed; "Space for everyone, everyone can go through Shindenkan's stop test if they want and the rules will be relatively the same for everyone".

What are the requirements for Ayame Kuroi?

The Ayame mark consists of the first two stop tests in a graduation course;

Stop test 1; which is a dynamic strength training test – KataFIT S to the degree


Stop test 2; Which is a dynamic fitness test that consists of a fitness test AND a KataFIT 5S.

Stop test 1 passed + Stop test 2 passed = Ayame Kuroi passed according to minimum requirements for the degree.

What are the minimum requirements for Ayame Kuroi? And what is the difference to Ayame GOLD IRIS

You must at least pass Ayame Kuroi and/or Ayame GOLDEN IRIS twice to get the Ayame badge. It is not enough just to pass once. It takes two more, so it clearly shows that it is no coincidence that you are pretty cool.

Minimum requirement for Ayame Kuroi

2nd kyu; Stop test 1 (KataFIT 10 S) + Stop test 2 (condital high to very high & KataFIT 5S)

1st kyu; Stop test 1 (KataFIT 12 S) + Stop test 2 (condital high to very high & KataFIT 5S)

1st dan; Stop test 1 (KataFIT 15 S) + Stop test 2 (condital very high & KataFIT 5S)

For Ayame Kuroi, you can pass the fitness test if your fitness number is between high and very high. Which means that you can train to a very high fitness level, but on the day "cook" with a high fitness level and pass the stop test as it is within the minimum requirement.

The difference to Ayame GOLD IRIS is significant.

You have to know yourself better and trust yourself better, by choosing in advance the minimum requirements for Ayame GOLD IRIS. This means that in order for you to pass the Ayame stop test mark, you MUST pass according to GOLD IRIS's higher requirements.

This means that if you only pass Ayame Kuroi, you will fail the stop test, which CANNOT be retaken. Which means you exit the graduation process.

Minimum requirements for Ayame GOLDEN IRIS

2nd kyu; Stop test 1 (KataFIT 12 S) + Stop test 2 (condital very high for world elite & KataFIT 5S)

1st kyu; Stop test 1 (KataFIT 15 S) + Stop test 2 (condital very high for world elite & KataFIT 5S)

1st dan; Stop test 1 (KataFIT 15 S + KataFIT 5S-8S) + Stop test 2 (condital very high for world elite & KataFIT 5S)

You only pass the Ayame badges when you pass all stop tests for the degree and at least twice for two different belt degrees.

All KataFIT S MUST fall within the stipulated requirements applicable to all; technical, temporal and overall limits.

Between stop test 1 and stop test 2 there are normally 5-7 days, so there is plenty of time to recover physically and mentally, as well as to prepare for the subsequent stop tests.

You have one attempt to pass a stop test. But if you fail, your chief instructor can apply for another test, which MUST be based on facts. The facts are the graduate in spe's test results for up to 3 months before the graduation window opens, which clearly show that the graduate in spe has seriously followed a plan and trained purposefully according to it - with desired results and goals - documented.

If the exemption application is accepted, it may happen that there are 1-3 days between the stop tests.

This means that the graduate in spe cannot "gamble" on two attempts, and thus not be physically, psychologically and mentally prepared from the beginning of the training course to pass the stop tests, which are after all "just" physical stop tests.

Graduation courses with stop tests are quite resource-intensive, especially for graduation judges, managers and assistants who have to take time off from work each time. Is there e.g. 10 up to graduation who each gamble that they have 2 attempts and dump these at different times, then the voluntary and unpaid work for referees, managers and helpers will mean that all the vacation days must be spent on Shindenkaners who have not prepared optimally and well enough, which is absolutely not fair.

But! Anyone can crack from nervousness and other things during a test situation, and may have passed the previous local test stop tests without problems, - for them the documented exemption application is a fair option.

Until the summer of 2018, there are only 3 people who have passed Ayame GOLDEN IRIS. Many have tried, but none other than the three have completed and passed all final exams for the degree.

They are all three girls and three different age groups; JokoTeen, Adult and Katsu-jin (over 50). The Katsu-jin lady is also Kohaku-jin on top of that, but has chosen to pass the stop test on an equal footing with all NON-Kohaku-jin. There are several boys and men who have tried, but never any who have succeeded in passing according to the rules.

Read next for the official recommendation on how to best train for Ayame.

During the 2018 Summer Convention, the following were recognized and honored with the Ayame badge:

Best regards,

Yamana-Itotani Sensei

Yashin Mon. Yakami no Taijutsu, Sodenke

Kaicho Shindenkan and Kaidenkan

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