By Martin Hansen, Member until 2018

Spring slowly peeked out on a Saturday morning in April, when the 20 participants for the POMW course showed up at Tjørnelyskolen in Greve. For approx. half of them it was a recap of POMW 1 TSM C&D and prelude to the POMW 2 course, for the others the end of POMW 1. Kimu Sensei has already tried POMW 1, 2, 3 and 4 for that matter and is also further in POMW the end of the project, which is about rifles and LRS (long range shooting). Therefore, this repetition was also a handover of the POMW 1 course to the 2 instructors Søren Renshi and Martin Renshi, who were to be responsible for today's teaching, with the help of Jens Hanshi-dai and Claus Shishu behind the scenes. Before the day of the course, the 2 instructors had already spent many hours in the company of Kimu Sensei to agree how the course should proceed, which happens before each handover. Kimu Sensei is responsible for all development in Shindenkan, which is the time stealer and the hard work, and the other instructors can then help with the operation. That's how it will be until there is one more Menkyo one day 🙂

The evening before, the 2 instructors with the help of Kjeld, Claus, Karsten and Oliver had managed most of the line-up and the dress rehearsal before the almost 8 course hours had to be held the following day. At At 8.30 on Saturday morning, today's course started with an hour and a half long power point show that took the participants on a journey through, among other things, POMW history, the development of the firearm, the man behind the weapon, war and peace and much else good to stimulate the mind and curiosity. Søren Renshi ended the presentation by once again reviewing POMW shooting technique and safety, which is the essence of the POMW course, and the foundation just as basic training is in karate. If you can do this first, shooting really becomes very easy, you just have to aim and hit 🙂

So the first practical exercise for the participants was together as a pair, assessing and observing each other's shooting technique. The gun must be held correctly, the body must have the right posture, arms and legs must be used correctly, etc. It is a healthy exercise to look at each other, because often you can see things that need to be corrected in the other person, which you probably also even doing wrong. In continuation of this exercise, airguns were filled with CO2 and bullets and the participants now had to do a recap on range shooting from different distances. Shooting is not possible without food and drink, so after this lesson there was just half an hour squeezed in, where the participants could enjoy the accompanying packs and in groups discuss the day's training and results.

The next lesson was new, except for those who were on the recap, namely transition shooting and trigger control (called shoot and reset). Transitions means in shooting that you switch between several targets. The participants were divided into 2 teams, where one team used Airguns and the other used the less whining and noisy SIRTs (laser pistols). With SIRT, new target targets were also introduced to the participants, namely the original 6-sided IPSC targets with Alpha, Charlie and Delta zones, allowing them to get used to them as well, should they wish to progress to POMW 3. Shoot and reset is included in order to be able to shoot faster and with control once real ammunition is in the gun. This lesson was naturally replaced by the next one, where the participants were divided into 3 groups, which were sent out to each their own "stage" - shooting with an airgun in motion (back and forth and to the side), SIRT against IPSC targets in motion and finally stationary with airgun against plates and poppers at several distances and depths. This lesson aimed to introduce the participants to practical shooting (multiple target types, all distances and on the move) culminating in the final lesson of the day which was IPSC with airgun. Each participant had the opportunity to get through the course, which consisted of the 3 stages put together. Here, the set of rules from the IPSC was used, which the participants had become accustomed to during the previous exercise. They also had to change magazines along the way, and thus they had virtually all elements from IPSC shooting with them.

Another POMW course was held and according to statements and facial expressions it was a positive experience, which you can read more about when articles from the course are published here on the website. Now the POMW course moves outdoors, where Kimu Sensei as POMW chief instructor and developer, holds POMW 2 at Hanebjerg in Hillerød. Here the participants have to start the "wet training", i.e. weapons with live ammunition. It will be a combination of 0.22 salon pistol and 9mm coarse pistol. After POMW 2, it is voluntary if the participants and the wallet want to continue into the equally exciting POMW 3, which is realistically applied shooting (Terrain shooting, mini-IPSC) only with coarse weapons and SIRT (When shooting in motion) . This course is also a good prelude if the participants, like all the POMW instructors, want to take an IPSC A license.

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