Welcome to Season 47; 2014-2015!

Reality and development never stand still

After the general meetings in May, 2014, the new boards of Jokokan Greve Strand, including the Shindenkan Honbu dojo Competence and Development Center, connected the Shindenkan and the interdisciplinary and organizational coordination committee; SOPORG had many meetings to develop, structure, plan, implement and follow up on the mandates that the respective general assemblies have given these democratically appointed boards and committees at national level.

Because it is voluntary and unpaid work, it does not have to be inefficient, unstructured and administratively cumbersome. In Shindenkan, we therefore work with 5-year plans, which are adjusted and updated every year, so that at all times it reflects the achieved milestones, developments and needs in the Shindenkan organization, which at the beginning of February 2014, numbered approx. 1,100 members distributed among 12 local member schools. We also work with common administrative and management tools, which are very effective and support our plans, but also very simple to understand and use, thus new forces at any time, can get full benefit and benefit from these auxiliary tools. It also has the advantage that all local and national management forces understand each other 100 %, since the starting point and the "language" are the same. This is also the main reason why the Shindenkan organization has doubled in size in just 5 years, as all local as well as national management and instructor powers can primarily be used on what they are passionate about and what the members demand; Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do – a multi-track martial arts system with more than 1,000 years of history behind it, of which almost 50 years in Denmark.

We are also one of the few martial arts organizations in the world that has broad professional competences at a very high international level and at the same time also understands both the skills of the samurai warriors of the old world and the modern world.

This was achieved through POMW – Project Old Modern Warrior (2010-2013). The POMW project has its main point of departure within Martial Arts and Minouchi Sensei's theory about the man behind the weapon. His inner clarification and attitude is the most important factor for learning to shoot in the shortest possible time with the most optimal results, if these also receive the most optimal learning process and structure with the optimally correct shooting technical essence from the world's best pistol, rifle and long-range shooters.

Over 36 months, 8 different countries, 3 continents and 8 different US states and more than 350,000 good shots, POMW proved that the decisive factor is primarily the person behind the weapon, and this is also timeless and independent of technical development, social norms and country of origin .

In 2012, POMW really began to attract international interest, and POMW was contacted about collaboration and learning processes. It has continued and increased right up to the summer of 2014, even though the POMW project was officially completed on 31.12.2013. Kimu Sensei has turned down both big and small offers, as Shindenkan's main craft and main passion is and will be our 1,000-year heritage and system; Yakami Shinsei-ryu. POMW is now part of our mandatory KYU competence curriculum, and voluntary DAN competence curriculum.

48+ Shindenkaners have provisionally completed the POMW Basis, Fundamentals and Intermediate training with quite remarkable international results. Five shooting instructors have completed POMW pistol advance, and one has completed both pistol, rifle and long range at the highest international level with the world's absolute best shooting legends as instructors. SDKSkyt, which is an independent shooting member association of the Shindenkan association, is also a member of DIF (Danmarks Idrætsforbund) and DGI.

As chairman of Shindenkan SOPORG, Kimu Sensei has been working during his summer vacation on an updated presentation for SOPORG on, among other things, a more optimized activity and planning structure, as well as the execution of these, and an adjustment of strat20.

As chief instructor and head of Shindenkan's Competence and Development Center, Kimu Sensei has been working during his summer vacation on an updated presentation for SOPORG and all Shindenkan members on an update of; The JokoKidz and JokoTeen concepts, the adult and Kohaku-jin concepts, graduation and greater transparency between multi-track and single-track degrees and requirements, a better structure and process for teaching members through progression and life cycles, the SHIELD KISS 2014-2020 project which replaced The POMW project and much, much more, which you can read about here.


The SHIELD KISS project – Strength Health International Empowerment Listen Doctors – Keep It Simple & Safe – The East West bridge. The SHIELD KISS project's strategy is that the best thing in terms of health is to be as strong and healthy as possible for as many years as possible both physically, mentally, mentally and spiritually. But also accept that we are all getting older. That acute physical injuries have an impact on the psyche, and chronic physical injuries have an impact on the psyche, mentally and spiritually and vice versa. In order to achieve a "Healthy soul in a healthy body", this also requires that the person takes responsibility for his own life in all relationships, and that staying strong, healthy and fit does not need to be the great science and extremely complicated, as really many commercial providers would like to do so. Just like with the POMW project and the POMW Shooting Technical Handbook, it can be made essentially simple and safe. Kimu Sensei has been working on this project since January 2014.
KataFit TripleW – KataFit Winner Workout & Wellness; This has now resulted in a new modern multi-track training circle kata, which e.g. must meet the following criteria: It must be based on the latest western and eastern sports research and 1,000 years of tested martial arts knowledge, so that the practitioner achieves the set objectives with the greatest possible efficiency in the shortest possible time targeted Yakami Shinsei-ryu martial arts training, which also means "Place to everyone, the elite as the exerciser”. This means that the cat circle must be able to be used preventively both for the elite such as the exerciser, as the injured person during rehabilitation, as the injured person without proper rehabilitation and therefore has injuries and discomforts physically as well as psychologically. The new circle has been developed as a kata Fitness – i.e. it is strictly coherent through a gradually building process, which includes all muscle groups, large and small, adhesions, joints and skeleton, nerve pathways such as median pathways, energy and stress clearing through stretching, breathing, sound, meditation and ki methodologies, as well as effective muscle building such as muscle toning and cardiovascular (fitness) techniques based on the Japanese Tabata's and others' research-based results regarding the effectiveness of High Intensity Training on fitness. The circle kata can be performed without any aids, anywhere and anytime, but requires a proportionately uncompromising technique and high morale for maximum effect and minimization of injury risk, as with all training. KataFit TripleW can of course also be used for all sports and as preventive health and health promotion.
The circle kata is basically divided into two building levels depending on training condition and ambition. The two levels are; Number of receptions on time and degree of difficulty.

Number of receptions on time; Here there are three levels; 12 minutes, 21 minutes and 35 minutes for an experienced practitioner.

Difficulty; Here there are three levels.

Daily form and training; All Shindenkan school teams, for each final training lesson, will use the last 12 minutes on this circle kata, as the technical requirements of the circle kata will act as a tool and support to minimize and perhaps even eliminate some of the challenges many practitioners have, including core cross tension, coordination, balance and dynamic muscle, joint and adhesion strength. The goal is also a body-age (physiological body age) of up to minus 15 years. Eg. a 40-year-old man or woman will, through Yakami Shinsei-ryu and Circle kata, be able to achieve a physiological age of a 25-year-old. This is possible!

The 21 minutes level will become a future requirement from brown belts and up. The 35 minute level will be for chief instructors and elite athletes.

However, it should be noted that during three pilot tests in August 2014, no one completed level 3, apart from the circle kata's developer, Kimu Sensei. But level 2 is challenging even for an athlete in very good shape, and level three requires a few weeks/months of training if you are in reasonably good shape.

During a pilot test in week 32, none of the chief instructors (SOPORG) were able to complete a level 3 test for the first time, despite fitness numbers over 50-60 and fairly good shape. But everyone was very excited when the next day they could feel all the muscles, joints, stitches in the whole body, in a pleasant holistic way, and not like after a traditional round of strength training; only in the main muscle groups. Besides, everyone had slept like a rock. The average completion of level was; 40+-3 minutes, which means an improvement potential of 35-45 %.

The chief instructors (SOPORG) were tasked with generating ideas for the new name for the circle kata. It just started; WWW (What Women Want – double sided) to Wonder Wellness over to the final working name; TripleW – Winner Workout & Wellness.

KataFit TripleW 1, is the first but basic of a series of three to four KataFit TripleW Shindenkan circles. The rollout began in August, continues into September, and will then be rolled out to Honbu; the black belt team, then the brown belt team, then KYU (8-4.kyu) and finally local. This is done so that a correct technical and thus optimal export can be done through a cascade, so that there will always be someone who can help with 100 % correct export and thus also 100 % optimal yield. This will happen in 2014, 2 H.

KataFit TripleW is specially developed for both the exerciser and the elite, as the hardness can be adjusted according to the needs and goals of the exerciser. With 2-4 times weekly training of either the 12-minute or 22-minute KataFit TripleW version, the exerciser will achieve a significant contribution to better health, health and strength on several beneficial levels in the most effective way and in the shortest time. The elite will achieve a significant contribution to their sport with injury minimization and less wear and tear on the body and health, as KataFit TripleW comprehensively trains body, breath and psyche at the same time, and thus also optimizes where the injuries most often occur in both the short and long term. KataFit TripleW is the basic, but most fundamental form of training, which can both stand alone, but also function as the foundation for your sport.

The only KataFit TripleW requires is a floor area of approx. 1 mx 2 m and – yourself. This means that you can train anytime and anywhere - as long as you have at least 12 minutes available and everyone has that.

The KataFit TripleW series will also include diet, as the rule of thumb is that the right diet for you and your needs accounts for 67 % of the result improvement or for 67 % of the opposite. In the KataFit series, the right diet means diet according to your goals and needs, which will typically change several times throughout an exerciser's life cycle. The KataFit TripleW series will of course also include tools for life improvements, lifestyle and outlook. But this too will be according to you and your needs and your life cycle. As always in Shindenkan, nothing will be secret, but everything open, but will be targeted at the right time, place and need, so that the resources will be optimally used. We do this, as Shindenkan's value set is not only limited to Shindenkan, but to everyone who has an interest, desire and curiosity about what Shindenkan can offer in terms of tools - tools which are up to 1,000 years old, quite well tested and without hocus pocus and mystifications .

We think this is responsible, as we know that thousands of practitioners will now soon be introduced to KataFit TripleW Fundamental, and the results from this will be used in the eternal development and improvement spiral, from which both Eastern and Western specialists will also benefit, and then it will spread like rings in the water.

NEW – Special JokoKidz and JokoTeen convention, October 4, 2014.
For several years, it has been a wish of Shindenkan's members to have a special targeted training meeting for JokoKidz (6-12 years) and JokoTeen (12-15 years), where the teaching was organized in such a way that it was optimally targeted for these two big groups. It is also the idea that this should have a direct optimizing effect on understanding, concentration, benefit during the three major joint meetings for everyone.

Including also Dojo-kun – rules of conduct, respect and acceptance for others and oneself. In addition, JokoTeens must also be prepared for the transition from JokoKidz to the "adult ranks", and the requirements that must be met for adults, including the transition from belt lines to full belts, so that an optimization of the yield during all Shindenkan activities can take place, to the delight of all Shindenkaners as for the Shindenkan idea.

Depending on the municipal room conditions, the following is the idea and working plot;

Saturday, October 4, 2014, Honbu-dojo, Greve;

08:30-08:55; Registration and check-in JokoKidz

09:00-11:30; JokoKidz Special Rally

11:15-11:30; How do you go about graduating? And why?

11:30-12:00; JokoKidz graduation session and closing

12:00-12:25; Break and registration and check-in JokoTeen

12:30-2:15 p.m.; JokoTeen Special Rally

14:15-14:30: How do you go to graduation? And why?

14:30-15:00; JokoTeenz graduation session and closing.

Depending on the connection, the idea is to allocate between 4-6 black belt instructors from the degree 1.dan to 4.dan Sr. YSK and 2nd dan to 6th dan BKK. So it's a pilot project, which we take quite seriously and which will involve a lot of preliminary work. So we hope that everyone will support this, and the demand also corresponds to reality.

Visualization and coincidence of degrees between JokoKidz, JokoTeens and adults
Many JokoKidz and JokoTeens have felt disappointed that adults seem to progress faster through the belt degrees than they themselves do. This is not the case and a hoax.

But it is often the case - especially in the first years, that JokoKidz and JokoTeens do not train as concentratedly as adults, only train once a week due to another sport or activity, do not come to all competitions where there are graduations, or as both have good and bad days and other things. There must of course be room for this and therefore Shindenkan has both a JokoKidz and JokoTeen concept, which is targeted at this group and developed in collaboration with child, behavioral and developmental psychologists and our own teaching experience, which for many of us approaches say the 25-30 years.

But these outcomes, tolerance and development support also mean that JokoKidz and JokoTeens often do not meet the same requirements for degrees that apply to everyone – adults, Teens and children.

This usually comes with age and the more mature and purposeful the student becomes. That is why Shindenkan works with "Place for everyone - the elite as the exerciser" and both JokoKidz, JokoTeen, adult, and Kohaku-jin (chronically injured who carry the will in the heart) concepts, as well as Shinden-Culture (integration projects for other ethnic origins , but also projects such as Asperger's and autistics, which are integrated into the regular teaching teams).

Shindenkan is therefore a very inclusive organisation, and wants to contribute to society, internationally, nationally and locally.

It is clear that the students who familiarize themselves with the requirements for the various degrees, and participate in everything that is required to achieve these, and therefore make a greater targeted effort than the students who do not do this, will progress faster through the system.

With the new special camp for JokoKidz and JokoTeens, this can go even faster for this group before these groups have the opportunity to "catch up" with the adults and have the opportunity to pass them.

ExampleParticipates in everythingParticipates in everything Does not participate in everythingDoes not participate in everything
 Adult: 1 year = 8. KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 9th Kyu Adult: 1 year = 8. KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 9th Kyu
 Adult: 2 years = 7. KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 8.0 Kyu Adult: 2 years = 7. KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 8.0 Kyu
EqualizationAdult: 3 years = 6. KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 7.2 Kyu Adult: 3 years = 7th KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 7th Kyu
EqualizationAdult: 4 years = 5th KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 5.0 Kyu Adult: 4 years = 6. KyuJokoKidz/Teen = 6.0 Kyu

Brown and black belt stop test requirements, and Kohaku-jin and JokoTeen special.
At Shindenkan, we are proud of our Kohaku-jin concept - The injured who carry the will in their hearts.

This means that if you are assigned an injury percentage of at least 5 % by the Danish Labor and Employment Agency, you should not fear for life, health and limb if, like all Shindenkans, you are fond of practicing the martial art of Yakami Shinsei-ryu.

The Kohaku-jin concept has been running for a number of years now and there are now several "Silver Kohaku-jin", who are Shindenkaners who, instead of the sofa, have chosen to continue and be active and healthy with Yakami Shinsei-ryu for at least 3 years after the appointment to "Bronze Kohaku-jin". We definitely expect that 2015 will feature the first "Gold Kohaku-jin", which will be awarded after 5 years as a minimum of 80 % active Kohaku-jin.

The Kohaku-jin concept has been applicable to age groups, although so far mostly adults, as children usually quickly grow out of various defects which fortunately are usually temporary.

We have now experienced in 2014 that several JokoTeens have had to opt out of options for the brown belt process's stop tests, as they have simply been unable to do this. The teenage age is characterized by many developments both psychologically, mentally and physically.

The JokoTeen concept supports JokoTeens in the emotional, as well as psychological and mental area, but did not really take into account the physical, i.e. that children grow! Physically so J.

Usually this is completely unproblematic, especially if the children are inactive or moderately active in health and health through sports. However, if they play sports at a high to very high level, then this can develop into a problem in several ways;

1. Brown and black belt stop tests are the same for all age groups. It is the same relative requirement.

2. When JokoKidz become JokoTeens around the age of 12-13, it is also at this time that they are usually set for the brown belt process graduation if they have graduated from childhood.

3. But in this age group - from 12 to 14 years, depending on gender, this is the highest "growing period", where most temporary damage conditions occur, which can be quite painful at times.

4. Such one period of pain is absolutely not ideal during a training period for stop test 1. On the contrary, it can aggravate the temporary injury or even make it significantly longer

5. This means that these JokoTeen are punished twice; both with the temporary injury and a chaotic and interrupted training course. This is not ideal, fair and conducive to self-esteem and self-confidence, which is included in both the JokoKidz and JokoTeen concept, but definitely also in the Kohaku-jin and adult concept.

6. Therefore, there is both an improvement of the Kohaku-jin concept and the JokoTeen concept, so we are true to Shindenkan's set of values, but at the same time we are true to everyone having to meet the same requirements.

It is a requirement that JokoTeens who are going to the final summer exams for student, HF, HTX and HHX NOT participates in this summer's SB TLUS event for brown and black belts. As these are all-important study preparatory youth programs which provide access to higher education.

In Denmark, the grade point average cannot be changed afterwards, as in many other countries. It would therefore be against Shindenkan's value set not to support JokoTeens in their future work opportunities and contribution to society.

This means that if the JokoTeen has normally participated in other SBTLUS and fulfills all other requirements up to, the possibility of graduation progression will not be interrupted if the graduate in spe in the following year – 12 months – fulfills the same requirements as apply to everyone else.

However, a dispensation can be granted if the JokoTeen does not have to use this preparatory youth education for studies where the grade point average is paramount.

Kohaku-jin stop tests; Physical test, Shiai and stamina test;
1. The lower degree awarded by the documented Labor Market Agency is deducted from the fitness requirement, cf. detailed rules on this. Eg. Cooper's test, 5 %; 2,423 mi instead of norm. 2,550 m

2. The documented Labor Market Agency's assigned minus degree of 5 % and 8 % normally has no influence on the Shiai and stamina test requirements. Otherwise, this is decided first by Shindenkan's sports medicine specialist assessment and in the last instance by Honbu's chief instructor.

3. The documented Labor Market Agency's assigned level of 10 % and up, the same rules will apply, but it is one requirement that Shindenkan's sports medicine specialist assess the various stop tests and in the last instance by Honbu's chief instructor. So that there is no worsening of damage. This will often be about alternative substitute stop tests

4. EVERYTHING will be done confidentially in accordance with Shindenkan's policy in the area, which is more restrictive than that of public authorities.

Visualization of multi-track and single-track grades
The original martial arts systems are multi-tracked as they were complete martial arts systems developed for the needs of the complete warrior and leader. In our case, it was the leading Japanese samurai and therefore Yakami Shinsei-ryu has more than 1,000 years of history behind it. The needs changed and martial arts became martial arts. The multi-track martial arts systems were divided and separated into their technical individual parts, and became single-track martial arts systems. Today known as Judo, Jiujitsu, Karate, Kendo, Aikido, etc.

There is a big difference between being a fully qualified doctor, engineer, lawyer, economist, blacksmith, carpenter etc., and having taken a single subject in the study line doctor, engineer, lawyer, economist, blacksmith, carpenter.

In the old days we explained "That there is a big difference between the whole pizza and a pizza slice".

But in martial arts, a black belt is - yes, a black belt. There is no international standardization.

Since Yakami Shinsei-ryu is a traditional martial art system with 1,000 years of history, and a belt system like all other martial arts systems; colored belts, brown belts and black belts, our practitioners have had to spend unnecessary energy and time explaining the differences.

They don't need this anymore. They must now answer curious questions for their belt.

* You can now see the difference between multi-track and single-track grades
* No one is in doubt about rallies – internally as well as externally

* It creates curiosity among our members and supporters

* We discreetly communicate our real competences

* We honor our heritage from 1967.


The management structure of Shindenkan anno 2014

The Shindenkan association's general assembly elects the association board.

Honbu, including Shindenkan's competence and development center's general assembly, elects the Honbu board, which usually consists of chief instructors and sr. Instructors from the local schools' general assemblies.

SOPORG, is the inter-organisational and interdisciplinary coordination committee, where the federation chairman, the federation vice-chairman, Honbu's chairman and deputy chairman, as well as an elected representative, act as day-to-day practical unpaid and voluntary management.

In order to make the democratic basis as broad as possible, but at the same time also make it as practically efficient as possible, it has been decided to set up an Executive Committee whose purpose is to make the operation as efficient as possible. Because it is voluntary and unpaid work, it does not have to be boring and ineffective.

This must be done through broader coordination, knowledge sharing and follow-up of local and national operational managers, including an assurance that all continuous improvement proposals are heard, discussed and can be swiftly implemented if this is decided. The Executive Committee meets three times a year for 4-6 hours.

Finally, a BIG welcome to Jokokan Gentofte Karate School, which opens its doors on September 4!

Have fun and have a great season 2014-2015

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

Get excited - it's coming soon

Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Get excited - it's coming soon

Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
