OBC courses, national standard and new stop test – Executive version

The essential information for the busy person

OBC stands for Compulsory Certification. There are now four annual OBC syllabus course maintenance courses of approx. 4 hours duration. Along with the six annual local and six annual national Honbu National Competence Trainings (NKT), a Shindenkaner who has completed and passed all the curriculum competency courses up to 1st dan, Yakami Shinsei-ryu, 2nd dan BKK, will obtain an annual maintenance of insight, understanding and professional competences of at least 40 hours per year.

It usually takes 9-12 years to become a 1st dan, black belt, in Yakami Shinsei-ryu. This means that in theory there can be between 9-12 years between your first and your last curriculum competence course. It is a requirement that you maintain your curriculum competencies, cf. the curriculum handbook.

But since 2015, supporting NKT honbu demonstration test trainings have highlighted that despite Shindenkan empowerment and good faith, very few local schools have maintained all these curriculum course competencies up to national standard.

This means a constant but gradual decline in technical level, understanding and makes it more difficult for the individual student to understand the step-by-step structure in the curriculum manual, which is the list of facts on the 1,000-year-old system in which the ancient Japanese elite samurai trained.

This applies not only to KYU - colored belts, but also to Brown and Black belts, and makes it difficult and unnecessarily challenging to create higher graduated densho degrees if there is not a supporting teaching and training structure that promotes this. It is also the learning from the necessary and very successful step 1 “Progression after effort” to step 5 “Development after effort – More fun!” implementation which took place from 2015 Cf. LINK

As an additional incentive to participate in the local as national NKT, there will per 1/1-2018 a separate stop test be introduced, instead of an integrated one, which has been shown not to work according to the Empowerment and good faith intention. The stop test is called; Syllabus competency course test; Armed and unarmed.

By lottery, up to 50 % of the armed and unarmed curriculum competence courses are drawn, which are tested in. This gives each graduate in spe a very good opportunity to show their competences.

It is obvious that this stop test can be held during joint competitions, so the stop test also has the function of showing and exposing Yakami Shinsei-ryu's multi-track competences.

Stop tests are from 5.kyu, i.e. Shindenkaners with at least 4-6 years of training experience behind them. In single-track martial arts systems, they would most often be black belts during this time period, but not in Shindenkan's multi-track 1,000-year-old system.

OBC is made for

  • Supporting teaching and training structure for nationally standardized maintenance of curriculum course competencies. The more courses you pass, the more OBC courses you can participate in.
  • Supporting teaching and training structure for national standardized maintenance, correction of errors and misunderstandings and updates, for honbu course instructors, chief and deputy chief instructors, Sr. instructors, black and brown belts, directly from Yamana-Itotani Sensei.
  • Maximum supporting teaching and training structure, in preparation for the final graduation exam, so that a graduation course can be enjoyed to a much greater extent, - and a passing percentage that is increasing.
  • All participants know what is expected of them during stop tests, NKT and can ask for further insight, thereby promoting progression and development at all belt grades, and for the future also higher densho grades, which must ensure the quality and future of the 1000-year-old system to benefit for future generations.
  • Securing the system for future generations with this constantly supporting development platform towards higher densho degrees, where the goal is Menkyo "Master of all the martial arts" - "Know yourself good and bad - 100 %".

OBC will be offered individually and in discount packages.

SOPORG will be involved in the final package design and pricing. The democratically elected national coordination committee,

SOPORG consists of the Confederation's chairman and deputy chairman, Honbu's chairman and deputy chairman, and one to two additional members from either the Confederation's board and/or Honbu's board. All democratically elected at GF 2017.

The SOPORG Executive consists of the Federation chairman and Honbu's chairman.

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