Friday 12 August at 12.00 I left for RR Camp 11.2, which is a 48-hour leadership training course for Shindenkan's Chief Instructors, where one of the goals is to prepare and consolidate the individual Shindenkan schools' plan for the coming season.

RR Camp 11.2 is also a kick off for season 2011 / 2012 and as a starting point it is necessary that all Chief Instructors are guided through Honbu-dojo's strategic plan 2010-2015, so that all Shindenkan's member schools start on the same page and that the schools' individual plans support the strategic plan.

RR Camp Yes Yes? - What is it really about?
RR Camp IS individual leadership training by me as chief instructor and a baseline or a foundation is created on me, my wishes and the history I have with me and my ability to live up to my full potential.

This does not only apply to me, ALL the head instructors are all asked to go deep within themselves and recognize their strengths and weaknesses, indicate how far they will go with their own development as a leader and commit to the personal plan that comes out of that.

This means that I have a personal and individual plan for what I have to achieve and do during the entire strategy period.

For each Shindenkan member school, a plan is also laid out for what needs to be achieved in the strategic plan, and at RR Camp 11.2, head instructors make a detailed plan to secure the season ahead.

A detailed plan which contains a school's EcoWheel, i.e. the investments the school must make and how this can be met, which growth targets are needed, the school's plan to secure coaching resources, a plan for premises applications to ensure the school's survival for another season, a plan for application for activity grants for members, plan for recruitment campaigns and resources to carry out campaigns.

This is extremely important, not least in this season, when several of us head instructors are opening extra schools for even more happy Shindenkan members, whom we are very much looking forward to receiving and being with.

In order for this to be a success, I as head instructor, the schools I am responsible for and their plan fulfillment are controlled and measured according to Shindenkan's 5 key success factors. These are now integrated as a fixed part of the planning.

This means that I, as chief instructor, after RR Camp 11.2, have a school-specific and individual plan for what I have to achieve for the 2 schools I am responsible for during the entire strategy period.

All plans are challenged in plenary and not least by Kimu Sensei who, with great overview and organization, ensures a very high and uniform standard in all Shindenkan member schools and their plans.

As head instructor, I was held fast again and again by Kimu Sensei on both my individual level and my school level and the motto: "The wheel and the deep plate have already been invented".

At RR Camp's, it is crucial that everyone contributes what they have or can, so that knowledge is cemented through everyone's learning from each other, because a strong leadership team in Shindenkan is a strong Shihan-kai where everyone is involved.

This was and is instructive for me – no matter what starting point I come from, it becomes clear where the weaknesses in me and my plans are J

So what exactly is RR Camp?
As can be seen from the above, after RR Camp 11.2, I have both a personal plan for me as chief instructor and a completed roadmap for my Shindenkan schools. This is invaluable to me.

RR Camp is for those who want to both take responsibility for their own development and take responsibility for the development of others... In other words, RR Camp is training for leaders in Shindenkan.

There is no doubt that season 2011 / 2012 will be an eventful season for Shindenkan - I look forward to experiencing it with you.

Shindenkan Archives

Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

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Association chairmen, chronologically since 1988
