Instructor camp and graduations

By Jokokan Honbu

This year's instructors' camp was also the culmination of a long graduation process with targeted preparations since January for five Jokokaners; three school head instructors and two school instructors.

All instructor graduations take place over five stages, which are also final exams:

  1. Physical test - which ensures that the graduate has the necessary physical shape for the graduation process and mental process discipline according to setting seen over time.
  2. Syllabus test - which ensures that the graduate has the necessary skills and knowledge according to the level of requirements and responsibility in Yakami-ryu techniques, toolboxes and philosophy.
  3. Theoretical thesis test - which ensures that the graduate has independently formed images and opinions about the given key subject or free key subject.
  4. Shiai – free combat – which ensures that the graduate can use technique and psyche, and gain self-insight under extreme pressure and realism during full-contact combat with a minimum of restriction rules.
  5. Graduation course and teaching - which ensures that the graduate can integrate, understand, and communicate knowledge and technique with confidence and overview under all conditions to other people of all ages.

The physical test was held on June 7 & 12, 2006 in the TEAM Danmark center, Nautilus in Ballerup under stricter mutually agreed requirements and self-selection.

It should be noted that the contents of the circles and minimum requirements can be seen on Jokokan's website: Jokokan's Physical Requirements. However, it should be noted that the cycling takes place on an exercise bike, medium load, cadence 130-135, corresponding to approx. 230-250 watts constantly during the course.

The very high cadence and medium effect mean that during the course the practitioner almost constantly works close to his maximum heart rate and stress level. For both running and cycling, it applies that the number of km, time limits and time must not only be met, but also determine the hardness of the subsequent exercise – gold, silver or bronze circle.

Furthermore, before the physical test, one has self-assessed and chosen the physical test within the minimum and maximum requirements for it. It is therefore also a requirement that the graduate adheres to "I do as I say and say as I do".

This is not stated on the website. Everyone passed without any major problems and in high spirits.

The thesis consisted of a limited task, where the graduates had to independently investigate and compare Yakami-ryu Pinan 1-4 with the understanding and execution of other systems. Yakami-ryu has the mindset and philosophy that it is not maximally conducive to be closed in a "cheese bell", as this often creates judgmental, intolerant and less knowledgeable instructors, as the world out there is very big. The graduates' thesis was between 8-23 pages, depending on the degree level.

All theses were of very high quality and became a big "eye opener" for two of the graduates, who did not have as much practical and theoretical insight into other systems as the others. All passed.

The annual instructor camp is the culmination of the entire season's black and brown belt training, where all instructors are challenged primarily to their mental limit, but often also physically.

There is never anything secret about the purpose and techniques of such a camp. But all participants most often end up in the lonely inner battle, which, however, in the long run will bring them forward towards new horizons, self-insight and understanding. This was also the case with this camp, which all participants consider at the same time as the toughest they have experienced mentally and physically so far.

Despite all the instructors being in reasonably good shape, everyone was pushed physically beyond all limits. Most thought that the physical test was a "Sunday excursion" compared to the I-camp.

This, in combination with the psychological pressure, had a reinforcing effect, where everyone fought to the best of their ability and survival, where everyone still had to meet all the quality requirements that graduates must for a Yakami-ryu graduation course. An instructor's camp consists of both "hard" and "soft" activities, and all must be fulfilled in order to pass.

Yakami-ryu shiai freestyle is held when the graduates are physically and mentally at the limit of their abilities. This is because all defenses are gone and only the "raw material" – the true knowledge of good and evil, stands unprotected and free. This, of course, where the graduate fights for his own survival at the limit of his own ability and inner struggle.

The purpose is not the "Macho - show-off aspect", although this is so close to a full-contact "Street fight" between top-trained elite sportsmen. The aim is self-insight, which can be actively used in later life. The graduate cannot lie to himself and all his "colleagues", as everyone can see the cash settlement, physical and psychological reaction.

There is only one way forward; either the graduate sees himself for better or worse and uses this self-knowledge and insight actively and constructively in life, or the graduate stops in one way or another; either by saying stop, looking into other systems with less demands, or recognizing that the peak has been reached and enrolling in Yakami-ryu level 4; Room for everyone.

The I camp is always a Yakami-ryu stage 3 camp, where there is not room for everyone and the requirements are much greater.

It should also be said that Yakami-ryu shiai is only used for instructor graduations and is therefore a small part of Yakami-ryu step 3.

This year there were a total of 24 matches with very high intensity. A side effect was four knock-outs and eight technical knock-outs (incapacitated/count). Physically, minor injuries to the body such as crushed ribs, sprained and broken toes and a quick visit to the emergency room.

However, this was no more serious than the fact that all instructors could be active participants and instructor team teachers at this year's summer camp for everyone with a smile on their face, which is another Jokokan characteristic, that we do not make unnecessary fuss over things and matters, which are not serious or we cannot do anything about. We try very hard to live up to our mottos:

1). We do as we say and say as we do
2). One for all and all for one.
3). You can do much more than you or others impose on yourself by limitations.

It was a great joy that all the graduates passed. Jokokan Honbu-dojo wishes the following graduates a hearty congratulations:

Soren Nielsen
Chief instructor
Jokokan Amager 

OMOTE Grade: 2nd dan senior, Yakami-ryu Gensei karate-do (Honbu 4)
URA Degree: SHODEN (Hiden), Yakami-ryu Karate-do (Honbu 3).
Martin Hansen
Chief instructor
Jokokan Korsør
OMOTE Grade: 2nd dan senior, Yakami-ryu Gensei karate-do (Honbu 4)
URA Degree: SHODEN (Hiden), Yakami-ryu Karate-do (Honbu 3).
Kjeld Nyrup
Chief instructor
Jokokan Frederiksberg     
OMOTE Grade: 2nd dan senior, Yakami-ryu Gensei karate-do (Honbu 4)
URA Degree: SHODEN (Hiden), Yakami-ryu Karate-do (Honbu 3).   

Brian Jessen
Jokokan Battle

OMOTE Grade: 1.kyu, Yakami-ryu Gensei karate-do (Honbu 4)
URA Degree: 3.kyu, Yakami-ryu Karate-do (Honbu 3).
Rune Larsen
Jokokan Ballerup
OMOTE Grade: 1.kyu, Yakami-ryu Gensei karate-do (Honbu 4)
URA Degree: 3.kyu, Yakami-ryu Karate-do (Honbu 3).

There was also a sixth up for graduation. However, this graduate was in a markedly different situation than the other graduates, as he trains in the Yakami-ryu level 2 system, where the requirements are significantly higher than for level 3.

In short and squarely put, the graduate is "day & night" under a constant and urgent graduation process from degree to degree - from "life to death" when Yakami-ryu step 2 is trained - Yakami-ryu Taijutsu, the original martial art system.

In addition to participating in all level 4 and level 3 training camps, the graduate also attends three very demanding 2-4 day training camps annually, 16 hours a day, as well as weekly teaching lessons.

During the 4-6.dan training camp from 16-17 June, the graduate had a rediscovered significant breakthrough, which was also manifested during the instructor training camp, where the graduate had a limited task. A "black-and-white" task which would be highly frustrating and inhibiting if the graduate did not fulfill the task, and the opposite if the graduate fulfilled the bound task.

Honbu-dojo 2 wishes the following graduate a hearty congratulations after 32 years of training and practice – of which 17 years in Yakami-ryu:

Jens Iversen
Instructor Honbu dojo
Chief Instructor KYU
Jokokan Ballerup
OMOTE grade: 5th dan senior, Yakami-ryu Gensei karate-do (Honbu 4)
URA Degree: OKUDEN (Hiden), Yakami-ryu Karate-do (Honbu 3).

Jokokan Honbu-dojos and Jokokan Federation wish all Jokokaners, supporters, friends and readers worldwide a very good new season and year.

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