SHIELDKISS under here KataFIT homepage launch step one – Catch Evolution

The SHIELDKISS project (2014-2019) replaced the POMW project (2011-2013) as the Shindenkan Competence & Development Center's new long-term project. It was decided by the general meetings of the Shindenkan association and Shindenkan Honbu (main school), after the recommendation of the respective boards and the SOPORG coordination committee. From 2000-2011, the main task of the Shindenkan Competence & Development Center was to turn the general meeting's decision into reality; Taking one 2,000-year-old martial art system into the 21st century, making it accessible to everyone, but without compromising the system's essence and toolbox.

Why? It was not because our 3-4th kyu's (blue and brown belt) easily beat the WC top three winners in Karate or other systems' black belts in shiai (free amp without rules), but because the very demanding hardness of the system made us only 45 members remained. We were dying out as we had not kept up with the times since 1967 in Denmark – modern society had developed strongly and we had not kept up. It was not because potential members had become more "soft", but more because the multi-track martial arts system required at least three to five weekly lessons of 3½ hours duration in normal weeks to get through the entire curriculum, as well as three annual training camps of 7 days duration from 06:00-23:00 every day. The participants could not have normal physical activity for up to 2-3 weeks after such a training camp.

Therefore, the general meeting in 2000 took the hard decision, at the request of 18 Jokokan/Shindenkan leaders, to launch a hard turn around process under the mottos for all members "Place for all, the elite as the exerciser" and for the leaders "One for all, all for one" , and we as an organization had to distinguish ourselves by being a trend setter - first mover.

It quickly became apparent that the motto of the leaders "One for all, all for one" was more of an empty barrel than steely leaders. Since the vast majority of the managers did not have the necessary managerial turn around skills, the ego was not clear about what this actually entailed; the long cool move, the nose on the track, culture change process and disregard of personal special interests. This despite incredibly many and long prior meetings about this. Today, five of the original 18 managers remain. All five with the highest Budo and Bujutsu degrees in the organization's 50-year history ever, which also explains exactly why those five are back and the others are not.

The general Turn around motto "Space for everyone, the elite as the exerciser" is one long success story. The increase in membership from the starting point is almost 3,000 % and Shindenkan today not only sets national, but also international standards for democratic association management and development according to the motto "Work smarter, not harder". Standards which, however, can be perceived as both controversial and unorthodox when they are launched, but are quickly used as inspiration and copied nationally and internationally, which we take as a great compliment. But we were first – the original first mover!.

Before the year 2000, the financial leeway was virtually non-existent. The General Assemblies (GF) decided each year on the main goal of constantly increasing competency in the Jokokan/Shindenkan organization, and we were to strive for the highest international standard. The problem was simply the economy. From 1988-1990, very quickly there was only one who was not sorted out by the SST (Yakami-ryu's 34th Grandmaster, Soke Sensei Tonegawa). This was due to failure to fulfill Budo and Bujutsu training requirements, which have been unchanged in the system since the 1440s.

This meant that Yamana-Itotani Sensei, aka Kimu Sensei, himself had to lie outside his up to six annual GF training camps in Japan and further financially support the project development plans. But on the other hand, the results did not appear either. In 1994, he became Menkyo – Master of all the martial arts (6th dan multi-track & 7th dan single track) and thus achieved the highest degree ever achieved in the organization. Already the year after densho Kaiden and in 1996, the densho degree; Menkyo Kaiden – Initiated master of all the martial arts – Budo and Bujutsu Grandmaster.. In step with his skill, SST has, true to tradition, also introduced him to other Great Grandmasters, thus the skills became more complete through insight from several angles of the essence, and development could continue. He was graduated again in 1998, 2000 and 2007 and has continued his Budo and Bujutsu training loyally according to GF's decisions, although now only up to one or two annual Japan training camps.

The new modern communication platform project 2000-2011

In line with the success of the turn around process, this led to an increase in membership and thus better finances, which in the period 2000-2011 were invested in the preparation of 20 different and coherent KYU essence competence courses according to the original multi-track system syllabus. Thus, the original form of training with 3-5 x 3½ hour teaching lessons per week and 7-day training camps are changed to two weekly training lessons of 1-1½ hours duration depending on degree, as well as immersion periods with competence courses of 1-3 months duration. After that, the competencies went to local as well as national standardized maintenance. The project was named; The new modern communication platform project 2000-2011 and became the first main project.

In 2011, Shindenkan's Competence & Development Center, after 11 years of hard work, finally completed all competency courses from 10.kyu to 1.dan Sr / 3.dan, which was an important milestone in the Turn around plan from 2000.

It stated that it was the goal that all Shindenkaners who carry the will and attitude in their hearts should at least be able to achieve the multi-track degree; 2nd dan, SHODEN in Yakam Shinsei-ryu / 4th dan single track within 15 years plus/minus 3 years. Furthermore, it was the goal that at least 25 % of these would very much like to be able to achieve competency graduation to the multi-track degree; 4th dan, JODEN in Yakam Shinsei-ryu / 6th dan single track within 25 years plus/minus 5 years.

They then had to constitute the critical mass for further development, as it was of course also a goal to secure the future generations of highly qualified Shindenkan leaders and professionally competent instructors. The current democratically elected leadership and Yamana-Itotani Sensei are only the third generation of leaders through 50 years of Danish and European history since 1965-67, but the first in the history of Jokokan and Yakami Shinsei-ryu since 1986.

Today, summer 2015, 15 years later after the landmark 2000 general assembly decision, there are today competency graduations from 10.kyu to 2.dan multi-track Yakami Shinsei-ryu, and from 4.dan up to 6.dan (Honoris) multi-track Yakami Shinsei-ryu. For single-track karate-do, the rank is unbroken and complete from 10.kyu to 4.dan, black belt, and further from 5.dan, 6.dan and 7.dan (Honoris). The investment in Kimu Sensei's Budo and Bujutsu competence training has really given "value for money", since the original year 2000 strategic plan plan's goal is 100 % are fulfilled up to 2nd dan, SHODEN and 100 % fulfilled up to 4th dan, THE JODEN HEAVEN.

The development plan for even higher levels of competence has unfortunately then followed 50 years of history, despite persistent attempts to break this since the year 2000. In the 2014-2015 season, Kimu Sensei launched new unconventional as well as traditional measures to break this Gordian knot before the expiration of the Strat20 plan. This is where the plan is for Shindenkan's competence & development center to be expanded with a new center; Shindenkan Academy.

After 1½ years of negotiations, Shindenkan was officially recognized as a special association by the DGI national and combat sports organization per April 2, 2009 and officially recognized partner of the DGI national and competition organization per April 2, 2009. In 2010, DGI Landsorganisation had approx. 1.5 million Danish members and DGI Kampirdræt approx. 15,500 members. A piece of Danish history

In 2010, Shindenkan had grown to 719 members – a growth of approx. 1,500 % since the year 2000, The growth was fortunately supported by continued national and local investment sponsorships, and as the Shindenkan Competence and Development Center were also about to complete the last competence package courses. Therefore, the time was ripe for the national general meetings in 2010 to decide that Shindenkan really had to "see how far the wings could carry" internationally. New modern means to communicate, mark and interact in this world with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and selfies, as good examples, were still needed if the continued growth and strategic plan were to be secured and fulfilled.

The conditions were, however, that EVERYTHING had to be in accordance with Shindenkan statutes, guidelines, value sets AND actively contribute to the Shindenkan brand and competencies, nationally and internationally, within one or more areas outside Shindenkan's normally traditionally perceived areas of competence. The working title became "Shindenkan - Catch Evolution" - which ended up being permanent.

The POMW Project 2011-2013

The second project 2011-2013 was; POMW – Project Old Modern Warrior. Where Shindenkan's general assembly decided to "put everything on the line". In 2010, Shindenkan Competence & Development Center's chief and sole resource, Yamana-Itotani Sensei, announced to the general assembly and the federation board that he had developed a very controversial idea to practically explain and demonstrate differences and similarities between the modern and ancient warrior. That the decisive factor is primarily the man behind the weapon, which is also timeless and independent of technical development, social norms and country of origin, and thus when there is a coincidence between comparable professional skills - between the old elite warrior and the new elite warrior.

The POMW project took its main point of departure within Martial Arts and Minouchi Sensei's theory about the man behind the weapon. His inner clarification and attitude is the most important factor for learning to shoot in the shortest possible time with the most optimal results, if these also receive the most optimal learning process and structure with the optimally correct shooting technical essence from the world's best legendary pistol, rifle and long-range marksman .

Since no one in Shindenkan had significant shooting experience, the starting point was ideal, but also extremely risky if the project were to fail. It didn't, but attracted international recognition and attention, as well as giving Shindenkan Competence and Development Center a completely unique network that very few in the world have.

The project led to the creation of SDKSkyt ( , when POMW caused an outcry to say the least in the Danish shooting world, where we still experience "wave ripples" two years after the end of the project - but still persistent international interest and requests for cooperation.

The SHIELD KISS under the KataFIT WWW project 2014-2019


The third project 2014-2019 is ongoing in its second year; SHIELD KISS under here KataFIT triple W. KISS – Keep It Simple & Safe, is a tribute to the toolbox developed under POMW and includes the project process, the methodology and handling of various professional specialties, which may feel provoked by the new thinking and the changing reality.

SHIELD KISS is the overall project name and aims to support the national and international health programs under the motto "Everything to win, nothing to lose - all creation begins with the first action". The SHIELD KISS project is Shindenkan's contribution to creating a better world. KataFIT is the first sub-project,

In short, the SHIELD KISS project is a 5-year health and wellness project, where the essence of western and eastern medical knowledge is brought together through a "POMW process and methodology - KISS = Keep It Simple & Safe", depending on the short- and long-term goals, you would like to achieve, and according to the Shindenkan value set "We meet people where they are and take them on a journey".

The SHIELD KISS project does NOT invent the wheel and the deep dish that have already been invented, but collects the essence of the work of other specialists, assembles this essence as a fundamental puzzle and bridge building, and to the extent necessary, verifies this in experiments.

The SHIELD KISS project's strategy is that the best thing in terms of health is to be as strong and healthy as possible for as many years as possible both physically, mentally, mentally and spiritually. But also accept that we are all getting older. That acute physical injuries have an impact on the psyche, and chronic physical injuries have an impact on the psyche, mentally and spiritually and vice versa.

In order to achieve a "Healthy soul in a healthy body", this also requires that the person takes responsibility for his own life in all relationships, and that staying strong, healthy and fit does not need to be the great science and extremely complicated, as really many commercial providers would like to do so. Just like with the POMW project and the POMW Shooting Technical Handbook, it can be made essentially simple and safe.

KataFIT WWW – triple W

KataFIT is a holistic health and health training on several levels, which uses the latest research, so the training is as effective, injury-preventing and training, stress-reducing and quality-of-life-promoting, in the shortest possible time. KataFIT forms a bridge between eastern and western research, but according to the KISS principle, just like with the POMW project; Keep IT Simple & Safe. KataFIT is trained without aids, and can therefore be performed anywhere and at any time. KataFIT has already produced spectacular results that have been noted internationally.

KataFIT – is a kata – i.e. figure exercises that are performed non-stop, as a karate Kata must be performed - there is basically no difference. There are three main levels within KataFIT. Superior (S) – Superior Royal (SR) – Superior Royal Imperial (SRI).

A KataFIT 5S (5 repetitions of the same full-body exercises) thus lasts approx. 23 minutes and is a standard in all Shindenkan schools. The further up you go in the belt grades, the higher the standard of execution and number of repetitions for Katafit thus also becomes.

Brown and black belts respectively proved to the summer tenant 2015 that this could be done. They had their fitness numbers measured conservatively according to traditional recognized tests of 60+, 65+ and 70+ respectively. All without exception reached their maximum heart rate during the Katafit 10S (34 min duration) and 12S (39 min duration), but not during their traditional Copper fitness running test. The maximum heart rate is the absolute highest pulse value that your heart can achieve. If your maximum heart rate is 200, this means that your heart has the capacity to beat 200 times a minute when it is under maximum pressure.

The main reason is that KataFIT uses both aerobic and anaerobic training methodologies, and the higher the kataFIT number, the more you need oxygen and correctly synchronized breathing between movement and breathing, as the body's energy production does not otherwise function optimally. That is why even the world's strongest man or woman comes to a standstill if this is not in place. It is very logical and simple.

Although the graduates at the summer meeting were all in very good shape, this does not mean that KataFIT can only be used by elite exercisers and spot swimming athletes. In Shindenkan there is room for everyone – the Elite as the exerciser, which means that Katafit can be trained by everyone without exception, shape, injuries, without injuries and goals. That is why KataFIT has been developed to be able to be trained by everyone, regardless of physical background. KataFIT can be trained alone for slightly moderate exercisers, as well as as a basic supplement to other sports, such as Yakami Shinsei-Ryu.

The idea and concept is precisely that all athletes can use KataFit precisely for their changing needs and life cycle, as KataFIT has the unique property of being both injury-preventive and injury-training for all ages at all stages.

The name, elements and holistic cohesion of SHIELD KISS and KataFIT have already been plagiarized and copied. Some only by name, others by partial elements or by claims without content. We have to be aware of this risk all the time, which is reinforced by the fact that Shindenkan has an open communication policy. SHIELD KISS and KataFITT have just been launched as our contribution to creating a better world, through supporting public health, empowerment and "You can do much more than you and others tell you".

So we take plagiarists and copyists as a compliment, since of course there can only be one reason why this is happening. However, we hope that the plagiarists and copyists do not harm people in "our name", but in this open internet world with "IT girls and boys", "make a fast buck", this unfortunately cannot be prevented.

In addition, unfortunately, there are also a number of our business partners who have not fully complied with the agreements entered into and talked themselves out of the extraordinary results achieved in the short term. However, the scientific world will benefit from this in future book publications from 2016-2020, - if SHIELD KISS under here KataFIT continues to deliver the spectacular results for the benefit of people. But we allow ourselves to be pretty sure of that, as we are actually quite surprised at HOW good the results have been, as this is actually just the start-up phase of the project. There is much more yet. Since the focus should not be taken away from the results and the idea of "everything to gain and nothing to lose - use it if you want of your own free will - the underground movement", we have recommended that SHIELD KISS underhere KataFITWWW the names are not directly mentioned in books and publications, but must be mentioned in concept, principles and function. Then we have to see how effectively the copyright symbol works :-).

KataFIT, which belongs to the 5-year Shindenkan SHIELD KISS project and which replaced the POMW project ( – ), will publish a website very soon, so that everyone who has the time and desire can follow along until the project ends in 2019. This is also to meet the great national and international interest. But also to give everyone interested the opportunity to distinguish between the original and original concept and content, compared to the copyists and plagiarists. But still – it's a free world where we are inspired by our differences and happy about what we can agree on. But the significant big difference is also that Shindenkan does not make money from this, as it benefits everyone regardless of wallet, cf. the commercial plagiarists and copyists. Here, the value set and the concept are directly opposite.

The project manager for;

  1. The new modern communication platform project 2000-2011,
  2. The POMW project 2011-2013 and
  3. The SHIELD KISS under here KataFIT triple W project 2014-2019,

Is the Shindenkan Honbu Competence and Development Center Chief and Sole Resource, Great Grandmaster, Yamana-Itotani Sensei. The reason for the sole resource is not protectionism, but due to competence procura according to the 1,000 year old Budo & Bujutsu system, which requires the resources to be fully trained martial arts grandmasters of the minimum degree Gokui Menkyo Kaiden - Gokuden. The varying project group according to project stage in The SHIELD KISS under here KataFIT WWW project 2014-2019, will also ad hoc include absolute leader; international specialists in sports, heart and nerve medicine, sports psychiatry, physiotherapists, Japanese and Chinese trained specialists traditionally and in the West and others - "educated both in East and West", so it is ensured that the latest new research as practical experience with impact is used in the project. Exactly the same competence and knowledge concept as during the POMW project - only the world's absolute best and recognized in their field. And not those who read the best and most recognized textbooks, but those who write them and create the future.

SHIELD KISS under the KataFIT website - step by step

We know that the website of the Shindenkan organization from 2001 looks like an unchecked disco party from the 90s, which for many can be somewhat confusing to navigate. But we are about to change this!

In order to find the right design concept and the technical possibilities in combination, we have launched a five-stage rocket to learn more about this. Remember that EVERYTHING in Shindenkan is voluntary and unpaid locally and nationally without exception.

Five steps website team – we must become smarter and sharper;

1. SDKSkyt website –

Idea, concept, design layout and launch which is basically in accordance with Shindenkan's open communication policy, but also where the project team had to learn which platform we had to work with. This choice fell on WordPress and a more normal traditional website.

2. The POMW website – ( );

Idea, concept, design layout and launch, which in its entirety tells the essence of the POMW project (2011-2013) in a split second. The content must include both official static information, but also dynamic uncensored experience articles, so that the reader can get maximum benefit from the website. Nothing will therefore be a secret, but we also know that optimal results are not only due to the theoretical understanding, but to a large extent also to instructors who can translate this into practice. Shindenkan Honbu Competence and development center manager's concept and design lay-out expresses the essence of the POMW project. But is in its expression very atypical for a traditional shooter world website, which has been very provocative for some, while others have reacted very openly and gratefully for this knowledge bank freely available to everyone.

We have chosen here to continue the exploration of WordPress as a website platform, but have taken the level a step higher to the still traditional design, but utilized the static dynamic visual possibilities to a much greater extent.

3. SHIELD KISS under the KataFIT websites

Idea, Concept, design layout and expression, as with POMW, tell the whole essence of SHIELD KISS under the KataFITWWWW project (2014-2019) in a split second, and the content will basically contain the same concept as for the POMW website. But must show to a much greater extent that life is unlimited instead of limited in all its basic and fundamental beauty and essence. After all, the SHIELD KISS underhere KataFITWWWW project (2014-2019) is a holistic coherent project which, even when it ends in 2019, will never be completed, as life and reality never stop, are unlimited, timeless and without space. Life is what you make it. What YOU can create within your reality, control and destiny, but where also no one can touch your indestructible soul and inner life, where you can decide "Silence" or "Chaos". It is your choice and decision.

When the Shindenkan Honbu Competence and Development Center chiefs launched this essence to be expressed in concept and design lay-out, this caused major problems for the technical crew members in the team, to say the least. It took many attempts and explanations both by email, phone and during RRCamps, but one day it was there!, and the work on the first but most important step with the website could be completed technically. This is the part you are now presented with; : : :

The fourth step is an update of the Shindenkan Curriculum Handbook and the fifth step is the Shindenkan organization's new website. Everything will be aligned according to the new design concept created by the Shindenkan Competence and Development Center, approved by the SOPORG steering group and the general meetings.

Shindenkan Competence and Development Center collaborates with the websites together with Shindenkan's technical team, which currently primarily consists of Martin Renshi, secondarily of Kjeld Renshi-dai and ad hoc; Jens Hanshi-dai.

We hope that you will all welcome the innovative SHIELD KISS under here KataFITwww website!

Kindest Shindenkan greetings,

Shindenkan Competence and Development Center and Shindenkan's technical team

SHIELD KISS under here KataFIT© – SHIELD KISS © – KataFIT WWW ©. Copyright © Shindenkan, All rights reserved

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