Jojutsu 1 – the secret of the staff.

By Agnes Schwartz, Member until 2015

Jojutsu is the fifth weapon in the series of competency courses before the famous black belt. The course was held over 2×3 hours, as well as 2 hours of intensive training at X-mas camp 2010.

First part of the course, we were introduced to Joen's story. About how it got the length that we also use today. As in the other courses that are held at Shindenkan, we Shindenkaners managed to get a huge story on our sleeves, practice practice practice.

We were told about being in Shindenkan as we progressed through the Kyu grades and the responsibility we had as role models and communicators of Shindenkan's values and learning principles.

I thought it was one thing to be able to read the strips. You must also be able to explain them in an unexpected situation, whether it was to a Joko kidz, its parent or a wondering adult.

We were given some good tools to use when we were challenged to knock over boards and bricks with our bare fists and forehead. Of course, we had to use our common sense and use both a saw and the head - on a hammerJ

Regarding learning principles and values, you have to dig a little in yourself to find a "real answer"

How do you yourself interpret the principles and values?

A genuine answer is with sincerity and the famous attitude. A real answer is not a strip, or something you heard from someone else, you have to find yourself in the values and learning principles - i.e. role models.

Into the Dojo for the practical part.

As in Kotachi and Ken-jutsu courses, we were introduced to

  • etiquette
  • kamai
  • kihon
  • walking kihon
  • offensive
  • defensive

Here, someone will probably think that it is a relatively easy course, since you already have the others, so it is probably just a matter of building on it. Because there can't be that many kamai and techniques.

Yes, it is there.

And as an added bonus, you have to learn your basics all over again. Everything you think you can do, you can't. It is so insanely difficult to screw up in a correct zen/kokutsu dachi, at the same time you also have to do the technique with your Jo. If your base was revealed when you were training Ken and Kotachi, you could say that Joen shouted your mistake right in your head.

You simply have to start all over again. Correct leg position and correct movement.

So how do you do that?

  • stand in narrow zenkutsu dachi with the weight 30/70
  • slide into kokutsu dachi with the weight 70/30
  • turn down in zenkutsu dachi again with the weight 50/50
  • (this is where you make the famous bends and bends in the hips and knees. It hurts like hell and it tightens your whole body, but this is where you are approaching something that is useful)
  • the back leg must now go up to the front and here it is important to think about your weight distribution, because your basic position must not change.

Now it wasn't just sweat and body aches. Kimu Sensei also showed some cool tricks and techniques which we practiced diligently.

But it hurt, but as a true Shindenkaner I'm just cool and ready for more.

Because true strength comes from within and we have that in Shindenkan.

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