RRCamp10.1 – 4-7.dan leadership development conference

With 26 intense hours with a maximum of 1-2 hours of sleep, the Honbu strategy 2010-2015 was launched.

Honbu Strategy 2005-2010 "Fill the ranks" was calculated on all main goals and focal points, which was reviewed in detail at Shindenkan Denmark's general meeting on May 21, 2010.

Strat10 has been extremely successful both nationally and internationally, and has really put Shindenkan on the map with public recognition at the highest level, as a highly professional, structured, competent and very well-run organization, which is gathered around the martial arts system; Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do.

Honbu's strategy 2010-2015 continues to focus on "Filling out the ranks", but on a higher and broader level of competence.  

During Strat10, we managed to produce the first black belt in the multi-track martial arts system; Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do, as well as one 2nd dan and four 1st dans in the single track karate-do system; Bujutsu Kodosokukai Gensei-ryu Karate-do, which can be compared to other single-track karate-do systems of a more well-known kind.

At the higher end, we also manage under Strat10 to produce one 6.dan and four 4.dan in the multi-track martial arts system; Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do, as well as one 6th dan, one 5th dan and three 4th dans in the single track karate-do system; Bujutsu Kodosokukai Gensei-ryu Karate-do.

Last but not least, it also succeeded in producing a Densho degree INKA, Sr.Grandmaster in Yashin Mon.Yakami no Taijutsu, which is Soke Sensei Tonegawa's more than 1,000-year-old family martial art system, when this degree was passed in Japan, 2007 by Kimu Sensei, who had five Japan training camps during the strategy period.

Shindenkan has recognized that all development and change begins at the top, and nothing in life stands still, which means that everyone must develop. This is especially true for the top, as Shindenkan pays tribute to the principle of "Walk the talk".

This is also the reason why RRCamp10.1 was discontinued so that Honbu Strat15 could be launched with a bang!. RR may well stand for Rolls Royce in a figurative sense, but the content is Ryugi and Ryuha, the meaning of which you can look up yourself if you are interested in it.

The vision behind RRCamps is thought, word and action that no knowledge should be lost, but transferred to generation after generation, to where people are. The thought of if no knowledge and experience had been lost throughout the history of humanity is very breathtaking and alluring, and probably the closest a person can get to "god", who is by definition omniscient in all religions and natural philosophies.

This thought and vision is absolutely not new, but has been pervasive throughout history and philosophy throughout the entire development of humanity in both East and West. Spiritually and religiously, it is the idea of the "Enlightened man - Satori, Nirvana, Paradise etc".

Most people have probably all at one time or another had similar attractive and fascinating thoughts, without it having to go into extremism and fundamentalism, - just the idea that no knowledge and experience should be lost and is therefore constantly expanding.

In Shindenkan we have various wise mottos which are very old and therefore we have not invented these. These mottos express in a way the wisdom and experience of the wise men of the past expressed in one or very few sentences; "You can do much more than you and others tell you", "You are never too old to learn", "You are the center of your life and the responsibility is yours", "Everyone can learn from the mistakes of others, a true leader learns most of others", "All creation begins with yourself", etc.

All of this is exactly what RRCamps is about. However, we have recognized that "Rome was not built in a day", so we meet where people are and take it from there.

No matter how successful the Strat10 was, life continues eternal change, new needs and opportunities arise. Therefore, RRCamps focus on management development with the individual starting point in the participants, but actively use the others in a TEAM collaboration, where you first work with theory, then your own examples that lead to self-knowledge, which must then lead to an action, where thoughts, words and action becomes a process of creation.

It was therefore an extremely intense process, constantly on the big blade and high output wattage on all fronts, which is described in more detail in the participants' experience and assessment articles about it, which you can find under "The wheel and the deep plate" very soon.

The intense learning process over 26 hours, which consisted of both Teamwork and individual work and feedback, was only interrupted twice by physical training sessions, where, based on the latest scientific discoveries about effective physical training, this was taught with a high degree of detail - both in terms of fitness and strength training.

All RRCamps will include this, so that all participants become experts in all the different forms of physical fitness training at the highest level.

Despite being early in the season after the summer holidays, - all participants showed relatively good paces with fitness status varying with an average output watt of 220-270 Watts over 25 minutes on the bike, average 1:52-2:07 minutes per cycle. 500 m over 25 minutes on the rowing machine (level 6), and an average running speed of 12.5-15:00 km/h over 25 minutes on the treadmill.

After which this was followed up with approx. 30 minutes of correct strength training on the large muscle groups, which purposefully promoted strength, endurance and explosiveness, as a good support and supplement to Yakami Shinsei-ryu Karate-do.

Three annual RRCamps by invitation are planned for 4.dan – 7.dan. August and September, which are two day conventions and January, which is a 3 day convention and leadership development seminar. In addition, there will be an annual black belt summer training seminar from 1.dan - 7.dan, which will last 2 days. During all seminars Honbu's chief instructor will; Kimu Sensei will be the leading teacher and be responsible for the seminar preparation.

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Game Education - Countess

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Game Education - SamuraiViking officers

SamuraiViking officers – As the general and military strategist Sun Tsu said; "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight, and Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

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