Jujutsu course 1 – fall technique

A fall is not a "smart move" you make in a match.

A fall is an unwanted and often desperate situation. And there regardless of whether it happens as part of a fight where the opponent throws you; if you overlooked a spot of ice the caretaker has not got the gravel; or if someone has run out in front of your bike and you are now in the air on your way to the ground.
And now it's time! For now you have to make the best of that situation 🙂

For the 15 Shindenkaners who took part in the course, it happened by learning to fall correctly. In Shindenkan, we do this by training in slow motion and programming the body. Then we also get to know our body, center of gravity and balance even better.
Also in this connection it helps to use your imagination. For Jokokidz, who is used to tumbling, this means playing bench bits that roll up.
Adults can also use that image, but given that the course started at 10 Sunday morning, it was also possible to imagine folding up and rolling... Down to just take another hour on the eye 🙂
Everyone had the opportunity to show that they were soft and delicious, and rolled just as well as a ball - both forwards and backwards, and that they could fall on both sides.

At the end of the course, there was also an opportunity to train weather turbines, and by using Shindenkan's step-by-step learning, everyone succeeded in making weather turbines - even those who had sworn off it.

The course ended after 3 hours, and everyone had put in a good effort, broken a limit or two, and was now better equipped to face the last remaining winter and icy pavement, before spring takes hold in Denmark

Sincerely. Kjeld Renshi-dai, instructor at JuJutsu 1.

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