By Martin E. Hansen, Member until 2018

Then it was time for the second review of the POMW C1. The first review had been held in spring 2012 and now in autumn 2012, another team was ready for the course.

The course is a review of range shooting and the whole essence of shooting, which has been served to Shindenkan on a golden platter by Kimu Sensei. That is that Kimu Sensei has spent enormous resources and effort to find out what modern weapons are and how they actually work?

From all his learning, he has boiled it down and extracted the essence, which has then been introduced into the Shindenkan POMW Shooting Techniques Handbook.

There is no doubt that everyone who has gone through the POMW courses can thank Kimu Sensei for the learning and the results they have achieved. If he had not had the right attitude and will, and had plowed the trail that others could follow, then the learning would not have gone as it has and the results would have been accordingly.

So on behalf of the entire organization, a HUGE thank you must be said for the great work and for your faith in us all.

The team that was now ready for POMW C1 and of course also future teams, will also be able to benefit from the fact that the deep plate has been invented and that they "just" have to listen and learn, in order to achieve the same result as others have.

POMW C1 was opened with a status at the SDK Shooting Association, which since the last course had been established and approved by the Danish Shooting Union, Ballerup Municipality and the police. At the same time, there was also a recap from POMW A and B. Safety, hand positions, correct use of aiming devices and, of course, setting. All of which are essential for shooting. All of this is connected by a strong common thread.

POMW C1 is a dry training course where airguns and SIRT pistols are used together with discs in sizes that can simulate different distances. The participants start by shooting from 3 meters and then move out to 5 – 7 and 11 meters. For each distance, the individual shooter must shoot his very best and for each time, evaluate his shots and, of course, also get feedback from the instructor on where the improvements should be found.

After the 11 meters, you move forward again towards 7-5 and 3 meters and for each distance the learning points from the first shooting should be taken with you and improved.

In the weeks between POMW B and C1. the participants have had the opportunity to practice safety, hand positions, correct use of aiming devices and, of course, setting.

POMW C1 will quickly show how extensive the self-training has been. Most can hit safely and well at 3 meters. But already at 5 meters it starts to be felt and seen if the exercises at home have not been 100%. And of course it will be in the same track at 7 and 11 meters. Anyone who has attended the POMW courses can nod in recognition without hesitation that practice makes perfect and a lot of practice makes great 🙂

During the POMW courses, the participants also get to try using SIRT pistols. SIRT pistols are precision laser pistols that many – if not all – of the world's elite forces use as training pistols. They deliver a laser dot where you hit and have the same weight and trigger as a real Glock pistol. The purpose of this training is to be able to practice dry training with the "real" product and it gives really good results.

During POMW C1, the participants were divided into teams and each team received approx. 5-10 minute dry training with a SIRT gun. A really good tool and a really good way to train.

As this Friday night came to an end, all the participants could go home with a sense of success. Even one of our JokoTeens, who along the way had to go from shooting with the right hand to shooting with the left, due to an unresolved sprain of the hand, was shown to himself that success is achieved when you have the right attitude and will.

The next course under POMW will be POMW C2 in January 2013, where the participants will be challenged in areas such as dry training in movement and shooting between several targets. On this course, previous participants also come along, so that they get a recap and thus get ready for POMW 2, which is wet training in the SDK Shooting Association.

So all Shindenkaners who are in the POMW course can look forward to 2013. It will be a "shot" good year 🙂

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